Lewis Evans’s founding collection of manuscript treatises on dialling and related themes formed the core around which the archives have developed over the years. The collection embraces a great variety of source material in the history of science, with scientific instruments, practical mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, microscopy, and Oxford science as particular strengths.
The nature of archival materials and the Museum’s broad interpretation of its theme mean that the scope of the collection can seem rather miscellaneous. From an early fake Copernicus letter to King Charles II’s address book, from mechanically-generated ‘spiraloid’ curves to drawings of mites or the Moon, the manuscript collection is full of surprises and treasures. Being part of a museum means that documents or whole collections are often directly related to objects, their donors or their contexts; being part of Oxford University and nearly next door to the great manuscript collections of the Bodleian Library has allowed the Museum to concentrate on preserving less mainstream materials, such as ephemera relating to instruments, papers of scientific amateurs, and also (in the more modern period) papers of several historians of science.
For general information about the Museum’s library and archival holdings, and access to them for researchers, see the library and archives introductory page. For more detailed guidance or specific research enquiries, consult the summary list that follows, or contact the archivist.

[Anon.], [Mirror of Wonders and Goal of Every Seeker in the Art of Medicine], folios 124v and 125r (right to left).
Summary list of manuscripts
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Manuscripts are listed by named collection; the shelfmark and correct designation of any item takes the form MS + collection-name + number, for example, MS Allen & Hanbury 2; the general or miscellaneous collection is MSS Museum; fuller descriptions are available, and for certain items much more detailed catalogues, either follow the links given or contact the archivist; all material is available for study by bona fide researchers, who should contact the archivist to discuss their needs and make arrangements well in advance
MSS Allen & Hanbury
Prescription records of Allen & Hanbury’s, pharmacists, and some earlier orders for chemical and pharmaceutical supplies, 1790-1894
Deposited on loan by Messrs Allen & Hanbury in 1945
1 Early orders for chemicals, drugs, and pharmaceutical supplies from the Plough Court pharmacy, 1795-1802
2 Collection of autograph medical prescriptions (174 prescriptions), 1822-73 and one item 1790, assembled by the Hanbury family
3-5 Three examples of prescription books from a chronological series designated by letters, 1840-72
6-9 Four examples of prescription books from an alphabetical series designated by alphabetical spans and volume numbers, 1875-94
[Other material from this provenance: MSS Museum 14, 27-28. Note: the prescription books (MSS Allen & Hanbury 3-9) are sample volumes only, other company records remain with the successor company Glaxo]
MSS Arnott
Sketchbooks and drawings of Audrey Juliet Arnott (1901-1974), medical illustrator, chiefly of surgical subjects, 1933-62; together with some related surgical illustrations
Transferred from the Department of Medical Illustration, Oxford, in 2001
summary list
1-63 Series of 61 sketchbooks containing drawings of surgical procedures, mostly made in operating theatres at the London Hospital and then at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, 1933-62 [numbers 15 and 35 were not received]
64 Mounted photographic artwork derived from Arnott’s drawings (7 items), 1934-45 and n.d.
65 Miscellaneous surgical illustrations: unsigned suite of coloured ?endoscopic drawings; unsigned piece of artwork with the halftone produced from it; item of original artwork by Margaret C. McLarty (1908-1996); copy photographs of illustrations by McLarty [modern copies from her book Illustrating Medicine and Surgery (1960)]
MSS Blundell
Papers and memorabilia of the Dollond family, optical instrument makers, chiefly family and personal items, 1728-1938; together with papers of some related families, 17th – early 19thC
Presented by Mrs M. D. Keates in 1998, including material initially deposited on loan by Mrs K. B. Blundell in 1978, and with additions
summary list
1 Published article by A. M. Broadley, mainly about scientific instrument makers’ trade cards, 1912
2 Peter Dollond’s certificate of fellowship of the American Philosophical Society, 1786
3 Letter to Susan Huggins from George Dollond snr, 1819
4 Certificate of freedom of the City of London issued to George Huggins (George Dollond jnr), 1827
5 Printed handbill or instruction sheet re the achromatic lens, [early 19thC]
6 Translation of part of an Italian work by Lorenzo Selva, re achromatic lenses, [late 18thC]
7 Journal of Susan Huggins for the years 1785-1847
8 Papers re the Long and Burgh families, early 19thC
9 Receipt for the burial expenses of William Dollond, 1893
10 Photocopy of exercise book belonging to Katherine Bertha Blundell (née Dollond) containing family trees and genealogical and biographical notes re the Dollond/Huggins families
11 Two printed leaflets re Sir Anthony Browne’s School, Brentwood, mentioning A. W. and H. B. Dollond, 1877
12 British Museum Reading Room ticket of A. W. Dollond, 1889
13 Newspaper and magazine cuttings re A. W. Dollond’s photographic work, 1890s
14 Letters patent granted to A. W. Dollond re tripods, 1885
15 Letter to A. W. Dollond from Kenric B. Murray, 1894
16 Incomplete issue of the European Magazine for August 1820
17 Issue of the Gentleman’s Magazine for July 1852
18 Telegram announcing the death of H. B. Dollond, 1938
19 Pen-and-ink set labelled ‘A Worthing Gift’, [early 19thC, perhaps belonging to Susan Huggins]
20 Volume containing fair copy of instructions and similar descriptive texts meant to accompany Dollond instruments, [late 18th/early 19thC]
21 George Dollond [snr]’s copy of J. F. W. Herschel’s published article “Light”, [1845]
22 Draft by Peter Dollond headed ‘An answer to a paper presented to the Royal Society by Mr Jesse Ramsden F.R.S. … relating to the invention of the achromatic Telescope’, [1789]
23 Scrapbook re the Dollond family and business, c.1752-1917, including: printed pamphlet by John Kelly, “The Life of John Dollond, F.R.S., Inventor of the Achromatic Telescope”, [reprinted] from the Philosophical Magazine, 1804; printed booklet The House of Dollond, [1917]; warrants appointing John and Peter Dollond Optician in Ordinary to His Majesty, 1761 and 1762; photograph of George Dollond [jnr, c.1852]; letter to Susan [Huggins] from P. Dollond, 1804; early Dollond trade labels, trade cards, and signatures; engraved portraits of John and Peter Dollond, latter 1820
24 Papers re the Long and Burgh/Brugh families, 17th – early 19thC
25 Front board and first pages of a book used as a family bible by the Long family, the book dated 1716
26 Front board and first pages of a French Bible used as a family bible by John Dollond, 1728-49
27 Certificates re the Dollond/Huggins family, 1831
28 Two certificates of conveyance for burial plots, issued to George Dollond [snr and jnr], 1849 and 1857
29 Certified copy of marriage certificate of William Dollond and Katherine Mary Long (1856), 1879
29 Certified copy of marriage certificate of William Dollond and Katherine Mary Long (1856), 1879
30 Series of 4 warrants appointing George Dollond Optician in Ordinary to His/Her Majesty, 1820, 1830, 1837, and 1853 [last refers to George Dollond jnr]
31 Two certificates of freedom granted by the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers to George Dollond [jnr], 1852, and to William Dollond, 1867
32 Two newspaper cuttings re A. W. Dollond’s school days, 1877-78
33 Documents re A. W. Dollond’s patents, 1885-88, including letters patent re tripods, 1886
34 Correspondence of A. W. Dollond (6 letters), 1889-94
35 Photographic journals and extracts containing published papers by A. W. Dollond, 1895-1906
36 Certificate granting Alfred Dollond ‘Permission to Photograph Scenery’ in West Wickham Common, 1903
37 Descriptions of an ‘Explosion Engine’ (for motor cars) by A. W. Dollond, 1905
38 Documents re A. W. Dollond’s M.B.E., 1920-21
39 Photograph of two ladies on a large-wheeled, tandem tricycle
40 Original copper plate for the engraved portrait of Peter Dollond (with small telescope) by J. Thomson, [1820]
41 Framed and glazed engraved portrait of Peter Dollond (as above), from the European Magazine, 1820
42 Certificate of freedom of the City of London issued to William Dollond, 1854
43 Impression in red wax of ‘The Seal of The Spectacle-Makers Company Lond: Incorp: 1629’, in turned wooden box
44-46 Three examination and prize medals of A. W. Dollond, n.d. and 1887-88
47 Silver M.B.E. medal in case [belonging to A. W. Dollond]
[Other material relating to the Dollonds: MS Museum 59; MS Radcliffe 29. There are further business and family papers at the Guildhall Library, London. Some recent additions are not yet included in the list]
MSS Bowen
Papers and correspondence of Edmund John Bowen (1898-1980), chemist and historian, especially relating to his historical interests, 1921-80
Presented by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, on behalf of Dr H. J. M. Bowen and Mrs Bowen, in 1981
summary list
A1 Obituary of Bowen from The Times, 1980
A2 Photocopy of Bowen’s curriculum vitae and list of publications
A3 Autobiographical reminiscences prepared by Bowen in 1973
A4 ‘Notes on Research Work of E. J. Bowen et al.’, up to c.1957
A5-A9 Letters of congratulation on Bowen’s election as F.R.S., 1935
A10 Correspondence re honours and awards, 1960-68, including letter from the Royal Society announcing the award of the Davy Medal, 1963
A11-A16 Miscellaneous correspondence (arranged chronologically), 1931-80
A17 Offprints of Bowen’s published papers re photochemistry, 1921-63
B1 Draft on the history of atomic and molecular concepts in chemistry
B2 ‘Notes on the concepts of the Electron, Atom, Molecule, etc.’
B3 Draft entitled ‘The Progress of Photochemistry’ (up to 1969)
B4 ‘Notes on early spectroscopy’
B5 Printed pamphlet by M. Purver and E. J. Bowen, The Beginning of the Royal Society, 1960, together with photocopy of related poem
B6 Drafts entitled ‘Science and Scientists at Oxford’
B7 Notes mainly re history of Oxford science
B8 ‘Oxford Physical Science from 1850’ (probably a talk)
B9 ‘Chemistry at Oxford’, 1969
B10 Miscellaneous papers originally kept with preceding, some unrelated, 1934-69
B11 ‘The Alembic Club. The First Fifty Years’, 1967
B12 Notes, drafts, and printed matter re the Alembic Club
B13 ‘Oxford University Chemical Club’, [c.1967]
B14 Offprint of article “The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford 1853-1940”, 1970
B15 Letters of thanks from colleagues on receipt of copies of preceding, some containing their reminiscences, 1971
B16 Earlier account of the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, 1969, and related notes and photographs
B17 Draft re Oxford science in the 17thC
B18 Draft entitled ‘Robert Boyle, 1627-1691’
B19 Offprint of Bowen’s Royal Society memoir of “Dalziel Llewellyn Hammick, 1887-1966”, 1967, and other obituaries of Hammick; and related letters
B20 Draft and proof of Bowen’s obituary of “Sir Harold Hartley”, and obituaries by others, 1972-73
B21 Draft and offprint of Bowen’s obituary of “Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, 1897-1967”, 1967, and related printed matter
B22 Letters from colleagues commenting on Bowen’s obituaries of Hammick and Hinshelwood, 1967-70
B23 Drafts of obituary of ‘Dr. Bertram Lambert’, 1963, and related correspondence
B24 Offprint of Bowen’s obituary of “Dr. Peter Pringsheim”, 1965
B25 Drafts of obituary of ‘Dr. A. S. Russell’, and related printed matter, 1972
B26 Obituary of Sir Harold Thompson, and related printed matter, latter 1975-76
B27 Offprint of E. J. Bowen and Sir Harold Hartley, “The Right Reverend John Wilkins, F.R.S. (1614-1672)”, 1960
B28 Draft and offprint of preface to a festschrift for L. A. Woodward, and related papers and notes, 1969-76
B29 Photocopy of Bowen’s account of the history of ‘Park Town, Oxford’, 1976
[Other material from this provenance: MSS Museum 88, 153, 158, 167, 202 (early scientific research notes), 363. Bowen was also the source or intermediary for much archival material from Oxford chemists, chemistry laboratories, and societies received in the 1960s-70s (see MSS Museum)]
MSS Buxton
Manuscripts collected by Harry Wilmot Buxton (1805-1880), lawyer and scientific amateur, chiefly papers of Charles Babbage (1791-1871), mathematician and inventor, 1817-69; also some papers of John Lee (1783-1866), lawyer, antiquary, and astronomer, and of Sir John Ross (1777-1856), navigator and explorer; together with a few papers of Buxton himself, and later items, mostly relating to Babbage
Presented by Miss E. M. Buxton in 1994; initially deposited on loan by the Executors of the late Dr L. H. Dudley Buxton in 1939
summary list
1 Bound collection of papers and correspondence of John Lee (originally John Fiott), mostly re his early continental travel, 1814-66; preceded by Buxton’s biographical memoir of Lee
2 Bound collection of papers and correspondence of Sir John Ross, mostly personal, but also re his plans for the relief of Sir John Franklin, 1813-56 [one of the Franklin papers is bound in MS Buxton 1]
3 Transcriptions [by Buxton] of three writings by Charles Babbage: ‘The science of Number reduced to Mechanism’ (unfinished), an untitled account of the conception and early development of the difference engine (original 1822), and ‘On the mathematical powers of the Calculating Engine’ (original 1837)
4 Bound collection of printed papers by and belonging to Charles Babbage, chiefly privately-printed pamphlets and reprinted articles re the Scheutz calculating machine, the difference engine, Babbage’s mechanical notation, and the analytical engine, their original dates 1822-56; prefaced by a printed ‘List of Mr. Babbage’s Printed Papers’, [c.1864]
5 Printed pamphlet Sir H[arris] Nicolas, Statement of the Circumstances Respecting Mr. Babbage’s Calculating Engines, 1843
6 Printed pamphlet Charles Babbage, A Chapter on Street Nuisances, 3rd edition, 1864
7 Bound collection of MS writings by Charles Babbage, mainly re his calculating engines, 1822-69, including: ‘On the mathematical powers of the Calculating Engine’, 1837, ‘Of the Analytical Engine’, 1869, ‘Skeleton of Principles and Grammar of Mechanical Notation’, 1844-50, ‘Sketch of the principles of the Analytical Engine’, 1841, ‘The Analytical Engine’, 1869, and an untitled account of the conception and early development of ‘my calculating engine’ [the difference engine], 1822
8 Transcriptions [by Buxton] of various notes and unfinished writings by Babbage [mostly from originals in preceding]
9 Charles Babbage, ‘The Science of Number reduced to Mechanism’, [1839] (unfinished); early notes and drawings on the difference engine, beginning with the heading ‘Engine for table of differences’, [1821-22]
10-11 Corrected galley-proofs of Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, [published 1864], and miscellaneous notes
12 Further corrected galley-proofs of same, together with miscellaneous Babbage papers, including transcriptions of letters from Sir James South, J. F. W. Herschel, and E. Ryan, (originals 1826), and draft or copy of letter from Babbage to [Sir William Fairbairn], 1855
13 Charles Babbage, ‘The History of the Origin and Progress of the Calculus of Functions during the years 1809 1810 …….. 1817’, a narrative of the early mathematical discussions and correspondence of his Cambridge circle of friends, especially in the Analytical Society (founded 1812) and then after leaving Cambridge, including transcriptions of correspondence with Edward F. Bromhead, J. F. W. Herschel, W. H. Maule, and others
14 Calculation tables for loads at various prices, n.d.
15 Three books of tables calculated and printed on Scheutz machines, 1857, 1859, and 1862
16-17 MS of Buxton’s ‘Memoir of the life and labours of the late Charles Babbage Esq F.R.S. …’, [1870s, unpublished until 1988]
18 Offprint of L. H. Dudley Buxton, “Charles Babbage and his Difference Engines”, from Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 1933-34 (paper given 1933)
19 Correspondence about Babbage, and about the deposit of the Buxton collection in the Museum, 1934-39
[A Babbage letter of uncertain provenance is MS Gunther 57. The Museum’s other Lee papers are part of the Gunther collection, MSS Gunther 9-10, 16, 23, 35, 36-38, 39-41, 53, 92. Babbage’s technical notebooks and engineering drawings are in the Science Museum, London]
MSS Clifford
Notebooks of Cecil Frank Clifford (1903-1995), engineer and horologist, relating to his experimental work in horology, especially development of the magnetic escapement, 1946-82
Deposited on loan by Horstmann Group Ltd in 1989
summary list
1-153 Series of 135 numbered uniform notebooks of Cecil Clifford, containing experimental or laboratory notes and copy letters, 1946-82 [numbers 50-67 were not received]
MSS Collie
Papers of Carl Howard Collie (1903-1991), chemist and physicist, especially relating to his interests in radioactivity, nuclear physics and nuclear instrumentation, and electronics, c.1922-1989
Presented by Mrs D. Takiguchi in 1993
In process (small collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
[See MSS Museum 160, 161, 194-200]
MSS Edmonds
Some papers and correspondence of James Marmaduke Edmonds (1909-1982), geologist and historian, relating to certain aspects of his historical interests, 1949-81
Presented by Mrs J. Edmonds in 1983 and 1984
summary list
1-2 Notes, published articles, photocopies, and other papers assembled by Edmonds re Edward Lhuyd and his book, 1949-78
3-7 Notes and correspondence on the bibliographical details and the location of copies of Edward Lhuyd, Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (1699 and 1760), 1949-81
8 Notes from and transcriptions of correspondence between William Bateman and White Watson (the correspondence 1801-36)
9 Photocopies of J. E. Jackson’s lecture notes from William Buckland’s lectures on mineralogy and on geology (1832)
10-28 Research papers, correspondence, photocopies, and drafts of an introductory and explanatory text, re attendance at science lectures in early 19thC Oxford, the correspondence 1977-80
[Other material from this provenance: MS microfilm 59. The main collection of Edmonds’s papers is in the University Museum of Natural History, Oxford]
MSS Elliott
Archives and other papers of Elliott Brothers, scientific instrument manufacturers and electrical engineers, and of some associated companies, 1795-1979 with later additions; also some papers of Francis Watkins (1796-1847) and Watkins & Hill, scientific instrument makers, 1816-56
Presented by the Marconi Corporation in 2003
In process (large collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
MSS Evans
Manuscripts collected by Lewis Evans (1853-1930), paper manufacturer and sundial collector, chiefly illustrated treatises on sundials and other aspects of practical mathematics, 16thC – 1910s; also papers and correspondence of his great grandfather Revd Lewis Evans (1755-1827), mathematician and astronomer, 1767-1827, incorporating some papers of Thomas Simpson Evans (1777-1818), mathematician; together with papers and correspondence of Evans himself, 1878-1930. Lewis Evans was the founding benefactor of the Museum of the History of Science in 1924
Presented by Dr L. Evans in 1924 and 1928
summary list
1-5 Series of 5 pocket notebooks containing a course of 7 lectures on astronomy and the solar system, starting with ‘History of Antient Astronomy’ and ending with ‘Of Herschell and his 6 Satellites’, 1812
6 ‘Lecture Hist. of. Astron’ [a continuation of MS Evans 1]
7 ‘Lecture On the Tides’; and (other way) untitled lecture on astronomy, attacking superstitious interpretations of astronomical events
8 ‘On the Constellations’, lecture, (watermark 1803)
9 ‘Mnemonics’, notes and diagrams for a series of 7 lectures on mnemonic systems, (watermark 1809)
10 ‘Projectiles’; and (other way) ‘Of Pendulums’ and ‘The motion of bodies upon inclined planes’ (mathematical procedures and examples, not lectures)
11 Miscellaneous notes, scientific and otherwise, mostly 1805-06, including drawings of watch springs, and of a telescope, ‘Notes from Dr Higgins on Calcareous Cements’, and various recipes and calculations
12 Miscellaneous notes, scientific and otherwise, mostly 1817-20, including re the comet of 1819, and the solar eclipse of 1820
13 Early notebook containing mathematical problems and examples, originally dated 1767 [and probably used into the 1780s]
14 ‘Astronomical Memoranda’, 1811-12, containing rules, procedures, and equations for astronomical observations and calculations
15 Notes on physical and metrological subjects [in an unfamiliar hand, probably J. Fergusson’s], 1790; and (other way) notes mainly on wells, 1849-56, and rivers, 1873-91 [by Sir John Evans (1823-1908)]
16 Early notebook entitled ‘L E 1772 Curious Receipts & other Matters in Clock-Work’, 1770-74 and later additions, containing notes on clock and watch wheelwork, early personal notes, and various recipes etc
17 Group of miscellaneous mathematical and astronomical notes, (watermarks 1807-26), including cards [probably for use when lecturing], and a translation of ‘A new Instrument for comparing Linear measures by M. de Prony’ (1818) [latter by Thomas Simpson Evans]
18 Bundle of papers and correspondence, consisting of 3 groups: (1) ‘Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Mathematical School Christ’s Hospital’ [presumably by Thomas Simpson Evans]; and (other way) Cambridge examination questions (1817-18); (2) [Lewis Evans, ‘Of Observatories’, c.1814], draft of a practical treatise, with drawings, on the design, arrangement, and equipment of a small observatory; (3) letters to Lewis Evans on astronomy and mathematics, from A. Robertson, N. Maskelyne, T. Cock, Thomas Jones, H. Bartholomew, Thomas Taylor, 1788-1826, together with copies of other letters
19 ‘Practical Questions’, entitled inside ‘Practical Questions in Mensuration’, 1811-12 [and earlier]
20 ‘Equations’, entitled inside ‘Miscellaneous Equations’, 1817-26 [or earlier], containing solutions to algebraic equations
21-22 ‘Fluxions. 1’ and ‘… 2’, (watermarks 1807 and 1809)
23 ‘M. Fluxions’, (watermark 1796); and (other way) notes including ‘Burkhard’s construction of a Time-piece to shew both sidereal and mean time, from the Connaissance des Tems. 22’ and ‘A demonst[r]ation of Sir Isaac Newton’s Binomial Theorem …’ [published 1824]
24 ‘Geometrical Problems. Gunnery &c.’, 1800
25 ‘Miscellaneous Ma[t]hematics’, (watermark 1809)
26 Astronomical observations entitled ‘Computations of Mean Time from Sidereal Time. 1825 continued’, 1825-27
27 Mathematical notebook containing ‘Mensuration of Superficies’, ‘Mensuration of Solids’, and ‘Practical Questions in Mensuration’, a neatly written textbook of rules and examples, with diagrams
28-29 ‘A short account of the improvements gradually made in determining the Astronomic Refraction. By. T. S. Evans’, the final MS of an article, [published 1810/11]
30 ‘Cavallo’s Micrometer, Lowe’s Transit Circle, &c.’, containing chiefly: ‘Description and Use of the Telescopical Mother-of-Pearl Micrometer Invented by Tiberius Cavallo, F.R.S.’, 1814 [transcribed from a pamphlet published in 1793]; ‘Essays on placing Transit Instruments in the Meridian …’ (etc) by G. Lowe (1796) [probably transcribed from Lowe’s MS]; ‘Easy and correct method of verifying the position of a transit Instrument. By J. S. Butt Esqr. …’, transcribed from Nicholson’s Journal, 1806; and other notes re Evans’s transit circle
31 ‘A Transcript of Correspondence verbatim & literatim’, containing mathematical problems and solutions submitted by Evans to the Ladies’ Diary and the Gentleman’s Diary, with covering letters to the editor [Charles] Hutton, 1782-94; the letters evolve into a more extensive and personal correspondence
32 ‘A Collection of Mathematical questions, with solutions, transcribed from various Authors by the late Thomas Glass of Titcomb, Wilts. L.E.’, including material from published sources (n.d. and 1734-54)
33-39 PAPERS OF LEWIS EVANS (1853-1930)
33 Miscellaneous notes on sundials
34 Analysis of the cost or value of Evans’s collection of instruments, [?c.1920], and a record of the number of books and MSS in his collection
35 Notes on ‘Clog Almanacks’, (watermark 1877) [but later]
36 Notes on a ‘Clog Almanac. From the collection of Mr Drain Cardiff July. 1916’
37 Notes on sundials and related matters, [1890s-c.1920], including notes for a talk on the history of time measuring instruments, and notes on ancient and Roman sundials including a summarised translation of Baldini’s article about a Roman sundial (1741)
38 Bound volume of MS and printed material re exhibitions of Evans’s instruments, 1878-1903 (and several items 1930), chiefly catalogues and programmes, newspaper cuttings, and lists of items lent; also MS of Evans’s paper ‘On a portable sundial of gilt brass made for Cardinal Wolsey’, 1901
39 Bound volume of letters to Evans, mainly re sundials, mostly 1899-1914; the correspondents are Eleanor Lloyd, J. Drecker, E. C. Middleton, Jules Sottas, H. S. Cowper, Horatia K. F. Eden, D. S. Margoliouth, [Mrs] J. P. Margoliouth, Margaret L. Huggins, Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty
40 Hugh Anderson, an English work on dialling written for the latitude of London, 51.32 [though the writer is Scottish], 1684-89 and also dated 1708 at end
41 Anonymous, ‘Arithmeticae Practicae Epitome’, a Latin work on mathematics written in England, [mid 17thC]
42 Giovanni Astolfi, ‘Costruzioni geometriche dell’ Orologio Solare’, a short Italian work on dialling, [published version Milan, 1823]
43 Anonymous, ‘Astronomicarum Institutionum Libri II’, ‘Gnomonica seu De Horologiis’, ‘Tabulae Gnomonicae ad Latitudinem graduum XLI’, ‘Longimetria …’, ‘Kalendarium …’, ‘Breuissimus Catoptricae Tractatus’, a Latin work/compendium on astronomy, dialling, surveying, and calendrics, in sections as given, written in Italy for latitude 41 [Naples etc], 1724
44 Anonymous, Avis contenant les vrais moyens de regler les montres tant simples, qu’ a repetition, a printed pamphlet, n.d., followed by 2 leaves of MS in Italian consisting of a text entitled ‘Equazione degli Orologj’ and a table, [late 18th/early 19thC]
45 [François Bédos de Celles], ‘La Gnomonique, ou l’art, de tracer des Cadrans Solaires, avec la plus grande precision, par les meilleures methodes …’, a transcription of [the published book by Bédos de Celles (1760)] adjusted for the latitude of Ghent, 51, by P. F. de Cooman, 1796
46 Padre Benigno di S. Giovanni di Val’ d’Arno, ‘Instruzzione breve e facile por far’ Orologi Solari, fissi, e portatili, a qual’ si vogli altezza di Polo’, an Italian work on dialling, 1731
47 Giuseppe Bernardino, ‘Trattato di Gnomonia’, an Italian work on dialling written at Milan, 1793
48 T. B., a Dutch work on mathematics, instruments, and astronomy, containing ‘I. Sphaerische Triangül Rechnüng. II. Usus Globorum. III. Gnomonica. IV. Astronomia’, partly copied from works by W. J. Blaeu and Lansberg, 1655-73
49 A. P. Bonfa, ‘Mathematicorum tractatus amoenissimi’, a work on mathematics (including mensuration and dialling) written at Avignon in both Latin and French, 1707
50 Abraham Bosse, ‘La Maniere Vniverselle de Mr Desargves pour poser l’essiev et placer Les heures et aues choses aux cadrans av soleil’, consisting of the frontispiece, title page, and engraved plates from Bosse’s published book, Paris, 1643, interleaved with a greatly abbreviated version of the text in MS
51 Georg Brentel, ‘Ein Künstlicher von newem Aüssgesünnene[s?] Weg oder form welcher massen eine Regül oder Linial aüsszütheilen, Aüss welchem ein Feder der sachen gering verständiger Ihme selbstenein Sonnen Uhr ahn allen orten und enden mit kleiner mühe wohin er will machen kan …’, a German work on dialling written at Lauingen (Laugingen) for latitude 48, [c.1600]
52 F. Alexandro Francesco Capuccino, ‘Gnomonices Biformis’ consisting of ‘Liber Primus Isagogicus’ and ‘Liber Secundus Horographicus’, then ‘Synopseos Gnomonices Biformis Partis Tabularis’, a Latin work on dialling, the tables for latitude 45 [northern Italy], [mid 17thC]
53 Angelo Maria Colomboni, Giuseppe Maria Figatelli, and P. Gio. Batta Vimercato, ‘Pratica Gnomonica’, an Italian compendium of three works of the same title on dialling, written at Mantua by one hand (probably Colomboni’s), 1695
54 Anonymous, ‘Compendium Brevissimum describendorum Horologiorum Sciothericorum’, a Latin work on dialling written in the Low Countries for latitude 52 [The Hague etc], [17thC]
55 Henricus de Coninck, ‘De Konst van de Sonne-Wysers’, a Dutch/Flemish work on dialling written at Antwerp, 1721, with introduction added by Godefridus Bouvaert in 1744 (2 vols)
56 Francesco Locatelli di Cormons, ‘Fabrica de gli Horologi Solari dellineati in figure et loro Regola descrita da farli. & prima che cosa Sia Horologio da Solle dichiaratione’, an Italian work on dialling, 1692
57 Anonymous, ‘Cosmographie’, a French work, [early 18thC]
58 Anonymous, ‘Dialling Or The Art of Shadows’, an English work on dialling, the sundials for latitude 51.32 [London], [early or mid 18thC]; ownership inscription of ‘Wm 1794 Davis of Overton Flintshire’
59 Joseph Drecker, ‘Gnomons and Sundials’, an English translation of Drecker’s published book [Gnomone und Sonnenuhren] (1909)
60 Anonymous, ‘Elementi di Gnomonica’, an Italian work on dialling, in two hands, with sundial for latitude 43 [Perugia etc], [late 18thC]
61 Eugenius, ‘Varia Notata’, a compendium of notes on dialling, the astrolabe, mechanical wheelwork, etc (partly transcribed from published books), written in both Latin and German, probably at Augsburg, with identifying inscription ‘Spectat ad P: Eugenium Ried: Capucinum 1724 Varia Notata’ (and similar), 1724-26 [and earlier]
62 Lewis Evans, ‘The Method of drawing a Vertical Declining Dial by the Line of Latitude and line of Hours’, instructions and drawing for making a sundial for ‘the south end of Mr. Joanes’s Workshop, No. 16 Warwick street, Worthing, Latitude 50°-49′ north. L.E.’, c.1816
63 Joannes Franciscus, ‘Horologium …’, an actual instrument with accompanying Latin description (‘Horologii Declaratio et Usus’), written at Freising, 1703 (6 sheets of parchment, bound)
64 [Pierre Georges], ‘Usages du nouveau Magnetique Excentrique p[ou]r trouver les heures du iour et de la nuit lors mesme q[ue] le ciel est couvré, si seulement on peut appercevoir dans quel endroit est le Soleil ou la Lune …’, a French description of an instrument, [the author’s Horloge Magnetique was published at Toulon, 1660] (6 leaves)
65 Francisco Benigno da Giarole, ‘Gnomonica in Pratica osia Novo, e Facil Modo, chiaro, e sicuro, mediante il quale, potvanno farsi orologi, Italiani, Babilonesi, Astronagi, a qual si voglia altezza, di polo’, an Italian work on dialling, mostly consisting of drawings, with tables for latitude 45 [northern Italy], 1767
66 Jacobus Masso, Johannes Baptista Giattino, and Anonymous, ‘Mathematicae. Tractatus Romae An: MDCLII’, a Latin compendium of mathematical treatises written at Rome by one hand (probably Giattino’s), 1652 (changed to MDCLXXI, 1671 throughout); includes sections on armillary spheres by Masso and on sundials by Giattino
67 Anonymous, ‘Gnomonica oder Beschreibüng, wie man allerhand Sonnen-Ühren aüf ebenen Orten khünstlich aüfreiβen und leichtlich virfertigen soll’, a German work on dialling, [late 16thC]
68 Anonymous/S. M. I., ‘Gnomonica Bornellana’, a Latin work on dialling written for latitude 49.10; a colophon at end reads ‘Finis Bornellae Kalendis Januarij anno a partu Virgineo 1712o’ [Bornella is evidently Brno, Moravia, now Czech Republic]
69 Anonymous, a work on mathematical and geometrical subjects, including instruments and astronomy, also containing some religious matter and a chronology of events ‘del nostro secolo’ (1600-39), written in Italy in both Italian and Latin, 1661 [and earlier]
70 Aubert Hazard, ‘Horographie ingenieuse Et Curieuse’, a French work on dialling and other scientific subjects, including experiments, recipes, etc, a table for latitude 50.40 [Lille, or Liège, Belgium], the sundials dated 1716
71 David Hopf, ‘Der Italianische Vestungs bau: mit Ein vorhergehenden Zinss Tariffa und 35 Sonenuhren. wie auch das Jochlein in der Donau Brück wie es ist ein gesetzt worden Ao. 1729’, a German work on dialling written at Ulm, 1729-31
72 Anonymous, ‘L’ Horographie mise en pratique Contenant Diverses Methodes nouvelles & Generales, pour faire promtem[en]t Justement & facilem[en]t avec le seul Demi cercle, toutes sortes d’horloges et Cadrans Solaires’, a French work on dialling written at Avignon, [c.1700]
73 Anonymous, ‘De Horologiis Sciothericis et aliis quibusdam Brevis Institutio’, a Latin work on dialling written for latitude 46.30 [probably in France], [mid 17thC]
74 Anonymous, ‘Tractatus Practicus de Horologiis Solaribus’ (decorative short title ‘De Horologiis Solaribus’) and ‘Tractatus Compendiarius de Sphaera’, a Latin work on dialling and the sphere, [17thC]
75 Anonymous, ‘Ad Horologiorum Descriptionem Brevis Explicatio Sinuum Tangentium atque Seccantiu[m]’, ‘De Cosmographia Tractatio’, untitled section on surveying and measuring, including use of a circumferentor, untitled section on ‘Spiritalium’ (hydrostatics and pneumatics): four Latin treatises in the same hand on mathematical and physical subjects, probably written in Italy, the sundials for latitude 42 [Rome], [17thC]
76 Anonymous, ‘Verhandeling over de Sonnewysers’, a Dutch work on dialling, the descriptions and tables for latitude 52, [18thC]
77 Anonymous, a compendium on mathematical subjects containing ‘Modo di conoscere ove trovasi acqua’, ‘Aritmettica’, ‘Geometria’, and chiefly ‘Compendium Brevissimum Describendorum Horologiorum Horizontalium ac Verticalium ad quamuis Eleuationem Poli’, as well as miscellaneous notes; written in Italy in both Italian and Latin, the dialling section for latitude 42 [Rome], [mid 17thC]
78 Bound volume of letters and notes chiefly on astrolabes in Lewis Evans’s collection, 1909-22 (and enclosures dated 1906); the correspondents are E. B. Knobel (chiefly), C. H. Read, Alice C. Stewart, E. Box, C. F. Frere, Y. Daweed (accompanied by his notes and translations from Evans’s Islamic astrolabes), William J. S. Lockyer, I. Sassoon & Co, Percy Webster, Lewis Evans (to [R. T.] Gunther, 1922)
79 Johannes Herman Knoop, ‘Werkdaadige meet konst’ or ‘Geometerie of meet konst’, a Dutch work on geometry, navigation, and related subjects (including surveying, dialling, fortification, and astronomy), including a sundial for Amsterdam, latitude 52.23, apparently composed in 1750 and transcribed by Jan van Zee in 1769-71
80 William Lesow, ‘William Lesow’s Mathematical Book’, an English work on navigation (including ‘A Sea Journal’) and other geometrical subjects (including globes, astronomy, and dialling), the sundials for latitude 51.30 [London], 1713-14
81 Anonymous, ‘Libro de medidas cronicas, para el cognosci miento de las horas y de los Reloges Uniuersales y particulares que para cognoscellas sehan de fabricai, y de las diferencias y uso de llos, assi para de dia por las sonbras y alturas del sol, como para de noche por las disposiciones y alturas de las estrellas’, a Spanish work on dialling, 1600
82 Hans Löschner, an English translation of Löschner’s published book ‘Über Sonnenuhren, Beiträge zu ihrer Geschichte und Konstruktion nebst Aufstellung einer Fehlertheorie’ [(1905)], 1905-06
83 Pedro Manrrique, ‘Arte de haçer Reloges de Sol assi Verticales, como Horiçõtales, por Arithmetica’, a Spanish work on dialling written at Toledo, including diagrams with moving parts and extensive tables, 1621
84 G. H. Martini, ‘On the Sundials of the Ancients’, an English translation of Martini’s published book [Abhandlung von den Sonnenuhren der Alten … (1777)], 1902
85 Meucastel, ‘Traité De La Gnomonique. Ou L’Art de Tracer Des Cadrans’, a French work on dialling written at Angers, [early 18thC]
86 Anonymous, a notebook containing notes on mathematical and other subjects (some transcribed from publications), including dialling, astronomy, optics, and mechanics, written in England in both Latin and English, the sundials for latitude 51 [southern England] and dated 1681
87 Anonymous, ‘Methode curieuse Pour Faire des Cadrans Solaires sur toutes sortes de Planes ou Superficies’, a French work on dialling, probably written at Paris, [c.1730]
88 Anonymous, ‘Methode Ingenieuse Pour tracer exactement les Cadrans Horizontaux, Verticaux Droits, Verticaux Declinans, & Declinans Inclinez Par L’Addition des Logarithmes Des Sinus & Tangentes’, a French work on dialling; a colophon at the end reads ‘Fait à Bossey ce 17. Juin 1695. Est. Dec. M. D. S. E.’
89 Alfonso Moscatelli, ‘Enciclopedia Universale Ristretto delle Matematiche All’ Altezza, è grandezza de talenti del Serenissimo Ferdinando Carlo Duca di Mantova Monferrato &c’, an Italian work on mathematical subjects, with sundial for latitude 45 [Mantua] dated 1678
90 Anonymous/D. D. G., ‘Notizie Gnomoniche. DDG. 1761’, entitled at the beginning of the text ‘Notizie spettanti alla Gnomonica’, an Italian work on dialling, the examples using the date 1752
91 Anonymous, ‘Methode pour Verifier les Dates’, a French work on calendrics, with tables for finding the days of the week, etc, 1693
92 Pietro Bennini, ‘Notizie Relative alla Formazione D’Orologi Orizzontali, Verticali Precisi, e declinanti a qualungue parte ad Uso, ed istruzione del M R Pieto Beni L’Anno 1790’ (altered to 1799), an Italian work on dialling written for latitude 44 [north of Florence]
93 Francisco Parlano, ‘De Sphera Armillari, seu Artificiali Breuis Tractatus’ and ‘Breuis ac Clara Methodus Construendi horologia Solaria’, a Latin work on the sphere and dialling written in Italy, 1681
94 F. Paschasius, ‘Exercitatio Gnomonica Ex Compluribus Authoribus Mathematices peritissimis’, a Latin work on dialling copied or adapted from various publications, 1672; includes two printed plates, and a polyhedral sundial for latitude 50 ‘Herbipolensem. Bambergens. Moguntin. Pragens’ dated 1673
95 G. Rayet, bound volume of MSS and correspondence on dialling, mostly 1874-75
96 [There is no MS Evans 96]
97 Anonymous, ‘Regole Per formare Orologi Solari in Piani orizontali, e verticali …’ and ‘Spiegazione della sfera Armillare …’, two short Italian works on dialling and the sphere, for latitude 44, ‘Scritto in Pianètto l’Anno 1772’
98 Hieronymus Romanus, ‘Praxis Gnomonica Lunaris, atque Aritmetica …’, a Latin work on dialling written for latitude 42 [Rome], with extensive tables and a printed plate, 1700
99 Andreas Schöner, ‘Ein Kurtzer und gründlicher bericht, Leichlich und Künstlich aller art Sonnen uhren zu machen, zu mützlichen gebrauch aller Künstlichen …’, a German work on dialling dated 1562 and 1636 [a transcription, with omissions, of Schöner’s publication of the former date]
100 Satur St Sernin (or Cernin), ‘Cadran Solaire’, a French work on dialling and other instruments, including the quadrant, nocturnal, and astrolabe, written for the latitude of Paris, 48.51, [late 17th/early 18thC; completed before 1729] (2 vols)
101 Samuel Sturmy, ‘The Seventhe Booke, The Mariner’s Magazen or Sturmie’s Mathematical and Practical Arts. The Art of Dyalling by the Gnomonical Scale as by calculation’, the original MS of book 7 (on dialling) of Sturmy’s Mariner’s Magazine, marked up for the printer, 1667 [purchased by the Museum in 1943, and subsequently catalogued with the Evans collection in error]
102 Anonymous, ‘Tavole per l’Altessa del Polo gradi 44 Ad 15 luglio 1700 [altered to 1710] in Pesaro con le quali ciascuno puo far da si gli Horologi da Sole orizontali, e verticali di qual si voglia grandezza’, an Italian work consisting mainly of tables calculated for Pesaro
103 Antonio Tentori, ‘Trattato di Gnomonica o sia Mettodo Facile Per Descrivere Orologi Solari Orizontali, è Verticali all’ Altezza Del Polo Di Gradi. 45. Minuti – 50. Polum. Patauii Est Grad: 45. Min. 28. Antonio Tentori Patauino Feci Anno 1775’, an Italian work on dialling written for a latitude just north of Padua
104 Anonymous, ‘Traité de Gnomonique ou de La Construction des horloges Solaires’, a French work on dialling with ?printed illustrations, 1756
105 Anonymous, ‘Traité D’horlogiographie Contenant la maniere de construire Sur touttes surfaces, touttes Sortes de Lignes horaires, et autres Cercles de la Sphere Avec quelques Instrumens pour la meme Pratique’, a French work on dialling, [mid 18thC]; one of the tables and a cylinder sundial are for the latitude of Nancy, 48.45
106 Anonymous, ‘Trattato di Gnomonica’, an Italian work on dialling, [18thC]
107 Urbano Urbani, ‘Regola, che insegna il Modo di Cavere qual si voglia Radice di numeri … de me F. Urbano Urbani Domenicano da Venetia …’, ‘Trattato Che insegna il modo di formare qual si voglia Horologio Solare …’, ‘Trattato Della Navigatione delli Mari …’, and ‘Trattato Della sfera celeste armilare, fatta in Lingua Latina …’, a work in 4 sections on mathematics, dialling, and astronomy in both Italian and (the last section) Latin, written at Venice with sundials for latitude 45, 1692-93
108 Anonymous, ‘Verhandeling Over het Maaken Van Zonnewijzers’, a Dutch work on dialling written for latitude 52, ?early 18thC
109 Aurelius Augustin Widmann, ‘Gnomonica Practica. Oder Anweisüng, Sowohl die 9 Regular: altz aüch die abweichente Vertical: … Züsamen gesammlet, ünd gezeichnet Von Aüreli Aügüstin Widmann I.U.C. Fridbergensi … 1760’, a German work on dialling, with sundials for latitude 48 [?Friedburg, Austria]
110 Abraham Wilmer, ‘Booke of Mathematicall Questions …’, an English work on navigation and (other way) geometry, instruments, and dialling, with sundials for latitude 51.30 and 32 [London], 1667-72
111 Anonymous, ‘Wiskonstige Reckening van Zonnewyzers’, a Dutch work on dialling for latitude 52.40 [north of Amsterdam], 1762
112 Anonymous, a Dutch work on dialling, with detailed geometrical designs and calculations including sundials for latitude 52, ?late 17thC; ownership signature of Simon Speijert van der Eyk, Leyden, 1809
113 Perikles Rediadis, Der Astrolabos von Antikythera, a printed pamphlet, 1903 (translated into German by W. Barth); bound with a MS English translation, 1913
114 Anonymous, a German work mainly on dialling, with some other aspects of geometry including use of the sector, 1695
115 Charles René Morin, ‘La Gnomonique Pratique, ou l’art de traçer les Cadrans Solaires avec la plus grande précision. Par les meillieures methodes mises à la portée de tout le monde …’, a French work on dialling based on the published books of Ozanam and Bédos de Celles, 1767
116 Anonymous, ‘Orologi Solari’, a folder of notes and drawings on clocks and sundials, in Italian, beginning ‘Orivolo de Sign. Franklin Filosofo di Pensilvania …’, and including ‘Rosa di Bussola co nomi de venti usati nel Mediterraneo’, [late 18thC]
117 Lewis Evans, calculating discs drawn in ink on card, one signed and dated 1891-92; they relate to paper sizes, quantities, and costs
118-119 Further and residual Lewis Evans papers
120 Scrapbook of printed material re sundials, chiefly extracts from periodicals and newspapers, illustrations (including a drawing [by Evans]), with some ephemera, 1645-c.1930; mostly collected by Evans but continued and probably bound in this form by R. T. Gunther
[Other material from this provenance: MS Museum 25; Evans’s correspondence with R. T. Gunther is in MSS Gunther Archive; Evans’s card catalogue of his collection of instruments, books, and MSS is the foundation of the Museum’s collection documentation. Some hitherto uncatalogued items are not yet included in the list]
MSS facsimile
Paper copies of manuscripts in other collections, including a small collection of such copies belonging to Henri Michel (1885-1981), engineer, historian, and collector (some accompanied by notes or correspondence)
Acquisition details vary; incorporates material presented by Monsieur H. Michel in 1962
summary list
1 Adelard of Bath, ‘De operatione astrolabii’, ?c.1140 (Cambridge University Library)
2 Petrus Peregrinus, ‘Nova compositio astrolabii particularis’, 1261 with annotations 1330-40 (Vatican Library)
3 Franco de Polonia, ‘Tractatus de torqueto’, 1284 (Bibliothèque Communale, Erfurt)
4 ‘Almanach Prophacii Iudei’ for 1312-83 (Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels)
5 ‘Alphonsi Regis tabulae’, c.1344 and 1400, with star table dated 1320 (Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels)
6 Simon Tunsted, ‘Ars componendi rectangulum’, 1326 copied c.1400 (Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels)
7 ‘Tractatus abbreviatus et compendiosus ad faciendum astrolabium’, c.1370 (Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels)
8 Thabit ibn Qurra, ‘De motu octaue spere’, 15thC (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)
9 Nicephoros Gregoras, a treatise in Greek on the astrolabe, 14thC (Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid)
10 ‘Tractatus compendiosus de spera solida’, c.1430 (Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels)
11 Robert Fludd, alchemical notebook, early 17thC (Trinity College, Cambridge)
12 Baldwin Hamey, ‘Bustorum aliquot reliquiae’, 17thC (Royal College of Physicians, London)
13-14 Chemical notes of and re F. M. van Helmont by Daniel Foot, 1662 and after (British Library)
15 Robert Fludd, ‘Declaratio Brevis’, early 17thC (British Library)
16 John Dee, ‘The Compendious Rehearsal’, 1592 (British Library)
17 Robert Fludd, ‘A Philosophicall Key’ and a treatise on wheat, c.1620 (Trinity College, Cambridge)
18 ‘Thesauraus aegyptiacae antiquitatis’, a Greek corpus Hermeticum belonging to John Dee (Landesbibliothek, Kassel)
19-20 John Dee, ‘Praefatio Latina in Actionem …’, 1586, 2 MSS (Bodleian Library)
21 Paulus Tritius, ‘Compositurus Astrolabium’, ?16thC (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan)
22 John of Gmunden, ‘Equatorium’, 15thC (source not known)
[See also MSS microfilm]
MSS Ferguson
Papers and correspondence of Allan Ferguson (1880-1951), physicist and science writer, 1912-51; also some papers of his wife Nesta Ferguson (née Thomas) and of her brother Meirion Thomas (1894-1977), both botanists, 1911-60
Presented by Professor J. Ferguson in 1967 and 1972, and by Mrs E. Ferguson in 1991, 1999, and 2001
summary list
In process (small collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
MSS Gabb
Manuscripts collected by George Hugh Gabb (1868-1948), chemist, antiquary, and collector, 1830s-1915, including papers he acquired from Richard Inwards (1840-1937), engineer and meteorologist; and papers and correspondence of Gabb himself, 1882-1945
Presented by the Executors of the late G. H. Gabb in 1948
summary list
1 Correspondence between Gabb and Antonio Favaro and J. J. Fahie re portraits of Galileo and related matters, 1918-30; together with related printed items
2 Correspondence between Gabb and Cecil H. Cribb re scientific instruments for sale, 1907-32
3 Papers and correspondence of William Harvey (1806-1876), surgeon, 1847-76, including letter from Sir John Burgoyne, 1865, and photographs and obituary of Harvey
4 Cuttings of press notices of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 1927-37
5 Correspondence between Gabb and Robert T. Gunther re scientific instruments and the formation of the Museum of the History of Science, 1919-26; together with a photograph of ?Gabb
6 Correspondence and papers of Gabb re history of science and scientific instruments, 1920-40
7 Miscellaneous printed papers belonging to Gabb, including small collection of colour-printed trade cards advertising patent medicines, mainly 19thC American, and auction sale catalogues containing scientific instruments or scientists’ effects, 1913-31
8 Correspondence and other papers of and re Richard Kerr (d.1915), science lecturer, 1894-1915, including correspondence with Richard Inwards, letters from Kerr to Gabb, and newspaper cuttings
9-10 Collection of papers on geometric and harmonic curves assembled by Richard Inwards, mainly printed but including original and printed specimens of curves drawn with lathes, harmonographs, and similar instruments, and some MS notes and correspondence, mostly 1877-1907; includes material by or from Joseph Goold, Edith L. Somervell, Dr McKellar, Archibald Williams, Margaret Watts-Hughes, Henry Perigal, F. C. Penrose, Otto Boeddicker, S. B. Burnaby, and Inwards himself
11 Papers of Henry Perigal (1801-1898), mainly printed curves (associated with preceding), 1846-98
12 Notes and designs [by Richard Inwards] for an ‘epithet machine’, and re other similar devices, [late 19thC]
13 Notes and correspondence of Gabb re the telescope of Maria de Rheita (17thC), 1933-34
14 Correspondence of Gabb re history of scientific instruments and related matters, 1913-45
15-16 Printed papers of and re Henry Perigal, chiefly re the moon controversy and other astronomical matters, geometry, and circular motion, 1840-1905, including Frederick Perigal’s booklet Henry Perigal … A Short Record of his Life and Works, 1901
17 Printed sheets of Henry Perigal’s bicircloids (35 sheets), 1854
18 Two stereoscopic pendulum curves by A[ugustus] Stroh, 1893
[Other material from this provenance: MS Museum 64; photographs and prints. An Inwards item from a different provenance is MS Museum 290; a small collection of Perigal papers acquired more recently from a separate source is MSS Museum 332-339. Some hitherto uncatalogued items are not yet included in the list]
MSS Gowing
Papers and correspondence of Margaret Mary Gowing (1921-1998), historian, 1932-97. Margaret Gowing was the first professor of the history of science at Oxford (1973-86)
Presented by Professor M. M. Gowing in 1991, with additions to 1997; and further material presented by her sons in 1998, and by the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority in 1999 and 2000
In process (large collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
[Note: the collection does not include records of Gowing’s work as official historian of the UK nuclear programme, which are government records]
MSS Gunther
Manuscripts collected by Robert William Theodore Gunther (1869-1940), zoologist, historian, and museum curator, 14thC – 1930s; also some papers and correspondence of Gunther himself, 1891-1939 (but most such papers are MSS Gunther Archive), and some items acquired for the general collection of the Museum in Gunther’s time. R. T. Gunther was the founding curator of the Museum of the History of Science in 1924, and the first reader in the history of science at Oxford (1934-38)
Mostly presented by Dr R. T. Gunther and Dr A. E. Gunther at various dates, including items initially deposited on loan in 1940 (and thereafter) and presented by Dr A. E. Gunther in 1986; also some items acquired from other sources by the Museum during Gunther’s curatorship, 1924-40
summary list
1 Compendium of scientific and miscellaneous tracts, notes, tables, and diagrams, two-thirds being occupied by two treatises entitled ‘Secreta philosophorum’ and ‘Secreta secretorum Aristotelis’, 14thC; also including a Latin and English glossary of the names of herbs, and a diagram of a planisphere as from an astrolabe
2 Commentary by Walter Burley on the Meteorologica of Aristotle, entitled ‘De primis igitur causis et cetera’, followed by related notes mentioning Wycliffe, Burley, and Porphyry, 14thC
3 ‘A List of Revercions wth. the Proprietors & their Shares, Made An 1716’, and other financial accounts, 1716-30
4 Minutes of the Coffee House Philosophical Society, transcribed by William Nicholson, re experimental science chiefly chemistry, physics, meteorology, and technology, 1780-87
5 Diary of Robert Kell (of Edgbaston, near Birmingham), 1842
6 Notes and related papers by Gunther re the financial papers of Edward Gibbon jnr and snr (the historian and his father), [1922-23]; together with an original paper of 1784
7 Comparative notes by Gunther on herbals and their illustrations, with particular reference to a copy of Dioscorides’ Herbal, 1925
8 Notebook by Gunther entitled ‘Notes on & from Sir. Th: Sclater’s Catley & Linton Book. 1674-1682’, re gardening and garden management
9-10 Two commonplace books of John Lee (1783-1866), compiled chiefly at Hartwell House, 1824-57 with older insertions, containing numerous signatures, MS writings, illustrations, and inserted items, mostly contributed by guests, representing a variety of subjects and activities including archaeology, astronomy, chess, collecting, Egyptology, geography, history, law, linguistics, meteorology, numismatics, peace and ‘Universal Brotherhood’, photography, and temperance; there are several early photographs, drawings by Charles Piazzi Smyth and others, and minutes of the formation and proceedings of various societies, including the British [later Royal] Meteorological Society
11-13 Papers of Albert Günther, chiefly correspondence and printed material re scientific societies and institutions, mostly 1896-1900
14 Correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks, with enclosures, especially re botany, zoology, and also archaeology, mostly 1775-1817, including several papers by Banks himself, and letters reporting natural curiosities etc; together with several earlier letters, 1738-63
15 Financial papers of Captain Edward Gibbon (1666-1736) [grandfather of the historian], 1702-10
16 Small collection of autograph letters of scientific men assembled by John Lee, 1677-1836, writers including Copernicus [forgery], John Flamsteed (to Sir Jonas Moore, 1677), Nevil Maskelyne, P[eter] Coll[inson], R[ichard] Pulteney, J. J. Dillenius, David Wilkins, and signatures of Linnaeus and Philip Miller; together with items engendered within Lee’s circle or connected with W. H. Smyth
17-19 [Items transferred to Museum reference files]
20 File of material re astrolabes formed by G. R. Kaye, early 20thC, including translation of Luciano Pereira Da Silva, [Astrolabios Existentes em Portugal (1917)]
21 Letters from William Buckland to Andrew Bloxham, 1823-24
22 Group of miscellaneous unrelated papers, including: assignment of money to John Radcliffe, 1705; letter from Fredrick Accum, 1819; papers on precious stones belonging to Arthur Deck, 1867-80; watch certificate by Breguet, 1900
23 Papers of John and Edward Riddle and the Nautical School, Greenwich, 1846-61
24 Italian sketchbook of Eustace Neville Rolfe, mainly archaeological and ethnographic, including items at Pompeii, 1894-95
25 Papers of Gunther, mostly articles and lectures, 1930s, including on Robert Hooke and on Sir Thomas Sclater’s fruit and fish culture; also TS copies of several articles by others on 17thC gardening
26 Letter to Richard Sheepshanks from W. Yolland re triangulation of Aylesbury and Oxford, 1842
27 Miscellaneous papers of Gunther, mainly correspondence, 1925-38, together with H. G. S. Barrett’s sketch of the [Radcliffe Observatory] equatorial sector, 1934
28 Diary of Sarah Angelina Acland (1849-1930), 1870-72 and 1888
29 Notebook of Sarah Angelina Acland, containing poetry and other transcriptions, 1866-1909
30 Holiday diary of Sarah Angelina Acland, Madeira, 1908
31-33 Papers from Francis Galton’s anthropometric laboratory, mostly instruction leaflets, test cards, signs, recording forms, statistical tables, and graphs used or displayed in the laboratory, mostly 1883-84
34 Keene family deeds: re the sale by Thomas Sclater King of the manor of Duxford Bustlers etc, 1772; and establishing the Castle Camps Sunday School Trust under the will of Benjamin Keene, 1838
35 Astronomy lecture notes of John Fiott (later John Lee) at Cambridge, [between 1802 and 1806]
36-38 Three astronomy scrapbooks of John Lee, 1837-60 with a few earlier items, including MS notes, newspaper cuttings, other printed items, illustrations, and letters; there are drawings and MSS by W. H. Smyth and family, early photographs of the Cape of Good Hope Observatory by Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1842, and a silhouette of Caroline Herschel as a young woman, [before 1772]
39-41 MS of William Pearson, [An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, published 1824-29] and related papers, mostly c.1818-28
42 [Item withdrawn by A. E. Gunther and given to the Bodleian Library]
43 Letter to S. Rigaud from B. L. Vulliamy, on the economics of clock and watch making, 1830
44 [Items transferred to MSS Gunther Archive]
45 TS copy of letter to John Loveday from William Huddesford (original 1769), 1936
46 Papers of and assembled by Gunther re Cambridge science and scientific instruments, in connection with the 1936 Cambridge exhibition, mostly 1934-36, including printed material and correspondence
47 Papers of and assembled by Gunther re microscopes and microscopy, mostly 1930s, including printed material and correspondence
48 Printed papers of Gunther re his work in history of science and as curator of the Museum, 1909-39
49 Warrant from King Charles II (signed) for the payment of £1000 to Sir Samuel Morland for mathematical instruments, 1667
50 Gunther’s student notes from Edward A. Minchin’s zoology course, Oxford, 1891
51-52 Two notebooks of Gunther re books belonging to the original Ashmolean Museum and to Ashmole (in the Bodleian Library), [c.1930]; together with TS of an article on them [published 1930-31]
53 Richard Pulteney’s rearrangement according to the Linnean system of the woodcuts from Fuchs’s herbal (De Stirpium Historia, 1545), 18thC
54 Transcriptions by Richard Ellis of Edward Lhuyd’s correspondence (originals 1693-1702), [c.1908-09]
55 Student register of the Millard Laboratory, Oxford, 1886-1901; together with letter from Jim Mogridge, 1933
56 [Items transferred to MSS Gunther Archive]
57 Letter to Charles Babbage from Alexander S. Herschel on astronomical matters, 1861
58 [Items transferred to MSS Gunther Archive]
59 ‘Extracts from Memories by William Simms, F.R.A.S. Begun in 1885 …’, and other memorabilia, sent with letters to Gunther from his daughter Catharine M. Tucker, [c.1930]
60 Address book of King Charles II, [c.1660]
61 Transcription of Henry Bate’s Magistralis compositio astrolabii (a printed book, 1485), 1930
62 Papers re James Watt copying machines, including letters to J. P. Muirhead from Gilbert Hamilton, 1859 and 1869
63 Correspondence of Baden Powell (1796-1860), chiefly from Charles Piazzi Smyth and re instrument mountings (21 letters), 1856-59
64 Bound volume of printed and MS material re the Botanic Garden, Oxford, including correspondence, assembled by Edward Chapman and Gunther, 1873-1918
65 Bound volume of material, mostly printed but some MS notes, correspondence, and plans, re Oxford science departments, the Faculty of Natural Science, and the development of the Science Area, assembled by Edward Chapman and Gunther, 1858-93 with some later items
66 Photographic copies of the minutes of the Oxford Philosophical Society (1683-88), and notes and drafts by Gunther, 1924
67 Photostats of Robert Hooke’s diary (1688-93), c.1935
68 Papers re the geological collections and studies of Lady Elizabeth Hippisley, including letters, lists of specimens, and notes on analysis and classification, c.1801-18; the writers and correspondents include W[illiam] Allen, [Sir Humphry Davy], Charles Hatchett, [Henry] Heuland
69 Poem headed ‘The Cube Root Rule’ by S. Rigaud, 1833
70 Album of 20 lithographs illustrating characters and costumes of Italy or of Naples, early 19thC
71 Printed book John Pointer, Oxoniensis Academia …, 1749, interleaved with a MS account of a tour of Oxford by five students in 1750
72 Printed book The Oxford University and City Guide …, [1818], bound with a MS journal of a tour on the continent by H. F. Spens, 1820
73 Printed book Ebenezer Henderson, Life of James Ferguson, 1867, with amendments and additional matter, and letters from Henderson to Nicholas Milne about Ferguson relics, 1869-70
74 Album of 35 photographs of Holtzapffel lathes, lathe parts, and ornamental pieces turned with the lathe, c.1892
75 Four spiraloid curve designs drawn by a lathe or harmonograph, [possibly by S. B. Burnaby, late 19thC]
76 Circular papers for use in drawing curve designs with a lathe, mostly bearing simple test designs, [?late 19thC]
77 Photograph of specimens of ornamental turned work by J. H. Evans, with letter to E. Chapman from Evans, 1899
78 Table for screw-cutting by E. T., 1877
79 Photograph of T. H. T. Hopkins’s Holtzapffel lathe, c.1880
80 Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, prints, MSS, drawings, and several photographs, mostly re lathes and turning, mechanics, and industrial and workshop machinery, begun by T. H. T. Hopkins and continued by Edward Chapman and Gunther, 1862-1919
81 Two labels to pieces of apparatus used by Daubeny, written by T. H. T. H[opkins], c.1872
82 Printed numbers for use in labelling specimens of minerals in the Daubeny collections, 19thC
83 Printed pamphlet Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, &c. in the possession of Dr. Daubeny …, 1861
84 Auction sale catalogue of Sir Frank Crisp’s collection of microscopes, 1925, with annotations and insertions by Gunther, including letters from Thomas H. Court and R. S. Clay, and a large group of Crisp’s engraved illustrations of microscopes
85-88 Sir Frank Crisp’s catalogue of his collection of microscopes, [before 1919], bound in 3 vols with various additions including things added by Gunther, 18thC – 1936; together with 4 folders of loose material, mostly Crisp’s engraved illustrations of microscopes
89 Record cards by E. M. Nelson of technical and historical data and bibliographical references, mostly optical, microscopical, and mathematical, 1920s-30s, and a series of weather records for 1904-27
90 Pamphlet entitled ‘Comets’ by Edward Milles Nelson, 1931
91 Translations and transcriptions by Sister Lavine of writings by Richard of Wallingford, [1920s]
92 Unused (empty) volume of John Lee’s astronomical scrapbooks [see MSS Gunther 36-38]
93 Large album entitled ‘Portraits of Eminent Men’ containing Charles Daubeny’s collection of portrait prints, early and mid 19thC
[Material of various kinds belonging or relating to Gunther, the Museum’s founding curator, occurs throughout the Museum; items identified among the general collection of MSS as having belonged to Gunther are MSS Museum 10-13, 17, 22, 97, 99, 102, 111, 112, while others associated with him include MSS Museum 7-8, 20, 42, 61, 109, 120, 173, MS Evans 120. Personal and family papers are mostly MSS Gunther Archive]
MSS Gunther Archive
Papers and correspondence of Robert William Theodore Gunther (1869-1940), zoologist, historian, and museum curator, and of his family, 1869-1940 with later additions; and part of the archival records of the Museum of the History of Science under Gunther’s curatorship, 1924-40
Mostly presented by Dr A. E. Gunther in 1965-86, including items initially deposited on loan and presented in 1986; also some items transferred from the Museum’s internal archive
For more details of this collection please contact the archivist
[See also MSS Gunther and MSS Museum Archive. There are further Gunther papers in a number of other repositories, including the Bodleian Library, Oxford; Magdalen College, Oxford; Natural History Museum, London; Royal Geographical Society, London]
MSS Josten
Papers of Conrad Hermann Hubertus Maria Apollinaris Josten (1912-1994), historian and museum curator, especially relating to his historical and biographical research, c.1948-66. C. H. Josten was curator of the Museum of the History of Science (1950-64)
Partly presented by Dr C. H. Josten in 1964; and partly transferred from the Museum’s internal archive
In process (small collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
[Josten figures prominently in MSS Museum Archive, and also in MSS SHAC and MSS facsimile. Note: the collection consists of material left in the Museum in 1964; no further papers were received after Josten’s death, so no personal or political papers are held]
MSS Ludlow-Hewitt
Some papers of Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley (1887-1915), physicist, and of his mother Amabel Moseley (d.1927), 1901-18
Deposited on loan by Professor J. L. Heilbron, on behalf of the owner Mr A. Ludlow-Hewitt, in 1977
summary list
1 Job application, testimonials, and published papers of H. G. J. Moseley, forming his application for the post of professor of physics at Birmingham, 1914, together with letter from Oliver Lodge
2 Diaries of Moseley’s mother, Amabel Moseley (from December 1914, Mrs Sollas), for 1901, 1903-15, and 1918
[Other material relating to Moseley: MS Museum 118; photographs. Note: these items are part of the family collection, most of which remains in private hands]
MSS microfilm
Microfilm copies of manuscripts in other collections
Acquisition details vary, mostly purchased by the Museum
summary list
1-32 Royal Greenwich Observatory MSS, chiefly observations (136 vols), 1676-1775 (Public Record Office)
33 Written answers to Oxford final examination papers, 1940
34 ‘Le chemin aisée applani pour aller droit à la sacrée citadelle d’Hermès’, an alchemical work, late 17th/early 18thC (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)
35 Ibn ar-Razzaz al-Jazari, ‘Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices’, 13thC (Topkapi Seray Library, Istanbul)
36 Illustrations of the astronomical clock of Giovanni de’ Dondi (Bodleian Library)
37 Polish inventory of scientific instruments, 1959
38 Preliminary tables for a second edition of L. A. Mayer’s Islamic Astrolabists and their Works
39 Robert Fludd, ‘A Philosophicall Key’ and other works, c.1620 (Trinity College, Cambridge) {as facs!}
40 Thabit ibn Qurra, ‘De motu octaue spere’, 15thC (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris) {as facs!}
41 Chemical notes of and re F. M. van Helmont by Daniel Foot, 1662 and after (British Museum) {as facs!}
42 Two versions of Giovanni de’ Dondi’s treatise on his astronomical clock, 1364 (Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Cracow)
43 ‘Thesauraus aegyptiacae antiquitatis’, a Greek corpus Hermeticum belonging to John Dee (Landesbibliothek, Kassel) {as facs!}
44 ‘Old Grace Book of the Inner Temple’ (Inner Temple, London)
45 The so-called ‘Erfurt clock MS’, a medieval treatise on astronomy and time-telling (Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Cracow)
46 Accounts of the making and installation of the Perpignan clock and bell, 1356 (Archiva de la Corona de Aragon, Barcelona)
47-48 Alfonsine star catalogues (Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid)
49 Calendrical compilation, 15thC (Chetham’s Library, Manchester)
50 Table of fixed stars, with commentary, by Levi ben Gerson, 15thC (Nationalbibliothek, Vienna)
51 Treatise on mathematics and astronomical instruments by Levi ben Gerson, ?15thC (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich)
52 ‘Extracta ex tractatu magistris Leonis Judaei’ (Levi ben Gerson), 15thC (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Brussels)
53-56 Four MSS of ‘Libros del saber de astronomia’ of King Alfonso X, 13thC (Escorial Library; Vatican Library; Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid; University of Madrid)
57 Malayendu Suri, ‘Yantrara Jagamavyakhya’, a Sanskrit treatise on the astrolabe, 14thC (Wellcome Institute)
58 Inventory by Edward Nairne of the physics apparatus used by Thomas Hornsby at Oxford, 1790 (Bodleian Library)
59 Correspondence of William Buckland, early 19thC (Royal Society)
60 Notes from the chemistry courses of Peter Stahl at Oxford and Exeter, 1650s-80s (British Library)
61-64 Diaries of John Ward containing accounts of his chemistry studies in Oxford, 17thC (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington)
[See also MSS facsimile]
MSS Millburn
Papers and correspondence of John Richard Millburn (1925-2005), engineer and historian, especially relating to his historical interests, c.1930-2005; together with some manuscripts collected by Millburn, 1730-1893
Bequeathed by Mr J. R. Millburn in 2006
In process (large collection) – for more details please contact the archivist
[The Millburn bequest also included small collections of printed ephemera, prints and maps, patents (photocopies), acts of parliament, newspapers (1688-1999), and microfilms]
MSS Museum
The general collection of manuscripts of the Museum of the History of Science, 1457 onwards. This class embraces those manuscripts and small collections acquired from various sources and not belonging to a named or separately-listed provenance collection; note that it also includes some collections accumulated over a period and thus listed discontinuously
Acquisition details vary, mostly small gifts and purchases, and material transferred from departments of Oxford University, 1924 onwards (continuing)
summary list
1 Miscellaneous scientific, historical, theological, and literary notes, and geometrical exercises, by Thomas Langley, 1693-1702, and some financial accounts dated 1780
2 [Gaspar] Neumann, ‘Lection: Chymico-Pharmaceuticarum Experimental. Cursus III’, early 18thC [probably transcribed from the published book]
3 ‘Dr: Bradleys Mathematical Lectures abridged November 1747’, containing an abstract of or notes from a course of 20 lectures on experimental philosophy [given by James Bradley in Oxford]
4 Attendance register of the Oxford Microscopical Society, 1864-66
5-6 ‘Index to English Mechanics …’, indexing topics in the magazine The English Mechanic, [after 1907]
7 ‘Correspondence of the Philosophical Society of Oxford’ (1681-90), transcribed from a Bodleian Library MS in 1937
8 ‘Correspondence of the Dublin Society with the Philosophical Society of Oxford’ (1683/4-86), transcriptions [1937] from a Bodleian Library MS and photocopies from MSS in Trinity College, Cambridge
9 Fragment (letter A only) of an index of chemical substances, in Greek and Latin, 1652
10-13 Political papers of Sir John Coxe Hippisley (1746-1825), including election papers, correspondence, handbills, poll-book, and a notebook, re parliamentary elections at Sudbury, Suffolk, 1790-1813 [these papers are on permanent loan to the Suffolk County Record Office, Ipswich]
14 MS copy of a list of oriental herbs and materia medica sent from Cochin [Vietnam] to King Manuel of Portugal by Thomas Pires (1516), 1869
15 Letter from Oliver Goldsmith to ‘Mr. Johnson’, 1758 [forgery]
16 Photographic copies of a MS list of John Bainbridge’s scientific books and instruments (original 1629), ending with a memorandum on the inadequacy of his premises and equipment [in Oxford], 1937 and 1949
17 Volume of ‘Drawings on Artillery. R.M.A. J. R. Keene’, done at the Royal Military Academy [Sandhurst], (watermark 1851)
18 Notebook of drawings of clock-hands by J[ames] Minn, [?late 19thC]
19 Essay or talk by G. J. Evans entitled ‘The Production of New Races of Animals and Plants by Selection’, 1912
20 Essay by E. Graham Laws entitled ‘The Researches of Faraday, Graham and Mitscherlich in Physical Chemistry’, [?c.1908]
21 Papers sent to F. Sherwood Taylor by Robert Eisler re globes and ‘The Polar Sighting Tube’, including a draft of Eisler’s article of that title [published 1949], c.1943
22 Notebook of turned designs made with a Holtzapffel lathe, with technical notes, [19thC]; together with a bill to John Chapman from Holtzapffel & Co for the supply of a lathe with accessories etc, 1847
23 Collection of bills from traders in Paris, including pharmaceutical supplies, confectionery, ironmongery, water closets, and a laundry (17 papers), 1837-50
24 Papers by John Pointer re 3 instruments: ‘The meaning of the Geometrical Sun Dial done on Box …’, ‘A Brass Plate, on ye one side of which is an Altimetric Quadrant …’, and ‘A Perpetual Ephemeris’, [late 17th/early 18thC]
25 Group of printed material re sundials, mainly plates illustrating dialling from various encyclopedias, [18th and 19thC], together with a TS about dialling by E. C. Middleton, [?early 20thC]
26 Spanish watermark of an early locomotive, mid 19thC
27-28 Two letters patent granted to Edwin Hawker for ‘Improvements in the manufacture of Jujubes and other articles of confectionery’, 1874
29 Patents of Frederick J. Jervis-Smith (1848-1911), including letters patent, specifications, applications, and other related papers, 1881-1906, including re photography, chronographs, and electric signalling
30 Miscellaneous printed patent specifications: (1) William Storer for ‘an optical Instrument, called an accurate Delineator, which entirely obviates the Defects of the Camera obscura’, 1778; (2) James Yate Johnson (as agent for the firm of Carl Zeiss) for ‘Improvements in or connected with Telescopes’, re binoculars, 1894; (3) Fairfax Fearnley for an ‘Elastic Ear Cushion for Use on Telephone Receivers’, 1894
31 ‘Extract from Mr. Telford’s Report “The New River”’, re use of water from the River Lea to supply London, c.1833
32 Papers and correspondence arising from a debate on radiation optics and especially Abbe’s theory of numerical aperture, between E. M. Nelson and M. J. Michael, 1896
33 Calculations re technical optics (achromatic and apochromatic lenses) and the properties of optical glass, [probably by E. M. Nelson], 1909-13
34 & 36 Early notes and drawings by the geologist John Phillips on technical and engineering subjects, especially railways, wheels and wheeled vehicles, printing presses, surveying instruments, lathes, and instrument-making techniques, 1819-22; together with engraving of ‘J. Blenkinsop’s Patent Steam Carriage. Middleton near Leeds’, 1819
35 Large drawing of a Robert Stephenson ‘Crampton’ type locomotive, 1849
36 [See 34]
37 Correspondence of Baden Powell (1796-1860) on scientific subjects including the vibrations of light (14 letters), 1836-58; the letters are from ?E. J. L., G. G. Stokes, G. B. Airy, H. Lloyd, W. H. Smyth
38 Small group of papers re Joseph Wright and the English Dialect Dictionary [published 1898-1905], including letters from Wright, J. Drummond Robertson, and Clara L. Skeat, 1894-95 and 1930
39 Correspondence of H. H. Turner (1861-1930) and the University Observatory, Oxford, re astronomical and historical matters, 1900-13, with enclosures including a letter from Otto Struve re W. Herschel, 1903, and the minute of election of Charles Pritchard as Savilian Professor of Astronomy, 1870
40 Group of miscellaneous unrelated items, including: scroll bearing a chronology of Old Testament history, (watermark 1813); letter and note re ‘Priestley’s Thunderhouse’, 1913 and n.d.; 2 translations of inscriptions on Persian instruments, 1812; miniature portrait on ivory of John Everett, [early 19thC]; MS pocket book entitled ‘Practical Rules for Elevation & Ranges with Field Guns’, [early 19thC]
41 Group of miscellaneous and mostly unrelated letters of scientists, 1796-1905: John Kidd (to Mr Paxton, 1825), Charles Daubeny, A[bram] Robertson (to Dr Hutton, 1796), J. J. Conybeare, J. C. Lettsom, G. A. Mantell (2 letters), W[illiam] Buckland, Edwin Lankester, B[enjamin] Silliman, S. J. Johnson, 3 business letters to E. J. Stone, G. C. Jenner (to Dr Williams, re alleged failure of vaccination in Oxford, 1801)
42 Newspaper cuttings re sundials and instruments, 1930s
43 [Item transferred to MSS Gunther Archive]
44 Group photograph of the Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, and 2 menu cards with signatures, 1909
45 Thirteen lecture-attendance and similar cards or tickets for the medical course at Edinburgh, belonging to John Duck, 1784-86
46 Account book of Francis Newbery recording sales of ‘Dr. James’s Fever Powder’, 1768-98; under 1774 is a MS re the death of Oliver Goldsmith, denying the allegation that it was caused by James’s powder; enclosures include newspaper advertisements for the powder, 1751 and 1763, and modern cuttings etc, 1901-35
47 Invoice to Mr Reid from C. Tiffin, ‘Bug Destroyer, to His Majesty, Upholsterer and Undertaker’, 1827; together with a printed trade card bearing a priced list of bug-destroying
48 Apothecary’s bill to John Somersett from Daniel Price, listing a large quantity of drugs etc, 1718
49-51 Three attendance registers of the chemistry laboratory at Queen’s College, Oxford, 1900-34 [the complete life of the laboratory]; enclosed in one are 3 newsletters issued from the laboratory, 1924-25
52 Laboratory notebook from the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, beginning with a note by O. L. Hughes, 1933
53 Letter-book of Lord Berkeley, containing copies of correspondence about apparatus for his private laboratory at Foxcombe, near Oxford, 1911-15; together with instrument test and calibration certificates and reports from the National Physical Laboratory, 1900-17
54 Scrapbook containing correspondence and other papers re Dunsink Observatory, near Dublin, compiled by Sir Robert S. Ball and Arthur A. Rambaut, 1884-93; includes routine correspondence, and correspondence with Sir Howard Grubb, with accompanying specifications, drawings, etc, much of it re installation of a telescope given to the observatory by Isaac Roberts; enclosed are some later papers of Rambaut’s, 1899-1906
55 Notes headed ‘History of the Lucifer Match’, also covering other types of match, 1877
56 Group of material illustrating the complex two-dimensional designs and curves that can be generated by the lathe and related instruments, including specimens assembled (in 1928) for a display of epicyclic turning and security engraving, 1818-1920s
57 Engraved border cut in 3 strips from an estate map, depicting surveyors and surveying instruments, 1733
58 Small group of letters to Sir John Lubbock from Sir John Herschel, 1845-54; and some other papers from the Herschel family, including a note signed by [Sir] William Herschel re investments, (watermark 1810), and a letter to [R. T.] Gunther from Constance A. Lubbock, 1930
59 Invoice from G. Dollond for ‘A Camera Lucida’, [?c.1820]
60 Piece of parchment with signatures of Henry G. Liddell, Charles Daubeny, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, and E. Thorold Rogers, [?c.1860]
61 Group of papers and photographs assembled by R. T. Gunther re the microscope and microscopy, especially the work of E. M. Nelson, 1744-1938
62 Correspondence of Frederick J. Jervis-Smith on scientific subjects, 1883-1911, consisting of letters from the Bishop of Bath & Wells, William Odling, Lord Kelvin, Charles A. Parsons, Lord Berkeley, G. Eiffel, W. J. Herschel, Frank M. Newton, Sir Oliver Lodge, Lord Rayleigh; together with obituaries of Jervis-Smith, 1911, and later notes by his widow, [1933]
63 Letter from M[ichael] Faraday to [illegible], 1854
64 Printed pamphlet [by Joseph Bonomi], Catechism of Health, or “The Sound Mind in the Sound Body.” How Maintained, [c.1860]; together with photographs of the author, notes, and an obituary, latter 1878
65 Letters to R. T. Gunther from John Chalk and others re Robert Cockram and the Oriel College astrolabe, with notes by Gunther, 1936
66 Letters to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie jnr (19 letters), 1870-74, including from Henry J. S. Smith, Arthur Hobhouse, A. W. Hofmann, and graduate students enclosing experimental notes
67-70 Miscellaneous papers of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie jnr re chemistry, ‘chemical calculus’, and university reform, including notes, drafts, corrected proofs, and a bundle of charts, 1860-80
71-72 Printed papers of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie jnr re chemistry, 1849-79, including syllabuses of his course, Oxford, 1856-57
73 Laboratory notebook of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie jnr, labelled ‘Giessen Note-Book. Analysis in Liebig’s Laboratory’, [c.1845]
74 Notebook associated with Brodie, containing calculations and laboratory or lecture notes in German, signed ‘F. Schickendantz’, 1860-61
75 Notebook of or associated with Brodie, labelled ‘IV 1. Determination of symbols of compounds 2. Anomalous Densities 3. Normal Densities’, draft text of ?lectures, n.d.
76 Laboratory notebook of Brodie, labelled ‘June 25-Nov.12. Graphite experiments & melting point of Sulphur’, 1853
77 Notebook of Brodie, entitled ‘Examples – Calculus -’, containing mathematical procedures [not chemical calculus], n.d. (watermarks 1830-35)
78 Notebook of Brodie, containing list of chemicals with their notations [according to his chemical calculus] and related notes, n.d.
79 Notebook of Brodie, containing draft text and calculations, probably for lectures, n.d.
80 Papers of John Soper Streeter (1802-1873), obstetrician, including lecture attendance cards, certificates, letters and testimonials, notes on midwifery, drawings and prints of obstetrical subjects, several printed pamphlets on midwifery and hospitals, and photograph of a portrait, 1820-52 and earlier
81 MS instruments by James Ferguson, all 1775: (1) ‘The Solar time-finder in the latitude of Bungay’, with integral instructions; (2) ‘The Universal Analemma, or Solar Time-finder …’ and on the reverse ‘The Nocturnal or Star-Dial’ with table of days and dates for 1770-1800, each side with appropriate volvelle; (3) instruction sheet for preceding
82 Three miscellaneous medical and optical papers: ‘Recipe against Infection’, ‘New Remedy for a Cancer …’, and description of a glass and liquid lens, [late 18th/early 19thC]
83 Account book and attendance register (in same vol) of the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1904-25
84 Alchemists’ petition, incorporating draft letters patent and authorised as a warrant, from Gylbert Kymer and ten other persons desiring exemption from a statute prohibiting the practice of alchemy, the exemption being granted to John Faceby, John Kyrkeby, and John Rayny, 1457; together with a 17thC transcription
85 Group of papers of H. H. Turner re the time of sunset and the determination of ‘lighting up time’ or ‘lamp time’, 1902-04, including versions of his ‘Mechanical Map …’
86 Fragment of a letter to William Huddesford from William Borlase re the copper plates of his [Cornish Antiquities], 1767
87 Notes from [John] Kidd’s chemistry lectures at Oxford, 1811 (with an item of 1804 on the back pastedown)
88 Drafts of Margery Purver and E. J. Bowen, ‘The Beginning of the Royal Society’, 1958-59, and related notes
89 Album of newspaper cuttings etc reporting the work of Frederick John Jervis-Smith, and short articles and letters to the press by him, re physics, mechanics, and experimental engineering, 1889-1907
90-92 [Duplicate entries deleted]
93 Bound volume of mathematical and miscellaneous Spanish MSS, 18thC, including several connected with Francisco Xavier de Santiago y Palomares, one a list of ‘Instrumentos Matematicos, y Mapas, para los usos del Globo Celeste y Terrestre …’, Toledo, 1773
94 Martin Harvey, ‘Know the Root’, a conference paper (astrological) on royal nativities and family ‘genitures’, 1953
95 Bound volume of scientific correspondence of Samuel Rouse, 1728-61, chiefly with Richard Dunthorne re astronomy, including notes of observations at the observatory at Trinity College, Cambridge (30 letters plus substantial enclosures), 1737-53; the other letters are from Edmund Weaver, Tycho Wing, Charles Leadbetter, Thomas Milward, Edward Laurence, Thomas Eayre, T. Williams, William Ludlam
96 Physician’s notebook of medical recipes and prescriptions, with miscellaneous notes on other subjects, including ciphers, [early 19thC]
97 Medical lecture notes taken by Robert Ogill, surgeon, from the Edinburgh lectures of [John] Gregory, 1771
98 Notes by Robert Symonds under the headings ‘The Art of Logick’, ‘Medical Collections Vol: 4’, ‘Of the Rule of Three’, and ‘Copernicus’s System of ye World’, [Oxford, c.1740-43]
99 MS of James Keir, ‘A Treatise on Cholera containing the authors experience of the epidemic known by that name, as it prevailed in the city of Moscow in autumn 1830 & winter 1831 …’, 1831 [published 1832]
100 Microscopist’s diary of Frederick Thomas Hudson for 1849-64, including notes on meetings of the Microscopical Society, microscopes, accessories, the preparation of specimens, etc
101 Notebook of F. W. Loring, of Boston, USA, containing notes of photographic solutions, processes, etc, 1876
102 Catalogue of minerals in the collection of Lady Hippisley, (watermark 1802)
103 Notes by H. G. M[adan] from lectures ‘On the Metallic Elements’ given by B[enjamin] C[ollins] Brodie [jnr], Oxford, 1861-62
104 Papers of Frank Sherwood Taylor re the history of alchemy and chemistry, mainly research notes and transcriptions, together with lecture ‘From Alchemy to Chemistry’, [1940s-50s]
105 Lecture by C. H. Josten on ‘The Life of Sir Humphry Davy’, 1951
106 ‘Lectures on Surgery by Percivall Pott, F.R.S. London. Transcribed by H. J. 1784’
107 Désirée Hirst, ‘Clement Edmondes: A Distinguished Fellow of All Souls’, [c.1962], referring to the ‘mathematical pillar’ he gave to the Bodleian Library in 1620
108 Marine herbarium labelled ‘Seaweeds. La Chaire, Jersey’, containing 12 mounted specimens of algae (seaweed), [19thC]
109 R. T. Gunther, ‘Catalogue of Physical Apparatus belonging to Magdalen College Laboratory, 1899 …’, with a few later additions
110 Large scrapbook of George Claridge Druce (1850-1932), botanist, containing correspondence, newspaper cuttings, printed forms and notices, and some other items, mostly re botanical and pharmaceutical subjects, pharmaceutical, natural history, and scientific societies and meetings, and Oxford City Council matters and local politics, c.1882-1913
111 Marine herbarium entitled ‘Zoophytes & Algae … 1861-81 …’ compiled by E. M. [Eliza M’Intosh (1801-1881), grandmother of R. T. Gunther]
112 Marine herbarium containing zoophytes, inscribed ‘From Prof Wm Knight MA. LL.D.’ and with dates 1845-53 [though Knight died in 1844]
113 Sir John Herschel’s photographic experiments, consisting of the actual experimental images, as well as unused paper samples, treated papers and other tests, interleaving papers, some incidental MS notes and fragments, and prints used in the experiments (697 pieces), 1839-44
114 Research notes by C. H. Josten: re Fludd’s ‘Philosophicall Key’, Dee’s ‘Monas Hieroglyphica’, ‘De Tribus Impostoribus’, and geomancy, [c.1960-64]
115 Two notebooks containing C. H. Josten’s transcription of Robert Fludd, ‘A Philosophicall Key’, from a MS at Cambridge (original c.1620) [in connection with his paper in Ambix, 1963]
116 Research materials, notes, and drafts for C. H. Josten’s article ‘William Backhouse of Swallowfield’ [published in Ambix, 1949]
117 Miscellaneous papers of the University Observatory, Oxford, mostly 1881-1904, including: letter to [F. A.] Bellamy from H. H. Turner re discovery of a nova, 1903; list of De la Rue’s photographs of the Moon, 1904; printed leaflets by C. Pritchard re Sir William Herschel’s tomb and the Oxford Planisphere, 1881 and [1889]; photograph of the earlier University Observatory, [1860s/70s]
118 Small group of papers of and re H. G. J. Moseley, c.1914-1924, including some scientific papers of Moseley, and correspondence of G. Urbain, Sir Ernest Rutherford, and Amabel Sollas (Moseley’s mother) re his death in 1915
119 Small collection of mostly printed material belonging to James Patrick Muirhead re James Watt, Matthew Boulton, and M. P. W. Boulton, 1825-1912, including: correspondence with M. P. W. Boulton, c.1846-64; his pamphlet On Aerial Locomotion, 1864; auction sale catalogue of Watt’s library, 1849; material re the alleged invention of photography by Watt, 1863-64
120 Group of miscellaneous unrelated items, including: transcription of a letter to Arthur Charlett from Mr Thornhill re Savery’s engine and Boyle [original n.d.]; letter to Lucy Coxhill from Rowland and Jane Wheeler re their grandfather Wheeler’s Banksian Medal, 1894; letter to R. T. Gunther from F. J. Jervis-Smith re laboratory fees, 1903; papers re Arabic alchemists, c.1924; letters to R. T. Gunther from E. Wiedemann, 1927
121/1 Group of letters, certificates, receipts, and related papers re radioactive samples used by Frederick Soddy, 1921-25
121/2 Papers of and re Frederick Soddy (1877-1956), 1913-59: notebook and loose notes recording experiments, 1913-14; letters to [F. M.] Brewer from Soddy (3 letters), Thomas E. Soddy (brother), and Muriel Howorth, 1951-59; letter to Sir Harold Hartley from [Brewer], 1953; TS and working drawing re ‘Soddy’s Machine for solving the cubic equation with three real roots …’, 1956; printed material by and re Soddy, 1923-57
122 Small group of papers re Oxford’s two chemical societies, 1901-20: letter from G. W. F. Holroyd on the origins of the Alembic Club, 1920; regulations of the Chemical Club by A. Angel, 1905; list of meetings of the Alembic Club, 1901; menu card for Alembic Club 100th meeting, 1906, bearing photographic vignettes of ‘Presidents of the Club, 1901-1906’; TS transcription of the first minute book of the Chemical Club (1899-1910)
123 Lecture notes entitled ‘Aceto-acetic condensations of esters’ [in the hand of A. F. Walden, presumably notes for his own lectures], 1907
124 Catalogues of books in the Department of Chemistry, Oxford, by John Watts, one dated 1890; together with issue of Proceedings of the Chemical Society containing catalogue of Roscoe’s book collection, 1906
125 German translation of [Arthur Robert Green, Sundials. Incised Dials or Mass-Clocks …, 1926, the translation c.1957]
126 Two groups of papers of Frederick Soddy: (1) notes for 24 lectures on radioactivity [probably the course given at Aberdeen in 1915]; (2) absorption, deposit, and decay curves for radioactive substances, 1914 and 1917; and notes on actinium, [c.1915-17]
127 Papers of John A. Cranston from the Soddy papers: notes on ‘Iodine Experiments’ etc; TS of a paper entitled ‘The Radiation from Meso-Thorium 2’; ‘Notes on Work on Origin of Actinium’, 1915
128-130 Three notebooks of Allan F. Walden (1871-1956), chemist, containing lecture notes on mathematics and chemistry, one dated 1902 [Walden’s own lectures]
131 Notebook containing lecture notes taken by N. V. Sidgwick (1873-1952) on ‘History of Chemical Theory’ by J. E. Marsh, 1893, and ‘The Indigo Compounds. Part II’ by W. Odling, 1894, and data re solubility; and (other way) lists of members of the Alembic Club [down to c.1918]
132 Two talks given to Oxford societies by N. V. Sidgwick on ‘Tautomerism’ and on ‘Keto-Enolic Tautomerism’, 1898 and 1902
133 Notebook of N. V. Sidgwick containing detailed Oxford chemists’ examination marks for 1908-09; and (other way) lecture notes from W. Odling, ‘The Sugars’, 1893
134 Minute book of the Chemical Club, Oxford, 1910-14 [& see 321]
135 Attendance register of the Chemical Club, Oxford, 1905-14
136-137 Two minute books of meetings of chemistry lecturers and afterwards the Sub-Faculty of Chemistry, Oxford, 1910-27 and 1927-41
138-139 Two notebooks of N. V. Sidgwick containing notes on meetings of chemistry lecturers and afterwards the Sub-Faculty of Chemistry, Oxford, 1921-28 and 1930-39
140-150 Ten minute books of the Alembic Club, Oxford, 1908-58 [the number 142 does not exist; for the next in the series see 265]
151-152 Two boxes of printed programme cards and dinner menus of the Alembic Club, 1902-54, many of the menus bearing signatures
153 Versions of the rules of the Alembic Club, Oxford, 1919 and 1952; carbon TS letter to Sir H. W. Florey from [?E. J. Bowen] on the history of the Alembic Club, 1964; printed brochure of the Triennial Exhibition and Conversazione of the Junior Scientific Club, 1939
154 Printed dinner menus of various gatherings of Oxford chemists, some with signatures, 1898-1900 and 1932-65; together with group photograph around a dining table, with identifying list, [1898]
155 Catalogue of clocks and watches in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, [by John James, 1937]
156 Correspondence of H. H. Turner and the University Observatory, Oxford, re astronomical matters, 1900-30, with enclosures; correspondents include Percival Lowell (1902, with spectrographs of Saturn and Jupiter), C. R. D’Esterre, and P. Melotte (1904, with photographs of Neptune, etc)
157 Notes by E. M. Nelson on the optics of microscopes and telescopes, n.d.
158 Notes by E. J. Bowen on the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, including a rough diagram of the layout between 1920 and 1940, [?1969]
159 Notebook of essays on chemistry written by W. S. Gosset as a student, Oxford, 1897
160 Spectrographic analysis (3 graphs and 2 glass negatives) of Soddy’s lead, 1950; with a covering letter from C. H. Collie, 1971
161 Notes (2 sheets) by Erwin Schrödinger, written in answer to a query after one of his lectures in Oxford [1933-36]; with an explanatory note by C. H. Collie, 1971
162 Note by H[enry] Wilde on the rate of change of magnetic declination in London between 1657 and 1817, 1893
163 [Item transferred to museum files]
164 [Item transferred to MSS Evans]
165 [Duplicate entry deleted]
166 Notes re a waywiser lent to the Museum by A. F. Bellman [in 1925], c.1860
167 E. J. Bowen, ‘The Alembic Club. The first fifty years’, covering the period up to 1956, 1967; together with notes on the history of the ‘Oxford University Chemical Club’
168 TS notes by Allan Chapman on ‘The cost of physics research and teaching at Oxford University over the years 1900-1910’, 1973
169 Notebook on practical mathematics and the use of instruments, beginning ‘The use of the Staffe …’ but chiefly ‘The Arte of Dyallinge …’, anonymous, c.1640; the illustrations include a drawing of the polyhedral sundial made by Nicholas Kratzer for Corpus Christi College, Oxford
170 Papers re authorisation of work on animals under the Vivisection Act by George Rolleston, Oxford, 1876-77
171 ‘Catalogue of Sundials’ in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, by Kathleen Higgins, [1953]
172 Two volumes from Lord Berkeley’s private laboratory at Foxcombe, near Oxford: thermometer record book, 1895-1927; calibration record book, 1909-17
173 Anonymous talk on the history of astronomy, [1930s]
174 [Item transferred to MSS Ferguson]
175 Instruction sheets by Andrew Pritchard for the jewel microscope formerly belonging to the Ashmolean Museum, [?1820s]
176-178 [Items reclassified as MSS University Observatory 3, 4, 5]
179 Letters from Edward M. Nelson to Chapman Jones re scientific optics including micrometry, the theories of Gordon and Abbe, numerical aperture, and true and false images, 1917; together with 3 printed optical tables by Nelson, one dated 1914
180 [Item reclassified as MS University Observatory 6]
181 [Item transferred to MSS Museum Archive]
182 [Item transferred to MSS Museum Archive]
183 Instrument calibration book from the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 1927 onwards
184 Notes on the recent history of the Alembic Club, Oxford, by David Beveridge, 1972; printed programmes and notices of the club’s meetings and other events, 1969-72
185 Album of photographs of windmills, compiled and mostly taken by H. M. J. Underhill, c.1897-1912; also including a few watermills, and some personal and holiday photographs
186 [Item transferred to MSS Gunther Archive]
187 Two exercise books containing rules and worked examples in mensuration and surveying, written by Thomas Harbidge, 1757; includes the inscription ‘Wrote at Somerton and Taught by Mr. Whitley …’
188 Glass photograph of Mars taken by E. C. Slipher, 1911, with a related letter to [Sir David] Gill from Percival Lowell, and a drawing based on the photograph, 1911
189 Account book of the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1922-41
190 Laboratory notebook recording results of experiments obtained by students in the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1880-81
191 Instrument record book from the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, containing operating instructions, related notes, test certificates, printed leaflets, etc, and some letters and illustrations, 1893-1937
192 Reagents book of the Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1886
193 Planisphere for latitude 40 degrees South (New Zealand) made by D. M. Y. Sommerville, 1917; together with his article “Description of a Planisphere”, from New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, 1919
194-200 Student notebooks of C. H. Collie re chemistry, especially physical chemistry, Oxford, c.1922-25
201 ‘Note on the Periodic Law’ by Allan F. Walden, chiefly a historical account, [1916 or after]
202 Laboratory notes of research on photochemistry by E. J. Bowen, 1920 and 1922-25; the 1920 notes are headed ‘Calculations on the efficiency of isotope separation’
203 Notes or texts for a course of 7 lectures on ‘Practical Mechanics’ by Sir Edmund Frederick Du Cane (1830-1903), also covering elementary physics and engineering, [mid 19thC]
204 Bound volume of printed pamphlets and articles by Sir Edmund Frederick Du Cane, and some related newspaper cuttings, including re fortification, military strategy and tactics, the convict system, and Du Cane’s work as criminologist and prison inspector, 1859-64
205 Arithmetic exercise book of George Larkham, written at Morlaix [France], 1646; he describes himself as ‘moy George Larkham Angloix’
206 Charles North, ‘The Description and Use of the Plane Calendar. 1656’
207 Notes taken by Jacob Wragg at the mathematical lectures of Nicholas Saunderson, Cambridge, 1725
208 [Item reclassified as MS Royal Microscopical Society 37]
209 Album of photographs of Indian astronomical instruments and observatories taken by G. R. Kaye, c.1915
210 Notebook of John Thompson, surveyor, on ‘Conic Sections’ and ‘Fluxions’ (calculus), 1755
211 Notebook of worked examples in geometry, mensuration, and surveying by Ralph Thompson [son of John Thompson], 1773-74
212 Notebook on surveying by Samuel Thompson, 1778-79; also containing 3 letters to John Thompson from A. Thacker, 1742, Reuben Robbins, 1765, and G. Cetii, 1766, and a letter to John Thompson jnr [?grandson] from Joseph Kidger, 1849
213-214 Two bound volumes of papers of Conrad W. Cooke (1843-1926), 1891-1927, including: notes for a lecture on ‘Automata and Mechanical Toys’, 1895; draft of ‘Automata Old and New’ [given as a talk 1891, published as a book 1893]; drafts of ‘Hero of Alexandria’, 1901; photograph of Cooke, 1925; letters to R. T. Gunther from Mrs Sophie Cooke, 1927 and 1936; sale catalogues of Cooke’s scientific instruments and books, 1926-27
215 Notebook of a French surveyor (identified as ‘Par L’jenieur d’jpreuille’), entitled ‘Table des Angles; Pour Leuer Les Plans, et Les Trascer Sur le Terrin’, very neatly written and drawn, [18thC]
216 Small notebook on surveying, with 2 folding coloured plans, [18thC]
217 Mathematical notebook containing two sections, ‘Practical Geometry’ and ‘Arithmetick’, anonymous, [late 17th/early 18thC]
218 ‘Studium Matematice seu tractatus horologiorum’, a treatise on dialling, apparently by Jacopo Antonio Conti, 1740s; an engraved sundial is signed ‘Iac Ant. Conti … 1750’ and a drawing ‘Iac: Ant: Conti delin. 1743’
219 French treatise on dialling and related subjects, including the astrolabe, anonymous, [18thC], including tables for different latitudes
220-221 Two volumes by William Ludlam (1717-1788) comprising a detailed inventory, financial account, and record of his tools and instruments (scientific, horological, mechanical, workshop tools and materials, etc) and his dealings with various workmen and suppliers, chiefly compiled 1757-58, covering 1743-82
222 Two letters to E. M. Baurens from Hartnack & Prazmowski (Paris and Potsdam) re an order for optical instruments, 1875; and their printed catalogue of microscopes, 1874
223 Papers of the Bate family: (1) patent application and specification, with drawing, for a form of folding eye glasses invented by Robert Bretell Bate, 1825; (2) printed leaflets re ‘Bate’s Ready Reckoner’, [c.1824]; (3) sequence of 45 geometric models of card and paper made at school by B[artholomew] Bate to illustrate the eleventh book of Euclid, [c.1840]
224 Kathleen Higgins, ‘The Development of the Sun-Dial Between A.D. 1400 and 1800’, Oxford BSc thesis, 1953
225 G. A. Rowell, ‘On the Origin of the Ashmolean Museum and on Ashmoles Name in connection with it as the Founder’, taking an unfavourable view of Ashmole, [?1860s]; together with a TS transcription
226 [Item reclassified as MS Royal Microscopical Society 38]
227 Letter to Charles Singer from S. J. Thompson, 1943, with 2 drawings of the ‘Hero engine’ and the ‘Pompeii’ boiler
228-239 [Items transferred to MSS Museum Archive]
240 Instructions and recipes for setting up histology practical classes at the Physiology Laboratory, Oxford, 1908
241-250 Papers from the Physiology Laboratory, Oxford, mostly of Thomas A. Marsland, technician, reflecting the work of bio-medical technicians and laboratory assistants, including training, professional organisations, laboratory equipment and materials, practical classes, and examinations, especially in histology, 1921-64
251 A. F. Walden, ‘Some developments of the Kinetic Theory of Gases’, a talk given to the Alembic Club, Oxford, re gas chromatography, 1914
252-253 Alembic Club treasurer’s accounts for 1924-35 and 1940-45
254 Correspondence, membership lists, rules, and other administrative papers of the Alembic Club, 1952-65
255 Alembic Club printed programme cards, 1952-65
256 Papers re Lady Gertrude E. Crawford and her Holtzapffel lathe, 1897-c.1915, including drawing of Lady Gertrude with her lathe, 1904, and 3 letters and specification from Holtzapffel, 1897
257 Mark Taylor, ‘Sundials, their meaning, their making and mending’, 1973
258 John McCrae, ‘A Chronologically Arranged List of People Concerned in the Development of Chemistry’, 1951
259 P.-J. Charliat, ‘L’Academie Royale de Marine (1752-1793)’ and ‘L’Academie Royale de Marine et la Revolution Nautique au XVIIIème Siecle’, latter a TS transcription of his article from Thales (1934), 1952
260 J. F. Hanson, ‘The History of Anaesthetics’, Westminster College [near Oxford] dissertation, [1960]; together with photographs of apparatus
261 Service manual for a Radio Corporation of America electron microscope, containing service reports for 1952-64
262 Printed service sheets for memorial services to Howard Walter Florey at Marston Church and Westminster Abbey, 1968 and 1980-81; text of the address given by Frank Fenner in 1981; together with related letters, 1981
263 Collection of 60 rubbings of clock hands by A. J. Barnsdale, [watchmaker], early 20thC
264 Group of letters and printed material re the Alembic Club, Oxford, belonging to J. C. Smith, 1930-73, including: letters from scientists re speaking at meetings or dinners in 1935; menu of a dinner in honour of Sir Cyril Hinshelwood’s Nobel Prize, 1957, and letter from him
265 Minute book of the Alembic Club Senior Section, Oxford, 1956-65 (when the section was wound up) [previous books are 140-150]
266 Drawings of a hygrometer and microscopes, one captioned ‘Solar Microscope’, [?19thC]
267 Notebook of exercises in ‘Surveying’ by John Boyes, of ‘W. C. Adamson’s Academy’, 1827-28
268 Papers that came with Sir Julian Huxley’s lantern slides: record cards, mostly bibliographical references to zoological papers, mid 20thC; lecture notes extracted from among the lantern slides
269 United States letters patent granted to Charles Falck for an ‘Improved Refrigerator’, 1866
270 Notebook entitled ‘Equatorial Instrument’ and signed ‘F L. Wollaston. 1818’, but empty except for notes of an observation of 1803
271 Engraving of Michael Faraday, framed along with a letter from Faraday and the cover bearing Faraday’s wax seal, 1836
272 Paper bearing the signature of J. J. Berzelius, [early 19thC]
273 Ten notebooks of R. M. Acheson as a chemistry student, first at school (and also in a laboratory at home) and then at Oxford, including in the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, 1938-45
274 Four notebooks of H. J. Harris, a chemistry student at Queen’s College, Oxford, n.d. and 1912-13
275 Three letters to John Phillips on geological matters, from J. W. Hulke (2) and from Thomas Davidson, 1873; together with a review of Phillips’s book Geology of Oxford … (1871) by Archibald Geikie, 1872
276 ‘Memorandum on a 250ft aperture Steerable Radio Telescope’, by A. C. B. Lovell with chapters by J. A. Clegg and J. G. Davies, the original proposal-dossier for ‘the first giant radio telescope’ [the famous Mark I] at the Jodrell Bank Experimental Station of Manchester University, 1951
277 Printed pamphlet bound in a MS notebook: (1) anonymous, A Description of the Nature and Motions of Comets, with a history of Several Comets, Which have appeared since the Year 1337; to which is added, an account of the Comet of the Year 1811, annotated; (2) untitled MS continuing the theme of the pamphlet and discussing comets of 1742-1812, by J. W. Woollgar, [c.1812]
278 Small group of papers belonging to Vernon John Greenhough re botany teaching at Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1873-79, including Alexander Dickson’s Glasgow syllabus, 1876, and Edinburgh examination papers
279 Papers of and re Henry Reginald Arnulph Mallock (1851-1933): (1) A. Mallock, “Growth of Trees, with a Note on Interference Bands formed by Rays at Small Angles”, from Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1918, with annotations and enclosures; (2) Royal Society obituary of Mallock by C. V. B[oys], 1933, with enclosures, including photograph of Mallock, and letter to Mallock from J[oseph] Larmor, latter 1929
280 Kathleen Higgins, ‘Merton College Mural Dial’, c.1950; together with photograph and large diagram
281 ‘Birds Eggs 1799’, home-made booklet containing 132 coloured illustrations of British birds’ eggs by William Jones, with captions
282 Duplicated MS catalogue leaflet and instruction pamphlet for a ‘Drawing Room Radium Outfit’ by H. J. Gray, Lewes, 1923
283 Signed invoice from C. D. Ahrens, ‘Optical Prism Worker of every description’, for ‘1 Large Nicols prism’ and a piece of spar, 1885
284 Prescription by or belonging to Nurse Brooks, 1938
285 Two hand-outs for the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Oxford in 1954, one a potted history of ‘This Room’ (used by crystallography) by H. M. Powell
286 Watercolour drawing of an alchemical laboratory, showing a balneum mariae (alchemical water-bath) on the upper floor, heated from a large furnace on the ground floor, the alchemist or assistant working a large bellows, [the picture thought to be German, ?c.1660]
287 Four drawings of ‘Hercules-Engonasin’ by W. Parkinson, copied from various representations of the constellation, [c.1925]
288 Five prints of optical instruments by ‘Utzschneider & Fraunhofer in München’, with a letter to B. L. Vulliamy from F. Abbott, 1842
289 Two pages from a scrapbook on which are mounted ‘Harmonic Curves’ drawn by means of a harmonograph, signed ?‘J. C.’, 1892
290 Album of ‘Spiraloid Curves by Richard Inwards. 1893-1898’, drawn with a harmonograph of his own design (121 circular designs)
291 Geometrical and technical drawings by Cyril H. H. Franklin (1885-1976): 5 of hypersolids, 1910; ‘Compound Gyroscope …’, 1912; together with correspondence between Franklin and the Museum, 1971-73
292 Geometrical drawings and technical charts by Cyril H. H. Franklin (rolled): 3 re geometry of hyperspace, 1937; 2 re testing engines, 1940-43
293 Letters and other papers sent to Cyril H. H. Franklin by Dorman Luke, re the mathematics and geometry of polyhedra, hyperspace, and geometrical designs and models, 1948-63
294 Photographs of geometric models made by Paul S. Donchian, and a photograph of Donchian (9 photos, sent to Cyril H. H. Franklin), 1934-36
295 MS in an invented or nonsense language purporting to contain designs and technical data for spacecraft and their instruments, entitled ‘D[symbol] Wave X’xroxxqiode Metera …’, by ‘Darwin hEql Hospesills – Motha | Athor : D[symbol]. wave’ (the name appears internally as ‘Athor Motha D. H. H.’), [1960s]
296 MS display list of ‘Benefactors’ [of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford], about a quarter of the entries under the date 1824
297 ‘A List of Objects’, small paper listing microscope slides, [late 18th/early 19thC]
298 Four slight papers accompanying George Rolleston’s craniometric instruments, including note signed ‘JP’ [John Phillips, c.1870], and a letter to Rolleston from Francis Galton, 1875
299 Page from a scrapbook bearing photograph of George Rolleston [c.1860], and several newspaper cuttings re his death and funeral, including an obituary by W. H. F[lower], all 1881
300 F. Sherwood Taylor, ‘Greek Alchemy’, 2 vols, [his London PhD thesis, 1931]
301 I. R. F. Calder, ‘John Dee studied as an English Neoplatonist’, 2 vols, London PhD thesis, 1952
302 R. L. Helps, ‘Some Reflections on the Contribution of Islam to European Science’, University of Exeter dissertation, 1964
303 Allan Chapman, ‘Dividing the Circle: The Development of Techniques of Precision Angular Measurements in Instrument Making, and their Relationship to the Practice of Astronomy, 1500-1800’, Oxford DPhil thesis, 1978
304 W. D. Hackmann, ‘John and Jonathan Cuthbertson: The Invention and Development of the 18th Century Plate Electrical Machine’, Oxford Jane Willis Kirkaldy Prize essay, 1972
305 Peter J. T. Morris, ‘18th Century British Chemists: Their Ideas and Education’, Oxford Jane Willis Kirkaldy Prize essay, 1978
306 Gertrude Hamilton, ‘Old Scientific Instruments’, copy TS of unpublished book (1935)
307 John Ward, ‘The History of Sundials in the United States, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the British Isles’, illustrated travel journal, 1984
308 Album entitled ‘Aerostation’ containing F. W. Hope’s collection of ballooning prints and ephemera, 1783-1852 with several earlier items
309 Scrapbook of cuttings and photographs on aeronautics (balloons, airships, and early aeroplanes) compiled by Roger Knight Hitchcock, 1906-08
310 Large portfolio containing papers of James Patrick Muirhead re the illustrations for his books about James Watt, especially engraved prints, proofs, paper samples, and including 2 original drawings, mostly 1847-54
311 Letters to Constance Burch re the death of George James Burch (1852-1914) (149 letters), and related papers, 1914
312 Invoices, receipts, and related papers re instruments for chemical and medical experiments supplied to Anthony Mavrogordato, 1909-13
313 Small laboratory notebook used by a collaborator of J. S. Haldane, 1903
314 Two large drawings of a diving suit, full length and detail of the helmet (rolled), ?c.1910
315 X-ray photographs of respiration experiments conducted by J. S. Haldane and J. G. Priestley, early 20thC
316 Miscellaneous items belonging to J. S. Haldane, including personal and family memorabilia, items from his laboratory, and the contents of his stationery drawer
317 Papers and correspondence of Charlotte Burghes (1894-1969) (from 1926, Mrs J. B. S. Haldane) and the Science News Service, a scientific press agency she established in 1925, 1925-27, including a selection of reports and articles
318 Group of photographs mostly belonging to Frank McClean, astronomer, 1890s-c.1920, including of the installation of the McClean Telescope at the Cape of Good Hope Observatory, 1898
319 Scrapbook and notebook re photography compiled immediately after its invention by John Thomson of Leith, 1839-43
320 Group of trade literature re calculators, from the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, 1950-59
321 Minute book of the Chemical Club, Oxford, 1899-1910, and a TS transcription made c.1953 [& see 134]
322 Scrapbook of photographic ephemera and cuttings compiled by Miss C. Steele, 1901-08
323 Minute book of the Alembic Club, Oxford, 1938-46
324 Small group of correspondence of Thaddeus J. Trenn re history of science topics, 1969-75
325 H. J. P. Arnold’s photograph of the sun’s analemma, 1988-89, with accompanying TS text
326 Small group of papers of and re A. S. Russell, chemist, 1912-72, including photographs
327 Album of Kodak snapshots, mostly scenery and buildings, photographer unknown, c.1900
328 Research notes and materials of Vanda Morton for her book on Nevil Story-Maskelyne [published as Oxford Rebels, 1987]
329 Copy photographs of some of Nevil Story-Maskelyne’s photographs (originals 1840s-50s)
330 Book of Common Prayer, 1693, used as a family bible by the Sadler family of Oxford, 1718-1800
331 Photographs of a print of James Sadler in the Irish Sea (1812); photograph of a portrait of Sadler as an old man, with letter from Harold Sadler, 1930
332 Volume of ‘Bow-Pen Drawings’ by Henry Perigal (91 drawings), 1832
333 Three volumes of ‘Kinematic Curves’ or ‘Experimental Researches in Kinematics …’ by Henry Perigal (294 printed designs), 1838-42
334 Two volumes of ‘Dynamic Curves’ by Henry Perigal (duplicates of preceding), 1838-41
335 ‘Geometrical Dissections and Transformations …’ by Henry Perigal, consisting of 30 printed plates with MS text, 1843-44
336 ‘Kinematic Bicircloids’ by Henry Perigal, 6 large printed plates (each with 80 figures) and MS text (mostly formulae), 1854 and 1872
337 The 80 figures from one of the large plates of Perigal’s bicircloids, mounted and folded as a pamphlet, [1854]
338 Some of Perigal’s curves reproduced as a halftone, [?1901]
339 Two printed pamphlets belonging to Perigal: John Holt Ibbetson, A Brief Account of Ibbetson’s Geometric Chuck …, 1833; James Smith, The Problem of Squaring the Circle Solved …, 1859
340 Catalogue of the alchemical library of Gerard Heym (covering only modern works), on slips of paper/card, 1970s/80s
341 Gerard Heym, ‘Talk on Alchemy’, 1947
342 Two architectural drawings of the Old Ashmolean Building, Oxford, by C. S. B. Smith, 1945
343 Two files of correspondence, lists, etc re the Alembic Club/Oxford chemists reunion dinners of 1973 and 1978
344-345 Two minute books of the Physical Society, Oxford: Physical Society, 1937-40 and 1945-46, and Physical and Radio Society, 1940-41
346-348 Papers and correspondence of Frederick Addey, science lecturer, 1924-43, including his history of science lecture texts and syllabus, and collected printed material and cuttings
349 Alembic Club dinner menu signed by N. V. Sidgwick, H. T. Tizard, and others, 1907
350 Collection of mostly personal and family photographs belonging to Anthony Peter Riza and his mother Ella, early 20thC
351 Papers occasioned by the death of C. W. Dyson Perrins, 1958-59
352 James Dyson Perrins’s bookplate, [19thC]; papers re James and C. W. Dyson Perrins, and Lea & Perrins, including photocopies sent by David J. D. Perrins, 1970-88
353 Papers re the Lea & Perrins 150th anniversary plate, 1974-78
354 Collected material re the Perkin family, 1906-65, including printed items re Sir William Perkin, 1906-07, obituaries of W. H. Perkin jnr, 1929, articles by Sir Robert Robinson, 1956, and J. C. Smith, 1965
355 Group photograph of the Solvay conference, Brussels, 1931
356 Large sheet of notes and formulae by Sir Robert Robinson (1886-1975) re the molecular structure of penicillin, [1944, predating verification of the structure, Robinson’s hypothesis being incorrect]; together with 4 smaller sheets of related notes
357 Photographs of laboratories at Manchester, including the opening of the Robinson Laboratory in 1950
358 Obituaries and other posthumous papers re Sir Robert Robinson, 1975-76, including memorial addresses by L. E. Sutton and Lord Todd; together with offprint of article on chemical genetics by Rose Scott-Moncrieff, from Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London, 1981
359 Offprints of 5 articles on strychnine by Robinson and collaborators, 1934; offprint of Robinson’s Bakerian lecture, 1931; and 2 letters to Sir Ewart Jones from J. C. Smith (1900-1984), referring to these and some other things in the archive, 1979
360 Small group of papers re partition chromatography, including letters to Sir Ewart Jones from the inventor R. L. M. Synge, all 1981
361 Correspondence, notes, and printed material assembled by Sir Ewart Jones re the careers of (recent) Oxford and Dyson Perrins Laboratory chemists, 1956-86
362 Various accounts of Oxford chemistry, 1957-77, including: J. C. Smith, “The Perkins and the Perrinses”, from Zenith, 1965, with annotations by Smith; hand-outs for Dyson Perrins Laboratory open day, 1969; I. M. Herrman & D. C. Moore, “Universities and Industry: Oxford and ICI”, from ICI Magazine, 1977
363 E. J. Bowen, ‘Chemistry at Oxford’, 1969 with corrections to 1979
364-366 Papers re J. C. Smith’s history of the Dyson Perrins Laboratory The Development of Organic Chemistry at Oxford, 2 parts, [c.1969 and 1975], including corrections, distribution lists, and correspondence, 1967-79
367 Papers re chemical verse, chiefly correspondence of Sir Ewart Jones with William Gerrard and E. J. Bowen, 1969-70, and photocopies, including of a book Discursive Chemical Notes in Rhyme (1876)
368 Miscellaneous photographs from the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, 1921-83, including of Hinshelwood’s (1963) painting of South Parks Road, Oxford [the painting, a framed group photograph, a collection of portrait photographs, and lecture slides are also held by the Museum]
369 Album of photographs of T. G. Halsall’s retirement dinner, 1986
370 Annual reports of the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford, 1929-74
371 Geoffrey Lewis’s file of correspondence with H. E. Stapleton, 1948-51, and related papers
372 Medical diary of [A. G. Gibson], a young doctor and pupil of Sir William Osler, for part of 1905 only
373 Minute book of the Clinical Club, Oxford, 1930-36, with rules for 1929 and list of members
374 Group of trade literature re instruments for physical or chemical analysis, especially spectrometry, assembled by Peter J. Placito, 1950s; and related papers including 11 reports by Placito on instruments and procedures, 1957-58
375 Standard spectrum photographs from the Research Laboratories of GEC, Wembley, including by Hilger and by Gerard Turner, 1925-51
376 G. I. Sapunov, ‘Criticism of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity’, an English translation, with long letter to C. A. Coulson from Sapunov, and additional paper by him, 1956-57
377 Annotated X-ray photographs mapping the molecular structure of vitamin B12 by Dorothy Hodgkin, c.1950
[See also MSS Gunther, MSS Evans, and MSS Museum Archive. Items identified among the Gunther collection as belonging properly to the Museum are MSS Gunther 16, 22 (1), 28-30, 31-33, 49, 55, 59, 61, 62, 63. Some hitherto uncatalogued items and recent (continuing) additions are not yet included in the list]
MSS Museum Archive
Archival records of the Museum of the History of Science (founded 1924)
Internal archive of the institution, 1924 onwards (continuing)
For more details of this collection please contact the archivist
[Early material of this kind is included in MSS Gunther Archive]
MSS North
Papers of John Mercer (1791-1866), chemist and textile printer, and of his family, including records of chemical and dyeing experiments as well as family and local material, 1791-1944
Deposited on loan by Mrs S. M. North in 1979
summary list
1 Lease of land at Great Harwood, Lancashire, for building a factory for John Mercer & Co, 1869
2-6 Five letters patent (3 of them Scottish) granted to John Mercer and various collaborators, re printing and dyeing fabrics, 1842-52
7 Printed book Edward A. Parnell, The Life and Labours of John Mercer …, 1886; together with notebook re sales of the book, 1895-97
8 Photograph on textile of John Mercer, [c.1860]
9 Photostat of article J. T. Marsh, “Textile Research A John Mercer Centenary”, from an unidentified newspaper, 1944
10 Notebook of John Mercer on ‘Dung’, 1839-41
11 Notebook of John Mercer of recipes re bleaching and dyeing, with numerous samples of dyed cotton
12 Bundle of papers and correspondence re various Mercer family philanthropic projects, mostly 1900, including draft deeds of foundation of the Peel Foundation, Blackburn, and of the Mercer Memorial Scholarship
13 Notebook of or belonging to Robert Mercer on photography, 1855-59
14 Notebook of John Mercer entitled ‘General Trial Book for the Year 1847’
15 Notebook of John Mercer entitled ‘Exp. on Light 1844-1854’ re fading of dyed cloth in sunlight, with samples of dyed cotton
16 Notes by John Mercer on ‘Printing Turkey Reds’
17 Notebook of John Mercer of chemical experiments, ?c.1856
18 Notebook of John Mercer entitled ‘Experiments III’ containing chemical experiments, 1829
19 Notebook of John Mercer re chemistry, 1857-58
20 Anti-Corn Law League medal, [c.1840]
21 Poster for the opening of Mercer Park, Clayton-le-Moors, 1916
22 Reel of Dewhurst’s Sylko mercerised cotton thread; 5 wooden printing blocks for textile printing
23 Notebook of John Mercer entitled ‘No. 1 General Trial Book, 1847, February’ containing dyeing recipes, with numerous samples of dyed cotton
24 Papers and correspondence re sales of Parnell’s biography of Mercer, 1895-1901; bundles of certificates (baptism, burial, etc) re members of various families (147 items, originals 1774-1906)
25 Miscellaneous biographical and historical papers, mostly 20thC, including TS of Richard Broughton, ‘John Mercer and Chromatic Photographs’, 1920, and issue of the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists containing ‘The First John Mercer Lecture’, 1944
26 Plan and elevation for extensions to the Wesleyan Mission Chapel, Clayton-le-Moors, 1892-93
27 Box of mostly personal papers and memorabilia of John Mercer and family, 1791-1860s and some later items, including photographs of Mercer, Anti-Corn Law League membership cards, Mercer’s baptism certificate, 1791, notebook re chemical nomenclature, 1813, brief autobiographical notes by Mercer, [1860s], and notes on Mercer by Lyon Playfair, [c.1886]
28 Miscellaneous residual items, including wooden trap from the ball game of ‘bat-and-trap’
[There is another collection of Mercer papers in Lancashire County Record Office]
MSS Oriel College
Two items from Oriel College, Oxford, relating to botanical studies, c.1700 and 1843
Deposited on loan by the Provost and Scholars of Oriel College, Oxford, in the 1930s
summary list
1 Herbarium or collection of pressed plants with MS captions (90 specimens), c.1700, remounted in a modern volume
2 First fascicule of the cyanotype herbarium by A[nna] A[tkins], Photographs of British Algae. Cyanotype Impressions, consisting of 12 leaves sewn in blue wrappers, each leaf being a cyanotype or blueprint photograph, 1843
[Other material relating to Oriel College: MSS Museum 65, 173]
MSS Radcliffe
Astronomical and other archives of the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford (founded 1772), and papers of successive Radcliffe Observers, chiefly Thomas Hornsby (1733-1810), astronomer and physicist, 1753-early 20thC; also astronomical papers of the 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739-1817), 1779-1800, and some other external manuscripts collected by the Observatory, 16th-early 19thC
Presented by the Radcliffe Trustees in 1932-34
summary list
1 Early notebook of Thomas Hornsby, containing exercises in arithmetic and astronomy, notes of observations, including the date 1759, transcriptions of meteorological publications, and some meteorological observations for 1753-58
2-5 Four volumes of observational computations by Hornsby, 1781-93
6 Miscellaneous computations and observations by Hornsby, 1753-86; scrap paper used for calculations includes some of Hornsby’s lecture notices, 1770-76
7 Observations (including from other sources), computations, and notes by Hornsby, including the 1769 transit of Venus and observations at Shirburn Castle, 1769-80
8-11 Four volumes of computations, observations, and notes, in Hornsby’s hand but some from other sources, covering 1689-1800
12 Tables of precession, aberration, and nutation by Hornsby, 18thC
13 Astronomical tables by Hornsby, [c.1761], with notes and computations enclosed
14 Notebook of Hornsby containing a catalogue or bibliography of printed books on astronomy (1496-1770), [1770s]
15 Hornsby’s draft of a primer of astronomy for the Duke of Marlborough, especially re use of the quadrant, with observations and examples mostly 1774-86
16 Notebook belonging to the Duke of Marlborough, containing astronomical notes and instructions extracted from letters of Hornsby, c.1784-99
17 Notes by F. Bayley taken from chemistry lectures, some or all of the lectures by [William] Cullen [at Edinburgh], 1758
18 Solar and lunar tables by Hornsby, 18thC; together with similar printed tables
19 Astronomical tables by Hornsby, 18thC
20-21 Two volumes of transit observations by Hornsby, 1761-64 and 1776, 1791, and 1794
22 Working catalogue of fixed stars by Hornsby, c.1780
23 Fair copy of Hornsby’s catalogue of fixed stars [preceding] for the epoch 1780
24 Records of transit and quadrant observations made at Shirburn Castle and Oxford, 1766-70, including the ?discovery of a comet
25 Group of miscellaneous notes by Hornsby and others re astronomical and meteorological observations at Shirburn Castle and Oxford, mostly 1753-63, including early observations by Hornsby, 1753-60s, calculations of the latitude of Oxford, 1758 and after, and notes on regulator clocks and their pendulums, 1760-61
26 Astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough, mostly 1781-82, including observations at Blenheim, papers written for the Duke by Hornsby, and 5 astronomical drawings by Elizabeth Spencer, 1779
27 Astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough, mostly 1784-96, including tables, observations at Blenheim, calculations, and instructions; the tables include a printed barometer table, the observations include Jupiter’s satellites, 1784
28 Two folders of astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough: (1) re his transit instrument, 1782; (2) re observation and calculation of the right ascensions of stars and sun, 1781, with other observations at Blenheim, 1781-86, a letter from Hornsby, 1781, and miscellaneous astronomical and meteorological notes, 1780s-90s
29 Agreement between John Bird and the Delegates of the Clarendon Press for the supply of 5 observatory instruments, 1771; invoice from P. & J. Dollond for 2 achromatic telescopes, 1774; together with several other papers, including a printed syllabus, John Rowning & William Deane, A Compleat Course of Experimental Philosophy and Astronomy, [c.1730]
30 Miscellaneous papers, including: observations of various stars, and related computations, by Hornsby, 1776-95; ‘Dr. Robertson’s Report of Book’s, &c.’, listing books and MSS at the Observatory after Hornsby’s death, [1810 or soon after]
31-33/1 Three bundles of tables for facilitating astronomical computations, by Hornsby, 18thC
33/2 Corrected proofs of the introductory pages (by Hornsby) of James Bradley’s Astronomical Observations, 1798
34 Large parcel of astronomical computations based on observations at Greenwich and Oxford, and reductions of James Bradley’s observations (1750-62)
35 Notes in which Hornsby explains to the Duke of Marlborough how to find the sun’s right ascension and longitude, 1781
36 Notebook belonging to the Duke of Marlborough, containing an elementary outline or textbook of astronomy, [c.1780]
37 Astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough: tables of epochs and related astronomical data (for 1740-1810), including instructions and examples dated 1794-96
38 Astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough: stellar observations made at Blenheim, 1793-97
39 Large bundle of miscellaneous astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough, 1780s-90s, including tables of astronomical data for Blenheim and Sion Hill, printed instruction sheet for a maximum and minimum thermometer, 4 letters from J[esse] Ramsden, 1796, and printed pamphlet on meteors by Nevil Maskelyne, 1783
40 Astronomical papers of the Duke of Marlborough: meteorological observations at Blenheim, 1791-1800; papers re measurement of a degree of meridian, 1784 and n.d. [one in Hornsby’s hand], including ‘Measure of a Degree of Latitude in Lapland by Messrs. Maupertuis &ca …. 1736’
41 Four notebooks of S. P. Rigaud (1774-1839) entitled ‘Transits reduced as taken by Jones’s Circle 1837’ and ‘Trials &c. of Jones’s Circle …’, 1837-38
42 Letters to S. P. Rigaud from Thomas Jones re the meridian circle, 1831-38; and 2 invoices, 1836
43 Computed (predicted) occultations sent to S. P. Rigaud by the Astronomical Society of London, 1829-30 and 1832-33 (printed)
44 Letters to S. P. Rigaud from George Bramwell, John Charles Rossi, and John Nixon, re the relievos on the Observatory tower, 1834-36
45 Printed papers belonging to S. P. Rigaud re the Equitable Assurance Office, 1829-30
46-47 Two volumes of observations by Abram Robertson, 1813-15; enclosed in the first is a drawing of the equatorial sector
48 Notes re adjustment of the transit instrument, [by Abram Robertson, c.1815]
49 Miscellaneous papers of Manuel Johnson, including drafts and notes re the St Helena Observatory and observations there, [c.1835]
50 Pendulum records by Manuel Johnson, n.d.; letter from W. H. Jones re a 10-foot equatorial telescope, with description and sketch, 1842
51 Draft obituary of E. J. Stone by W. Wickham, and related correspondence, 1897
52 Correspondence of E. J. Stone re interference with the meridian line by a proposed extension to the Radcliffe Infirmary, 1892-93
53 Bundle of papers re inventories and expenditure, mostly 1800s-1839, including: inventories of instruments, furniture, etc, 1800s-1828; list of books etc left to the Observatory by G. Powell, 1830; receipts for assistants’ salaries, 1827-38
54 Tables and computations, some in Hornsby’s hand, and notes ‘On the perpetual Log’ and ‘Trial of Foxons Hydrometer … 1773’
55 Miscellaneous papers re instruments: catalogue of Tycho Brahe’s instruments, 18thC; descriptions of Hadley’s quadrant and an optical theodolite by J[eremiah] Watkins, late 18thC; instructions for adjusting the quadrant by E[dward] Troughton, [c.1818]; notes re large object glasses, 1903-08; drawings and blueprints of chronographs by Sir Howard Grubb, 1897-99; photograph of an electrical apparatus
56 Circular slide-rule of ink on pasteboard, signed ‘Invented and Published … 1789, by Geo. Margetts’
57-63 Seven notebooks containing reductions of Norman Pogson’s ring micrometer observations, 1852-58
64 Letters to A. Rambaut from Sir Howard Grubb, and related papers, re a revolving dome, lifting floor, etc, 1899
65 [Item reclassified as MS University Observatory 1]
66 ‘Note on Professor Kapteyn’s Method of Determining the Parallax and Proper Motions of Stars by means of Photography’, and related notes, [by A. A. Rambaut, 1905]
67 Miscellaneous papers, 1831-1900, including re the Observatory buildings, stars visible near the south pole, and astronomical expeditions
68 Notes on Radcliffe Observatory instruments by F. A. Bellamy, 1935
69 Waxed-paper photo-meteorographic recordings (28 papers in 4 groups), 1861-74; and sunshine records, 1882-91
70 Four boxes of record cards with information from photographic plates for determining stellar parallax and proper motions by Kapteyn’s method, [early 20thC]
71 Sets of unused printed gores for John Russell’s moon globe, 1797
72/1 Large album containing 187 observational drawings of parts of the moon by John Russell, c.1764-1805, mostly 1787-94
72/2 Contemporary papers re John Russell’s moon project, including: long letter to Thomas Hornsby from Russell, 1789; printed proposals for the moon globe, [before 1797]; printed pamphlet A Description of the Lunar Planispheres …, 1809
72/3 Later correspondence, notes, articles, and photographs re John Russell’s moon drawings and globe, c.1870-1930
73 Photographs (glass negatives) of John Russell’s large pastel drawing of the moon and of one of his original drawings, [1895]
74 Large bound volume or portfolio of planispheres, ink on pasteboard, including a pattern for an astrolabe, 1556/57
75 List of magnifying powers of the ‘Great Telescope’ [James Short 18-inch reflector], 1771, with related letter to [Abram Robertson] from M. Maylard [?or Maylord], 1812
[Other material from this provenance: MS Museum 54; MS Gunther 27 (5); MS Museum 41 (12, 13, 14); MSS University Observatory 12, 13; prints and ephemera. Another group of Radcliffe Observatory papers is at the Royal Astronomical Society, London; Radcliffe Trust and Rigaud papers are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford; a collection of Hornsby’s papers is at Corpus Christi College, Oxford]
MSS Royal Microscopical Society
Manuscripts collected by the Royal Microscopical Society (founded 1839), chiefly papers and drawings of various microscopists and naturalists, 1713-1930s
Variously purchased from and presented by the Royal Microscopical Society in 1970 and 1991
summary list
1 Three volumes of microscopical drawings of ‘Infusoria Diatomacae Desmidiacae Algae &c.’ by James George Tatem, 1864-68
2 Collection of 135 microscopical drawings of rotifers by P. H. Gosse, the originals for the plates in Hudson & Gosse’s The Rotifera … [1886-89], 1849-87 mostly 1885-86
3 E. B. L. Brayley’s synopsis of Hudson & Gosse, The Rotifera … [1886-89], 2 vols, 1915
4 MS of Frederick William Mills, An Index to the Genera and Species of the Diatomaceae and their Synonyms [published 1933-35]
5 Catalogue of microscope slides of molluscs mounted by H. M. Gwatkin, 1883-90
6 Microscopical notebook and correspondence of H. G. W. Aubrey, 1869-79, together with newspaper cuttings and advertisements
7 Bound volume entitled ‘Microscope Technique A selection from the letters of Edward Milles Nelson (1851-1938) … to Alfred Charles Coles (1866-1944) …’, containing photostats of 43 letters (and enclosures) re technical aspects of microscopy and use of the microscope (originals 1904-25), 1946
8 MS of an unpublished book on the microscope by E. M. Nelson, [c.1930-38]
9 Scrapbook of Edward Heron-Allen containing papers and correspondence (259 letters) re his presidency of the Royal Microscopical Society and his election to fellowship of the Royal Society, 1914-20
10-11 Microscopical papers, drawings, and correspondence of F. R. Dixon Nuttall (d.1929), 1884-1928, together with printed pamphlets, and a notebook dated 1854-67
12 & 14 Microscopical papers and notebooks of David L. Bryce (1843-1934), 1884-1932, mostly re rotifers
13 Catalogue of microscope slides, mainly of diatoms, 1860-69
14 [See 12]
15 Scrapbook of drawings of rotifers and other microscopical papers, some by F. R. Dixon Nuttall [who may be the compiler], 1887-94 with later items to 1928
16 Microscopical drawings by James Murray, the originals for the plates of his book Aptera (published 1877)
17 Microscopical sketchbook of Thomas Bolton entitled ‘Rotatoria’, 1889
18 Catalogue of microscope slides entitled ‘Histological Catalogue’, covering chemistry, micrometers, textiles, etc as well as the usual diatomas and natural history objects, 1892
19-20 E. B. L. Brayley’s synopsis of W. Saville Kent, A Manual of the Infusoria [1880-82], 2 vols, 1917-18
21 Card index of habitats of ‘The Rotifera of Scotland’, [c.1931]
22-24 Three volumes of microscopical drawings of hydracarina (water mites) by Charles D. Soar (1853-1939), the originals for the plates in Soar & Williamson, The British Hydracarina, [1925-29], 1909-28
25 Proofs of 49 printed plates from Charles D. Soar’s drawings
26 Papers and drawings of Charles D. Soar re certain families of acarina (mites), 1909-33, together with printed pamphlets, 1898 and 1919
27-35 Nine notebooks of Charles D. Soar, containing notes, drawings, and some printed items re various species of acarina (mites), 1910-33
36 Abraham Flatters’s transcription of Asa Gray, Structural Botany [1879], 1885-86
37 W. T. Suffolk’s own copy of his book On Spectrum Analysis as applied to Microscopical Observation, 1873, containing 3 letters from [Sir] William Crookes, 1873 and 1886
38 Charles D. Soar’s bound copy of F. Koenike, “Hydrachniden-Fauna von Madagaskar und Nossi-Bé”, 1898, and C. J. Neuman, Om Sveriges Hydrachnider, 1880; with 11 postcards from Koenike, 1902-13
39 H. H. Chase, ‘Index Diatomacearum’, a huge TS list of diatoms, 1894
40 William Boys’s annotated copy of the published book on his shell collection, George Walker, Testacea Minuta Rariora … / A Collection of the Minute and Rare Shells, lately discovered In the Sand of the Sea Shore near Sandwich; By William Boys …, [1784], with MS lists
41 Henry Baker (1698-1774), ‘Memoranda, principally relating to pecuniary affairs, Interspersed with Anecdotes of Himself & Family …’, 1713-67; includes material re his teaching of the deaf
42 Bound collection of auction sale catalogues of scientific instruments (20 catalogues), 1769-95
[The Society’s internal records are MSS RMS Archive. Some hitherto uncatalogued items and recent additions are not yet included in the list]
MSS RMS Archive
Archival records of the Royal Microscopical Society (founded 1839)
Deposited on loan by the Royal Microscopical Society in 1991, with additions (continuing)
For more details of this collection please contact the archivist
[Manuscripts collected by the Society are MSS Royal Microscopical Society]
MS St John’s College
Single volume from St John’s College, Oxford, consisting of a catalogue of his collection by John Pointer (1667-1754), collector and tutor (accompanying the Pointer natural history collection)
Deposited on loan by the President and Scholars of St John’s College, Oxford, in 1925
summary list
1 John Pointer, ‘Musaeum Pointerianum’, a descriptive and discursive catalogue of his collection written as if intended for publication, and covering coins and medals, all kinds of natural history and geological specimens, some antiquities, ‘Artificial Rarities’, and ‘Miscellaneous Curiosities’, and also containing discourses on various subjects, especially waters and bathing, [early 18thC]
[Other material from this provenance: MS Museum 24]
MS Sharp
Single volume from a private owner, consisting of an anonymous student or amateur’s handmade astronomical compendium
Deposited on loan by Mr R. Sharp in 1979
summary list
1 Volume of astronomical charts, volvelles, and diagrams with moving parts, with text (including several pages in French), illustrating solar-system motions, distances, calendrics, etc, 1814-19
Archival records of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (founded 1935)
Partly deposited on loan by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry in 2007, with additions (continuing); and partly transferred from the Museum’s internal archive
summary list
A/1/1 Original printed ‘Constitution and Rules’, 1936-38
A/1/2 Revised ‘Constitution and Rules’ of 1957 and 1975
A/1/3 Constitution and rules, 21stC
A/2/1 Papers re registered charity status, 1991
A/2/2 Papers re data protection registration, 1985-87
A/3/1 Early general leaflets, hand-outs, and circulars about the society, or aimed at recruitment, 1935-47
A/3/2 Recent printed leaflets, 21stC
B/1/1 Printed ‘Proceedings’ and annual report, 1938
B/2/1 [Number left free in case earlier minutes should turn up]
B/2/2 Minute book of Council meetings, 1945-96
B/3/1-2 Council meetings files, 1954-83 and 1984-99
B/4/1 Spare duplicate Council minutes
C/1/1 Photocopies of documents re early ordinary meetings or lectures, (originals 1937-38)
C/2/1-5 General meetings files, 1967-2005
C/3/1 List of ‘SHAC Open Meetings’ (1968-80), 1980
C/4/1 Papers re the meeting to launch Frank Greenaway’s memoirs and festschrift, 2007
D/1/1 Photocopies of the earliest surviving correspondence, (originals 1936-39)
D/1/2 ‘Summary Proposals for Reorganisation’, 1939
D/1/3 General correspondence and papers, 1947-48
D/2/1-3 General correspondence and administrative main files, 1952-2001
D/3/1 Correspondence of F. W. Gibbs, 1957-66
D/4/1 General correspondence of W. H. Brock, 1967-92
D/4/2 Correspondence of W. H. Brock as chairman, 1992-2005
E/1/1 List of original members, 1936-37
E/1/2 Subscriptions book containing list of members, 1937-38
E/1/3 List of members, 1947
E/1/4 Card lists of members of the society and subscribers to Ambix, 1952 [probably commenced in 1946]
E/1/5 List of members and subscribers, 1956
E/1/6 List of members, 1988
E/1/7 Card list of members and subscribers maintained by N. G. Coley
E/1/8 List of members, 2007
F/1/1 Early balance sheets for 1936-37 and 1937-38, and summary of accounts for 1938-45
F/1/2 Photocopies of balance sheets and pseudo-balance sheets submitted with Royal Society grant applications, (originals 1946-56)
F/1/3 Annual accounts and balance sheets for 1957-2000
F/2/1 Receipts, invoices, statements, and other financial papers, 1936-39
F/2/2 Treasurer’s correspondence and miscellaneous papers, of Denis Duveen and S. F. Mason, 1946-49
F/2/3 Letter from C. G. Jung, 1946
F/2/4 Treasurer’s correspondence and miscellaneous papers, of C. H. Josten, 1953
F/2/5 Treasurer’s correspondence and miscellaneous papers, of W. A. Smeaton, 1957-77
F/2/6 Treasurer’s correspondence and miscellaneous papers, mostly of N. G. Coley, 1977-89
F/2/7 Papers and correspondence from Heffers re the printing and distribution of Ambix, 1980-87
F/3/1 Account book of income and expenditure kept by Douglas McKie, 1936-40
F/3/2 Account book of income and expenditure kept by W. A. Smeaton, 1957-62
F/3/3 Petty cash book kept by W. A. Smeaton, 1957-78
F/3/4 Account book kept by N. G. Coley
F/4/1 Bank paying-in book, 1936-48
F/4/2 Bank statements for 1939-47
F/5/1-2 Two receipt books for membership subscriptions, 1936-39
F/5/3-4 Two receipt books for membership subscriptions, 1946-52
G/1/1 ‘Resolutions passed at Council Meetings held on 14/3/46 and 26/4/46’, re Ambix editorial procedures and rules, 1946
G/1/2 Spare duplicate editor’s reports
G/1/3 ‘Discussion Paper on the Future of Ambix’, by Brock, Homburg, Morris, and Roberts, 2000
G/2/1 [Number left free in case an earlier editorial file should turn up]
G/2/2 Correspondence and related papers of F. Sherwood Taylor re Ambix editorial matters, 1949-50
G/2/3 Correspondence of W. H. Brock re Ambix editorial matters, 1974-2000
G/3/1 Correspondence of W. H. Brock as reviews editor, 1988-99
G/4/1 Papers re production of the 1955 Ambix leaflet, 1954-55
G/5/1 Offprints of some early articles in Ambix, 1937-48
G/5/2 Printed leaflets for Ambix, 1962
G/5/3 Contents and index volume of Ambix (1937-2003), 2004
G/5/4 Volume of reprints from Ambix, 2004
H/1/1 Papers re the establishment of the Partington Prize, 1972-75
H/2/1-2 Partington Prize files, 1975-84 and 1987-99
J/1/1 Paper copies of e mails and draft pages re initial development of the web site, 1996-97
J/1/2 Paper copies of e mails re development and maintenance of the web site, 2001-03
J/2/1 The society’s newsletter Chemical Intelligence, 2009-10
K/1/1 W. A. Smeaton’s fiftieth anniversay account of the history of the society and its journal, 1987
K/1/2 W. H. Brock’s accounts of the history of the society and its journal, 2005-10
K/1/3 Other published accounts of or referring to the history of the society and its journal, 1998
K/2/1 Copies of obituaries and death notices in the first 50 vols of Ambix, (originals 1946-2002)
K/2/2 Obituaries and similar notices of Charles Singer and John Fulton, 1960
K/2/3 Obituaries of officers and leading members, 1996-2009
K/2/4 Biographical articles, 1987-2009
K/2/5 Biographical miscellanea, 1993-2007
K/4/1 Papers re the deposit of the archive in the Museum of the History of Science in 2007
K/4/2 Catalogues of the archive
X/1/1 Photocopies of articles and reports in external journals and newsletters
X/4/1 Liebig commemorative medal, 1978
X/4/2 Japanese model alembic, c.1980
[See also MSS Stapleton 241-243, 250; MSS Taylor 12, 26, 282-287, 293. Some recent additions are not yet included in the list]
MSS Stapleton
Manuscripts collected by Henry Ernest Stapleton (1878-1962), chemist, educational administrator, and historian, chiefly alchemical treatises in Arabic script, both antique manuscripts and modern copies, AD 1500-1956; and papers and correspondence of Stapleton himself, 1894-1961
Presented by Dr H. E. Stapleton in 1948, with additions, and by his Executors in 1962
summary list
1 Muhammad ibn Umail at-Tamimi, Al-ma’ al-waraqi wa’l-ard an-najmiya (The Silvery Water and the Starry Earth), dated 1089 [AD 1678], incorporating the same author’s qasida entitled Risalat ash-shams ila’l-hilal; Muhammad ibn Umail, Qasidat an-nuniya; anonymous, Mir’at al-‘aja’ib wa ghaya kull talib fi fann as-san‘a (antique manuscript)
2 Copy of a MS of Muhammad ibn Umail’s Al-ma’ al-waraqi wa’l-ard an-najmiya in the Arabic Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leningrad (St Petersburg), 1929 (photographic copy)
3 Copy of a MS of Muhammad ibn Umail’s Al-ma’ al-waraqi wa’l-ard an-najmiya in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, ?c.1926 (photographic copy)
4 Six treatises copied from original MSS in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad: ‘Abd al-’Aziz ibn Tammam al-’Iraqi, Risala, with a commentary; Aristatalis (Aristotle), Risala; Asfidus, Risala fi’l-hikma ila aflarus, addressed to Aflarus; Hurmus (Hermes), Risala; Muhammad ibn Umail at-Tamimi, Risala manzuma; anonymous, Risala tarkib al-miyak (modern transcription)
5 A MS bound with a printed pamphlet containing 2 treatises (printed at Bombay, 1314 [AD 1896/97]):(1) Ar-Razi, Kitab al-asrar (Book of Secrets), dated 1311 [AD 1893/94]; (2) Ar-Razi, Kitab as-sirr, in Persian; Husain Akhlati, Kitab matla’na-nayyirain, in Persian (semi-antique manuscript and a lithographically printed pamphlet)
6 Ar-Razi, Sirr al-asrar (semi-antique manuscript)
7 Ar-Razi, Kitab al-asrar, copied from an original MS in the Bibliotheca Senatoria, Leipzig, 1905 (modern transcription)
8 Ar-Razi, Kitab sirr al-asrar, copied from (?photostats of) an original MS in the Escorial Library, Madrid, 1905 (modern transcription)
9 Seven treatises copied from original MSS in the Rampur library: Ar-Razi, Al-madkhal at-ta’limi; Shah Razin, Risala; Ja‘far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq, Risala; Ja‘far an-Nassab al-Baghdadi, Risala; Ja‘far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq, Sifa ma’ al-baid; Abu ‘Abdallah al-Bakawi, San‘at al-hajar al-aswad; Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Malik as-Salihi al-Khwarizmi al-Kathi, Kitab ‘ain as-san‘a wa ‘awn as-sana‘a (modern transcription)
10 Three treatises copied from original MSS in the Rampur library: Zusmus (Zosimos), Kitab risamus al-hakim; unidentified compendium of extracts and prescriptions, including extracts from works by Jabir; Ar-Razi, Kitab ash-shawahid (modern transcription)
11 Three treatises copied from original MSS in the Khedivial Library, Cairo, 1909: Khalid ibn Yazid, Kitab fi ‘ilm al-hajar al-karim; Zusmus (Zosimos), Rasa’il fi as-san‘at al-alihiya; Zusmus, Mafatih as-san‘at al-hakim (modern transcription)
12 A majmu‘a (entitled on the spine ‘Majmoai Kimya’) containing about 18 distinct treatises, substantial extracts, or compilations in various hands, together with miscellaneous and unidentified material; the main items are: Ibrahim, notes and extracts dated 905 [AD 1499/1500]; As-Sarukhani, Risala daqa’iq al-mizan fi maqadir al-awzan, copied in 1136 [AD 1723/24]; extracts from or commentary on an alchemical work of Al-Ghazali; Aidamir ibn ‘Ali al-Jildaki, Mukhtasar al-burhan fi asrar ‘ilm al-mizan, copied in 1136 [AD 1723/24]; an anonymous Risala on alchemical balances and unions; Abu ‘Ali Sina (Ibn Sina), Risala fi al-hikmat al-mastura, written for As-Sahli; Jabir ibn Hayyan, Kitab al-wasiyya; Abdul Jabbar Al-Hamadani, Tazkirah, copied in 1089 [AD 1678]; Ibn Wahshiyyah, Kitab al-‘ishrin (antique manuscript)
13 Two printed pamphlets bound together and forming a single work containing 11 treatises of Jabir ibn Hayyan (printed at Bombay, n.d. [AD 1891]), together with a MS containing one of these treatises copied from another source, probably in Tehran, 1904: (1) Kitab al-bayan, Kitab al-hajar, Kitab an-nur, Kitab al-idah, Kitab al-ustuqus parts 1 and 2; (2) continuing from preceding: Kitab al-ustuqus part 3, Tafsir kitab al-ustuqus, Kitab at-tajrid, Kitab ar-rahmat as-saghir, Kitab al-malik; (3) the MS: Kitab al-ustuqus (two lithographically printed pamphlets and a modern transcription)
14 Jabir ibn Hayyan, Kitab ar-rahmat al-kabira, copied from an original MS, probably in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad (modern transcription)
15 Seven treatises copied from original MSS in the Khedivial Library, Cairo, 1908: Arsimun, Risala fi as-san‘at al-alihiya; Aghatadimun, Risalat al-hadar; Salim al-Harrani, Risala fi ‘ilm as-san‘at al-alihiya, but this is largely a treatise by Zosimos; Mariyah al-Qibtiyat al-Misriya, Risalat at-taj wa khilqat al-mawlud; Jabir ibn Hayyan, Kitab fi ‘ilm as-san‘at al-alihiya wa’l-hikmat al-falsafiya; Safidis, Risala fi’l-hikma; Mahraris, Risala (modern transcription)
16 Husain ibn ‘Ali ibn Isma‘il at-Tughra’i, Kitab mafatih al-hikma, copied from an original MS in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad (modern transcription)
17 Translations by Salih ibn Nasrallah al-Halabi [d.AD 1669] of two Latin works by Paracelsus and Oswald Crollius: Barakalsus, Kitab at-tibb al-jadid al-kimiya’i, re medicinal chemistry; Quruliyus, Al-kimiya basiliqa ya‘ni al-kimiya al-malikiya (his Basilica chymica …, 1609 etc); copied by ‘Abd al-Karim at-Tayyib an-Nassaba in 1267 [AD 1850/51] (semi-antique manuscript)
18 Extracts from a treatise of Ibn Wahshiyyah, Makhzan al-asrar fi ‘ilm as-san‘a, and other miscellaneous material (semi-antique manuscript)
19 Balinas (Apollonius), Kitab al-mudkhal al-kabir ila ‘ilm af‘al ar-ruhaniyat, copied from an original MS, probably in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad; it is a translation by Hunain ibn Ishaq of an introduction to Apollonius’s treatise on talismans (modern transcription)
20 Ahmad ibn Sa‘dallah, Ta‘widh al-hakim, an alchemical treatise purporting to be by the Egyptian King Al-Hakim, this version copied from an original MS in the Rampur majmu‘a (modern transcription)
21 A compendium of prescriptions, extracts, and transcriptions copied by Mir Beg in 1165 [AD 1751/52], in Arabic and Persian, including Muhammad ibn Ibrahim at-Tiflisi, Risala, and an anonymous Risala said to have been found in a pillar at Alexandria (antique manuscript)
22 Five treatises copied from original MSS in the Rampur majmu‘a, 1904: Ibn Sina, Risala for Al-Barqi, with modern editorial notes from another MS of the same treatise; Khalid ibn Yazid, Risala fi as-san‘at ash-sharifa; Khalid ibn Yazid, Risala; Jamas, Risala fi as-sirr al-maktum; Zusmus (Zosimos), Kitab risamus al-hakim (modern transcription)
23 Shanaq, Kitab fi as-simum wa’t-turyaq, copied from an original MS in the Khedivial Library, Cairo (modern transcription)
24 Muhammad Marqus Fakhruddin Rumi, Tambih at-talibin, copied from an original MS written in India and ‘found’ in Kariya, Calcutta in 1904 (modern transcription)
25 Sayyid Qasim, a Persian translation by Husain ibn ‘Ali al-Wa‘iz al-Kashifi of the Lubb-i-labab and the Liwa-al-albab, known collectively as Asrar-i-qasimi, principally re natural magic and cosmology (semi-antique manuscript)
26 Anonymous, Kimiya-i-tib, in Persian; copied by Muhammad Nabi Shirazi in 1237 [AD 1821/22] (semi-antique manuscript)
27 Anonymous, Risala-i-mumiya’i, in Persian, said to be a translation of the famous Dhakhir-i-Iskandari (Treasure-Book of Alexander) written for Alexander the Great by Aristotle (antique manuscript)
28 Hasan Zahid Gharib Kirmani, Miqlad al-kunuz, an abridgement of his longer work, Kitab miftah ar-rumuz (semi-antique manuscript)
29 Baraklus (Proclus), Kitab al-iksir fi sana‘at al-kimiya’i; ?anonymous, Al-wusul ila ‘ilm al-iksir, in Persian (printed at Bombay, 1331 [AD 1913]) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
30 Husain ibn ‘Ali at-Tughra’i, Mafatih as-san‘a wa masabih ar-rahma, in Persian (printed at Bombay, 1315 [AD 1897/98] (lithographically printed pamphlet)
31 Hajji Badi‘ ad-Din Muhammad Kushhali, Ma‘alim at-tajarab … dar san‘ati kimiya, in Persian (printed at Bombay, n.d.) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
32 Tanklushah al-Babili, Kunuz-i saba‘ dar ‘ihn-i iksir, in Persian (printed at Bombay, 1311 [AD 1893/94]) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
33 Jabir ibn Hayyan, Kitab al-muktasab, with commentary by Al-Jildaki, in Persian (printed at Bombay, 1307 [AD 1889/90]) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
34 [Aflatun (Plato)], Musahahat aflatun dar ‘ihn asrar huruf wa jafr wa nujum, in Arabic and Persian (printed at Bombay, 1312 [AD 1894/95]) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
35 Hurmus (Hermes), Thamrat al-funun [listed for completeness but not present when the collection came to the Museum]
36 ?Anonymous, Ad-durrat al-bayda’ fi-sana‘at al-yaqutat al-hamra’ fi-l-iksir (printed at Bombay, n.d.) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
37 Imam Sufyan ath-Thuri, Sharh kitab as-surur fi ‘ilm as-san‘at (printed at Bombay, n.d.) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
38 Abu’l-Qasim al-‘Iraqi [Hurmus], ‘Uyun al-haqa’iq (printed at Cairo, n.d.) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
39 Hurmus (Hermes), As-saba‘ kawakib as-sayara (printed at n.p., n.d.) (lithographically printed pamphlet)
40 Copy of the whole of Rampur MS No.17, a majmu‘a containing 20 distinct treatises or other works and compiled in the 13thC, the photostats 1956; together with an annotated offprint of Stapleton’s 1910 article describing this MS and listing its contents, which are: Jamas, Risala fi as-sirr al-maktum, dated 682 [AD 1283/84]; Khalid ibn Yazid, Fi as-san‘at ash-sharifah wa khawassiha; Khalid ibn Yazid, two ?extracts; Shah Razin, Risala; Ja‘far as-Sadiq (?or Ja‘far an-Nassab al-Baghdadi), Risala consisting of prescriptions and extracts; untitled Persian treatise consisting mainly of prescriptions; fragment containing two alchemical prescriptions; untitled Persian treatise containing prescriptions and accounts of alchemical operations; untitled compendium of extracts and prescriptions; Zusmus, Kitab risamus al-hakim, in 6 sections; Ar-Razi, Kitab ash-shawahid; King of the Greeks, chapter on sulphur; Ar-Razi, Kitab al-madkhal at-ta‘limi; Jamal ad-Din, a prescription for making gold from lead; anonymous, extract from Sirr al-maknun; Ibn Sina, Risala fi san‘at al-‘aliya, written for Al-Barqi; Persian extract containing three prescriptions; Ahmad ibn Sa‘dullah, Ta‘widh al-hakim, ascribed to Al-Hakim, King of Egypt; Ja‘far as-Sadiq, Sifa ma’ al-baid; Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Malik, ‘Ain as-san‘a wa ‘aun as-sana‘a (photographic copy)
41 Part of the Rutbat al-hakim (attributed to Al-Majriti), copied ?from an original MS in the Cairo library, with annotations, 1904; part of Stapleton’s translation of this text (modern transcription)
42 Unidentified work neatly copied from an original MS in the Hyderabad library (modern transcription)
43 First 2 pages of Abdul Jabbar Al-Hamadani, Tazkirah, copied from an original MS in the Hyderabad library, 1926 (modern transcription)
44 Arabic version of the Syriac text of the treatise of Mahraris, copied from the published version in Berthelot & Duval, vol II, 1893, pp.61-98 (incomplete) (modern transcription)
45 Edited text of Ar-Razi, Madkhal at-ta‘limi, with footnotes (modern transcription)
46 Edited text of Muhammad ibn Umail, Qasidat an-nuniyah, with annotations recording variations in the two Hyderabad MSS (where it is called Risala manzuma) (modern transcription)
47 Three texts of Ibn Sina’s Risala for As-Sahli: photostat of the MS in Stapleton’s majmu‘a; transcription of another MS [?Bankipore]; edited version with footnotes (photographic copy and modern transcriptions)
48 Unidentified qasida, acquired by Stapleton for its handwriting, written in the 18th/19thC (semi-antique manuscript)
49 Residual papers or fragments in Arabic script
50 Analyses of the Ma’ al-Waraqi, Risalat ash-Shams, and Qasidat an-Nuniyah of Muhammad ibn Umail, and of an anonymous work, the Miracat al-Ajaib, 1933 and earlier
51 Analysis of the Ma’ al-Waraqi of Ibn Umail, c.1933 and 1960
52 Papers re the Ma’ al-Waraqi of Ibn Umail, and re a Latin version of part of it, the Tabula Chimica of Senior Zadith, 1927-32
53 Correspondence and other papers re the Leningrad MS of the Ma’ al-Waraqi, mostly 1929
54 Translation of parts of the Ma’ al-Waraqi, and related notes, 1925-c.1933
55 Translated extracts from, and indexes of, the Ma’ al-Waraqi
56-58 Translated extracts from the Ma’ al-Waraqi, [c.1933]
59 Translated extracts from the Ma’ al-Waraqi, and article on “The Sayings of Hermes …”, 1949 and earlier
60 Miscellaneous notes and translated extracts re the Ma’ al-Waraqi
61 Analysis of Al-Jildaki’s commentary on the Risalat ash-Shams of Ibn Umail
62 Papers re the Miftah al-Hikmat al-’Uzma of Ibn Umail, and re a Latin version of it, the Clavis Sapientiae of Alphonso the Wise, 1935
63 Translation of the Shawahid of Ar-Razi, 1954 and earlier
64 Translated extracts from the Shawahid
65 Comparative analyses of MSS of the Kitab al-Asrar of Ar-Razi
66 Analyses of MSS of the Kitab al-Asrar and Sirr al-Asrar
67 Papers re the Kitab al-Asrar, and especially Ruska’s study of it, c.1937
68 Copy of a Latin version of the Kitab al-Asrar of Ar-Razi, the Liber Secretorum of Bubacar, [1904-05]
69 Material on Ar-Razi from secondary sources
70 Main file of material re Ibn Sina, and especially his two alchemical treatises for As-Sahli and Al-Barqi, [c.1903]-1961
71 Papers re Ibn Sina, and especially his treatise for As-Sahli, and a Latin version of it, the Epistola De Re Recta of Avicenna, [c.1905-c.1962]
72 Notes by B. B. Dutt on the chemistry of Ibn Sina’s treatise for Al-Barqi, [c.1925-30]
73 Notes on Aristotle’s influence on Ibn Sina, [c.1905]-1961
74 Translation of the Rutbat al-Hakim attributed to Maslama ibn Ahmad al-Majriti, translated by Ibrahim B. Qamar (6 vols), 1933-34
75 Correspondence with Ibrahim B. Qamar re his translation of the Rutbat al-Hakim, 1933-36
76 Analysis of the Rutbat al-Hakim, a page-by-page outline of contents, [?c.1908]
77 Analysis of the Rutbat al-Hakim, a selective analysis with translated passages
78-79 Translated extracts from the Rutbat al-Hakim
80 Translations of parts of the Ustuqus al-Us of Jabir ibn Hayyan, 1904
81 Analysis of At-Tughra’i’s commentary on the Kitab ar-Rahmah of Jabir ibn Hayyan, translation of part of Jabir’s Kitab al-Kharsini, and related correspondence with Turab ‘Ali, 1926-27
82 Notes from E. J. Holmyard’s edition of the Bombay lithographed collection of works by Jabir ibn Hayyan, [c.1928]
83 Lists derived from Paul Kraus’s edition of works by Jabir ibn Hayyan, [c.1935]
84 Translation of the account and bibliography of Jabir from the Fihrist, 1904
85 Paper on Khalid ibn Yazid by Stapleton and Hedayet Hosain, [1937] and later
86 Paper on Khalid ibn Yazid, [c.1936-37]
87 Pedigree of Khalid ibn Yazid, and chronological table of Arabian history, [c.1937-c.1950]
88 Translation and Arabic text of Al-Baladhuri’s account of Khalid ibn Yazid, c.1937
89 Papers re Khalid ibn Yazid, including analyses and translations of some of the texts ascribed to him, [c.1926]-1948
90 Main file of material re Khalid ibn Yazid, especially correspondence with J. W. Fück, biographical notes and translations, and translations of poems ascribed to Khalid, 1950-52 and earlier
91 Copy of two Latin works attributed to Hermes from a MS in Paris, [1904/05]
92 Material re the Latin MSS of the Tabula Smaragdina attributed to Hermes, 1934
93 Translations of the Arabic passages in Ruska’s book Tabula Smaragdina [published 1927]
94 Translations of Hermes quotations from Festugière’s book [published 1944]
95 Translation of the extract from Salim al-Harrani in Ar-Razi’s Shawahid
96 Translations of fragments of the works of Salim al-Harrani, [c.1948]
97 Paper on Salim al-Harrani and Harbi, 1925
98 Correspondence with Ibrahim B. Qamar re Shanaq, 1932-33
99 Notes on chemical operations in the Indian Charaka, and in alchemy generally, 1925-26
100 Description of the Musahahat Aflatun, an Arabic treatise on the beliefs of Plato, 1920
101 Notes on Asfidus or Safidus, mainly from At-Tughra’i
102 Translation of the treatise on the Black Stone by Al-Bakawi
103 Analysis of a MS containing the Makhzan al-Asrar of Ibn Wahshiyyah, 1920s
104 Translation and analysis of Arabic MSS of works by Zosimos, 1926 and 1948
105 Arabic incipits etc of the treatises in the Rampur majmu‘a, [c.1905]
106 Contents list of a sequence of MSS at Cairo, [before 1908]
107 Analyses of the treatises in the Cairo majmu‘a, and some translations, 1926
108 Analyses of the treatises in Stapleton’s majmu‘a, [c.1936 and c.1958]
109 Translations of the related treatises of Jamas, Agathodaimon, and Asfidus
110 Analyses of a group of Persian and Arabic treatises on alchemy, medicine, and magic, acquired for Stapleton by W. Ivanow in 1928
111 Papers reflecting Stapleton’s choice of projects in progress, especially re Hermes and Khalid, 1948 and earlier
112-113 Miscellaneous analyses, translations, and other papers
114 Copies of published items on the history of alchemy, especially re the Jabir debate of 1923-24
115 Notes and copies from secondary sources on the history of philosophy and religious ideas, especially as they relate to alchemy, 1920s
116 Miscellaneous copies from secondary sources
117 Translation of Wiedemann’s edition of the Haji Khalifa text (1922), and related papers
118 List of alchemists mentioned by Haji Khalifa, 1926 and earlier
119-120 Lists of alchemists and substances from Ruska’s edition of the Turba Philosophorum (1931)
121 Notes and correspondence re MSS at St Joseph’s College, Beirut, 1911 and 1925-26
122 Lists derived from Paul Kraus’s edition of works by Jabir (1935)
123 Translation from the German of part of Ruska’s book on Jafar as-Sadiq (1924)
124 Translation from the German of Ruska’s article on Ar-Razi (1924)
125-127 Translation from the German of Ruska’s Tabula Smaragdina (1926)
128 Translation from the German of Ruska’s article “Über das Fortleben …” (1927)
129 Translations from the German of Ruska’s articles on Ibn Umail (1934 and 1936)
130 Translation from the German of Eisler’s article on Babylonian chemical terminology (1926)
131 Translations from the German of two works by Scholem on the Kabbala (1928 and [?1932])
132 Translation from the German of Kraus’s article on Jabir (1931)
133 Notebook, chiefly containing translations from the Fihrist, analysis of the Rampur majmu‘a, and translation of Ibn Sina’s treatise for Al-Barqi, 1903-04
134 Notebook, chiefly containing translations from the Shifa of Ibn Sina, from the writings of Khalid ibn Yazid, and from the Rutbat al-Hakim, 1903-04 and later
135 Notebook, chiefly containing translation of part of the Mafatih al-‘Ulum of Al-Khuwarizmi, and translations of the Madkhal at-Ta’limi and the Shawahid of Ar-Razi, 1904-05
136 Notebook, containing R. F. Azo’s edited Arabic text of Ibn Sina’s treatise for As-Sahli, and translations of the treatises of Jamas, Asfidus, and Agathodaimon, [1903-05] and 1926
137 Notebook, chiefly containing translations from the Shifa of Ibn Sina and translation of the ‘Ain as-San‘a wa ‘Aun as-Sana‘a of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Malik, 1904-09
138 Earliest alchemical correspondence, 1903-05
139 Other early alchemical correspondence
140 Correspondence with Julius Ruska, 1923-34
141 Correspondence with E. J. Holmyard, 1923-34
142 Alchemical correspondence, 1925-26
143 Correspondence with Haraprasad Shastri, 1926
144 Miscellaneous alchemical correspondence, 1927-34
145 Correspondence with and re Bhudeb Mookerji, mostly 1928
146 Correspondence with J. W. Fück, 1933 and 1935-36
147 Correspondence with Paul Kraus, 1935 and 1937
148 Miscellaneous alchemical correspondence, 1935-38
149 Letter in Arabic from George Sarton, 1355 AH (AD 1936)
150 Correspondence with Julius Ruska and George Sarton, mostly 1937
151 List of the MSS acquired for Stapleton by W. Ivanow in 1928
152 List of lithographed booklets purchased by Stapleton from Molvi Mohammed bin Gulamrasul Surti’s Sons in 1936
153 List of Stapleton’s library as given to the Museum of the History of Science in 1947
154 Stapleton’s memorandum ‘Proposals for the Translation and Publication of Alchemical Texts in Arabic’, 1948
155 Description of a chemical operation by B. B. Dutt, 1928
156 Copy of Arabic passage re amulets
157 Three original drawings
158 File for residual alchemical notes and fragments
159 Papers re the preparation of Stapleton’s Amsterdam 1950 conference paper
160 Two pocket notebooks re alchemy, ancient philosophy, etc, 1950
161 Copy of letter from Ian R. F. Calder, 1950
162 Correspondence re publication of “The Antiquity of Alchemy” and of its abstract, 1950-53
163 Lists of Arabic alchemical MSS at Rampur, and related correspondence, latter 1932-36
164 Revised version of Din Muhammad’s Rampur catalogue, 1936
165 Short tabular version of Hurmuzullah’s Hyderabad catalogue
166-167 MS and TS of Hurmuzullah’s Hyderabad catalogue, [1930-31]
168-171 MS and TSS of Ghafoor Ahmad’s Hyderabad catalogue, 1936-38 and c.1947
172 Index to Ghafoor Ahmad’s Hyderabad catalogue
173 Lists of Arabic alchemical MSS at Hyderabad, 1930s and earlier
174 Correspondence with Ghafoor Ahmad, and related papers, 1935-39
175 Correspondence and other papers re the Hyderabad library, 1935-36
176 Later correspondence re the Hyderabad catalogue, 1949-50 and one item 1935
177 Later correspondence re the Hyderabad catalogue, 1950-51, and papers of Ghafoor Ahmad, [c.1935-39]
178 Correspondence with western historians re Arabic alchemical MSS in India, 1925 and 1933-36
179 Correspondence re Arabic alchemical MSS in various Indian libraries, and related papers, 1931-36
180 “Note on the Arabic MSS. on Alchemy in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad …”, 1931-32
181 Report on the MSS in the Rampur library by Hedayet Hosain, 1932
182 Report on the MSS in the Hyderabad library, 1935
183 “Further notes on the Arabic alchemical manuscripts in the libraries of India”, 1936
184 Lists of Arabic alchemical MSS in the British Museum
185 Lists of Arabic alchemical MSS in European libraries
186 Material re the Alaja Höyük standards, 1953-56
187 Paper on the Alaja Höyük standards, [1954]
188 Diagrams and posters used in presenting Stapleton’s Florence paper, 1956
189 Abstract of Stapleton’s Florence paper “The Hand (with its 5 Fingers) …”, 1958
190-191 Article on “Ancient and Modern Aspects of Pythagoreanism”, 1958-61
192 Correspondence re the preparation and publication of Stapleton’s Florence paper, 1953-59
193 Papers re revision and extension of the Florence/Osiris paper, and related research, 1953-58
194 Correspondence following the publication of “Ancient and Modern Aspects of Pythagoreanism”, 1959-61
195 Notes by H. C. V. Philpot and M. C. Green on magic squares, 1953
196 H. C. V. Philpot’s notebooks (9 items), 1954-c.1960
197 Notes by H. C. V. Philpot on the geometry of pyramids
198 Notes by H. C. V. Philpot, and related papers, 1959-60
199 Paper on Babylonian Pythagoreanism by Philpot and Stapleton, 1960-61
200-203 Notes by H. C. V. Philpot, and related papers, mostly 1957-61
204 Papers on magic squares and related matters, c.1950-53
205 Article “Probable Sources of the Numbers on which Jābirian Alchemy was Based”, 1952-53
206 Correspondence re Meso-American ziggurats, 1953
207 Paper on the Borsippa Ziggurat, [c.1953]
208 Paper on ‘The Origins of Pythagoreanism’, 1953-57
209 Notes and correspondence of M. C. Green, 1953-56
210 Copy of De la Fuÿe’s article on the pentagram (1930), and related notes, c.1955
211 Correspondence with Joseph Needham, and related papers, 1956-61
212 Paper on the right-angled triangle, [after 1956]
213 Correspondence with G. J. Whitrow, 1957-60
214 Stapleton’s ‘Primitive Hut’ paper, and correspondence with W. C. Brice, 1957-58
215 Correspondence re Egyptian metallurgy and the geometry of pyramids, 1959
216 Josef Peller papers, 1960 (originals 1923-58)
217-218 Pythagorean notes and correspondence, 1950-54
219 Four pocket notebooks, mostly containing notes on early geometry and mathematics, and on ancient history, 1952-53
220 Miscellaneous Pythagorean notes and correspondence, 1954-58
221 Miscellaneous Pythagorean notes, and Stapleton’s paper ‘The Importance of Symbolism …’, mostly c.1954-60
222 Residual Pythagorean notes and fragments
223 Papers re the London 1931 history of science conference
224 Papers re the London 1934 anthropological conference
225 Papers re the Copenhagen 1938 anthropological conference
226 Papers re the Lausanne 1947 history of science conference
227 Papers re the Brussels 1948 anthropological conference
228 Papers re the Amsterdam 1950 history of science conference
229 Papers re the Istanbul 1951 oriental conference
230 Papers re the Vienna 1952 anthropological conference
231 Papers re the Jerusalem 1953 history of science conference
232 Papers re the Cambridge 1954 oriental conference
233 Papers re the Florence 1956 history of science conference
234 Papers re the Moscow 1960 oriental conference
235 Papers re the Ithaca 1962 history of science conference, 1961 [Stapleton died before the conference]
236 Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1917
237 Papers re the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1930s
238 Papers re the Comité International d’Histoire des Sciences, 1929-34
239-240 Papers re the Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences, 1947-48 and 1954-61
241-243 Papers re the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early Chemistry, 1936-39, 1947-48, and 1956-59
244 Papers re the Chemical Society centenary celebrations, 1947
245 Papers re the British Society for the History of Science, 1947-56
246 Correspondence re the gift of Stapleton’s library on Islamic alchemy to the Museum of the History of Science, 1947-48
247 Correspondence with Geoffrey Lewis, 1948-51
248 Correspondence with F. Sherwood Taylor, 1949-50
249 Correspondence with C. H. Josten, 1951-58, and correspondence re the acquisition of photostats from Rampur
250 Correspondence with F. Sherwood Taylor, 1952-54
251-253 Bibliographical Commission (and related) correspondence, minutes, etc, 1948-61
254 Correspondence and other papers re Alfred Siggel and his catalogues, 1950-51
255 Correspondence and other papers re photostats of MSS in Turkish libraries, 1952-55
256 Correspondence with Martin Plessner, 1953-59
257 Correspondence and notes re atomic science and the possibilities of transmutation, 1947-50
258 Notes and printed material re atomic science, 1946-57
259 Jersey cow papers, mostly 1949-60
260 Article on the history of Jersey cattle, 1952-53
261 Letter upon the liberation of Jersey, 1945
262 General correspondence, 1947-51
263 Correspondence with J. W. Fück, 1949
264 Correspondence with R. J. Forbes, mainly re early history of alchemy, metallurgy, and distillation, 1949-54
265 Correspondence with Martin Plessner, 1949-51
266 Correspondence with H. J. Fleure and others re ancient history, archaeology, and anthropology, 1950-51
267 Correspondence with Joseph Needham and Homer H. Dubs on Chinese alchemy and ancient history, 1950-52
268 General correspondence, 1952-56
269 Correspondence with G. J. Whitrow, 1956-61
270 General correspondence, 1957-61
271 Correspondence with L. Fowden, 1959
272 Correspondence on the death of E. J. Holmyard, 1959
273-274 Scientific and English Mechanic cuttings books, 1894-95
275 Student notebook on practical physics and volumetric analysis, Oxford, [c.1897]
276-277 Two student notebooks on chemistry, Oxford, 1897-98
278 Published papers by Prafulla Chandra Ray and Siegfried Ruhemann, 1897-1903
279-280 Published papers by Ruhemann and Stapleton, 1899-1902
281 Publications of the Indian Science Congress, 1928
282 Reports and other papers of Visva-Bharati, 1925-27
283 Handbook to Aligarh Muslim University, 1931
284 Correspondence and other papers re Stapleton’s activities in Indian archaeology, history, and education, 1930s
285 Who’s Who entry, 1929
286-287 Miscellaneous financial papers, 1943-53
288 Papers re a family trust fund, 1959-60
289 Golden wedding speech, 1961
290 Letter re the Dokachi meteorites, 1907
291 Note of Stapleton’s first ‘Manuring & Cropping …’, [c.1922]
292 Papers re coin collecting and selling, 1943-44 and 1949
293 Graph recording Sheila’s lactations, 1950-53
294 Residual personal papers and fragments
295 Miscellaneous photographs
296 Miscellaneous printed ephemera, 1929-60
297 Miscellaneous cuttings from newspapers and periodicals, 1933-60
298 Offprints of some of Stapleton’s published papers
299 Some printed books of personal relevance
[Stapleton items of uncertain provenance are in MSS Museum 40, 120; Geoffrey Lewis’s correspondence with Stapleton is MS Museum 371]
MSS Taylor
Papers and correspondence of Frank Sherwood Taylor (1897-1956), chemist, historian, and museum curator, 1914-62. F. Sherwood Taylor was curator of the Museum of the History of Science (1940-50), and director of the Science Museum, London (1950-56)
Presented by Mr J. Sherwood-Taylor in 2007; initially deposited on loan by Mrs M. Sherwood Taylor in 1986
summary list
1 Two horoscopes of Taylor, in his own hand
2 School certificate, 1914
3 Letter to Taylor’s mother from Mervyn F. ?Voules, 1916
4 Taylor’s letters to his mother written during his war service and subsequent invalidity, 1917-18
5 Certificate of registration [for voting], 1918
6 Three Oxford University certificates, 1919-25
7 Small group of papers mainly re Major Cyril Taylor, 1929-32
8 Small group of papers re Seaton Frank Taylor, 1931-32
9 Bundle of correspondence and related papers re John Seaton Taylor, 1930-40
10 Printed literature re Lincoln’s Inn, 1932; letter from Frank Archer re Taylor’s shops, 1933
11 Miscellaneous business and financial papers, 1933-42
12 Scrapbook of newspaper and magazine cuttings re and by Taylor, 1935-39
13 Two book reviews (of books by Taylor), 1941 and 1948
14 Three printed pamphlets of societies he belonged to, 1944-48
15 Letter and financial accounts re Taylor’s shops, 1945
16 General and personal receipts, invoices, and other financial papers, 1948-50
17 Journal of Chemical Education containing biographical profile of Taylor by Ralph E. Oesper, 1950
18 Two membership certificates, 1950 and 1954
19 Newspaper cuttings re Taylor’s Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, 1952
20 Notes re Ampleforth College, 1952
21 Curriculum vitae, [1953-54]
22 Reviews of An Illustrated History of Science, 1955-56
23 Letter enclosing proof of a ‘Profile’ intended for publication in The Observer [not published because Taylor died], 1956
24 Obituaries of Taylor, 1956
25 Posthumous correspondence and papers, mainly re publishing, 1956-62
26 Miscellaneous posthumous printed items, 1956-60
27 Reviews of A History of Industrial Chemistry, 1957-58
28-29 Photographs of Taylor
30 ‘Newman Assoc. Correspondence’ and other material, 1944
31 ‘Chambers Encyclopaedia’, 1946
32 Letter and pamphlet re Sheffield University, 1946
33 ‘St Xavier’s College’, 1946-48
34 ‘Chymia’, 1946-49
35 Three loose items of correspondence, 1947
36 ‘Manley-Bendall. (Translation)’, 1947
37 Four loose items of correspondence, 1947-48
38 ‘St. Joseph’s College …’, 1947-48
39 ‘Pearn, Pollinger & Higham’, 1947-50
40 ‘Heinemann’, 1947-50
41 ‘Stapleton on Atomic Physics’, 1948
42 ‘Macdonald’, 1948-50
43 ‘Newman Association Publications Cee’, 1948-50
44 ‘Georgetown Correspondence’, 1950
45 ‘Crux’, 1950
46 Correspondence and other material re article for Research, 1950
47 Letters of congratulation upon appointment as Director of the Science Museum, 1950
48 ‘Papers for Visit to Royal Dublin Society …’, 1951
49 ‘P. R. Fontaney …’, 1951-52
50 ‘Nottingham …’, 1951-52
51 ‘Papers on proposed lecture to be given on William Higgins’ (by T. S. Wheeler), 1951-53
52 ‘Society for Freedom in Science’, 1951-55
53 ‘Friends of University College’, 1952
54 ‘Sheffield Visit …’, 1952-53
55 ‘Correspondence with Frederick Muller, Ltd. Publishers’, 1952-54
56 ‘Foyle’s Lecture Agency’, 1952-55
57 ‘Research’, 1953
58 ‘Hodder & Stoughton’, 1953
59 ‘Sheffield Visit’, 1953
60 ‘Papers for Newcastle …’, 1953
61 ‘Papers for Leeds … and York …’, 1953
62 ‘Scotland’, 1953-55
63 ‘Papers relating to Course of 6 Lectures … Oxford Institute of Education’, 1954
64 ‘Otterden Place’, 1954-55
65 ‘Times Educational Supplement. Galileo’, 1955
66 ‘Correspondence with Publishers, Agents etc.’, 1951-55
67 Large bundle of correspondence, mostly re lecture engagements, book reviews, broadcasts, and articles, 1951-55
68 Large bundle of correspondence, mostly re lecture engagements, 1952-55, including re participation in television programme Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?
69 Correspondence, mostly with publishers, 1952-55
70 Two letters on religious matters, [c.1954]
71 ‘Dr. F. Sherwood Taylor’s Private Papers, Etc.’, a posthumously assembled file of miscellaneous last letters, 1954-55
72 Letter from Gustav Scherz re Nicolaus Steno, and issue of his journal Stenoniana Catholica, 1955
73 Correspondence re An Illustrated History of Science and A History of Technology [edited by Singer and others], 1955
74 Drafts of the collaborative article ‘Double Salts and Anions Derived from Halides of Certain Metals’, [1937]
75 Course of lectures on inorganic chemistry, [1930s]
76 Correspondence and other material re revisions of The World of Science, 1948
77 Report for the revision of Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
78-80 Correspondence and related papers re ‘General Science for Catholic Schools’ [published as General Science for Girls and A Short General Science], especially from Sister Mary Cecilia [Oddie], 1947-55
81-83 Drafts and research materials for ‘Fuels & Power’ [published as Power To-day & To-morrow, 1954]
84 TS of Power To-day & To-morrow, [c.1954]
85 Index to ‘Fuels & Power’
86 Pulls of figures for same book
87 Corrections and comments re same book, [c.1954]
88 Draft and notes for projected book ‘New Trends in Science’, [1948]
89 Draft of ‘The Fine Structure of Things’, [?c.1948]
90 Proposal and outline of projected book ‘The Physical and Chemical World’, [1955]
91 Draft entries for ‘Odhams Encyclopaedia’
92 Lecture (or article) ‘Medicine and the Bomb’
93 Lecture (or article) ‘Man in the Year Two Thousand’
94 Notes on a Greek alchemical text, 1919 and later
95 Translation of ‘Letter of Synesius the Philosopher to Dioscorus on the book of Democritus …’ and notes on Greek alchemy, [1920s]
96 Lecture ‘Greek Alchemical Texts’
97 Offprint of “The Visions of Zosimos” [1937], with enclosed translation of alchemical letter from Philocosmos to Hyanthe
98 Offprints of “A Survey of Greek Alchemy”, 1930
99 Notes, drafts, and photostats re Stephanos of Alexandria, [1930s]
100 Translation of the first, second, and third lectures of Stephanos of Alexandria, and related papers, [c.1937]
101 Photographs of a Greek MS of works by Stephanos of Alexandria
102 Notes and drafts for article on the alchemical poem ‘The Argument of Morien and Merlin’, 1947
103 Notes and drafts on alchemical subjects, especially English alchemists, [1948]
104 Notes on alchemy from Ashmole MSS, [c.1946]
105 Photostats and transcriptions of alchemical poems
106 TS copies of alchemical poems by Thomas Vaughan
107 Analysis, and transcriptions of parts, of a printed book by Patrick Scot, The Tillage of Light
108 Photostats of three John Dastin MSS
109 Draft footnotes to article [“An Alchemical Work of Sir Isaac Newton”, published posthumously 1956]
110 Draft of The Alchemists [published USA 1949 and UK 1952]
111-112 TSS of The Alchemists, [c.1949]
113 Bibliography of The Alchemists
114 Notes and draft for article [“The Idea of the Quintessence”], with related letters, [1946-48]
115 Incomplete TS of same article
116 Two lectures on alchemy, and one on phlogiston
117 Four lectures ‘On the Development of the Principles of Chemistry’ (mostly classical and alchemical), with related notes
118 Notes from Roger Bacon and Albertus Magnus on alchemy
119 Material re alchemical words for the Mediaeval Latin Dictionary, 1946
120 Note on ‘spirit’ in the writings of St Thomas Aquinas; description [by H. E. Stapleton] of an Arabic MS of a work derived from Paracelsus
121 Photostats of part of a printed book on alchemy (etc) by John Joachim Becher, Magnalia Naturae … (1680)
122 Boxfile of articles, lectures, research notes, and some related correspondence, on history of alchemy, [early 1940s], including unfinished first draft of a general history [precursor of The Alchemists], letter from G. H[eym], and writings re Jung’s interpretation of alchemy
123 Large bundle (former boxfile) of articles, lectures, broadcasts, research notes, and some related correspondence and photographs, on history of alchemy, [mostly 1940s], including notes for dramatised ‘Broadcast on Alchemy’, and material re Stephanos of Alexandria
124 Lecture on ‘Galileo & the Freedom of Thought’, [1930s]
125 Notes and outline for projected new book on Galileo, [c.1953]
126 Outline for lecture or article on Galileo, [c.1955]
127 Photographs re Galileo, [c.1955]
128 Corrected proof of The Conquest of Bacteria, for 1945 edition
129 Revised organic formulae and index for new edition of The Conquest of Bacteria
130 Papers for revised editions of Science Past & Present, chiefly extensive additions, together with report by I. Bernard Cohen, latter 1947
131 Extracts from documents and classic works in the history of science and medicine, related to Science Past & Present
132-134 Drafts of A Century of British Chemistry, [published 1947]
135 Galley proofs of A Century of British Chemistry, 1947
136-137 Material re centenary of the Chemical Society, especially the exhibition and its catalogue, 1946-47
138-140 Drafts of projected book ‘A Century of Chemistry’, 1948 [unpublished; different from A Century of British Chemistry]
141 Miscellaneous notes, drafts, and other material re same book
142 Miscellaneous papers assembled in boxfile entitled ‘History of XIX Century Science / Notes’, including notes re ‘A Century of Chemistry’, and outline of projected general history of science from late 18thC onwards, [c.1948]
143-144 Notes re projected book ‘Scientific Thought of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’, including long lists of matters to be treated
145 Outline of same book
146 Two notebooks of research notes [for article “The Teaching of the Physical Sciences at the End of the 18th. Century” in The Philosophical Magazine Commemoration Number, published 1948]
147 TS of same article
148 Galley proof of same article
149 Drafts and texts, research notes, and correspondence re history of Oxford science and Museum of the History of Science, 1946-49, including ‘Memorandum on the Teaching of the History of Science in Universities’, and notes on history of the School of Natural Science
150 Notes, drafts, and correspondence re history of Oxford science from 1850 for projected book, 1949
151 Lecture ‘The Changing Relations of Science and Industry’ by M. P. Applebey, 1947
152-153 Photostats and other research materials and notes connected with the centenary of the School of Natural Science, Oxford, [1949-50]
154 Galley proof of article ‘The Teaching of Science at Oxford in the Nineteenth Century’ [published 1952]
155 TSS of article ‘An Early Orrery by Thomas Tompion and George Graham’, co-written with G. H. Gabb, and related papers, [1948]
156 Lecture on medieval scientific instruments
157 Offprints of article “Mediaeval Scientific Instruments”, 1950
158 Notes and correspondence re weird machines and instruments (e.g. perpetual motion machines) alleged in works of Fludd and others, 1949-50
159 Proof of letter to Nature on ‘Early Record of Temperature-control in Distillation’, co-written with C. H. Josten, [c.1950]
160 Picture captions and index for book [An Illustrated History of Science, published 1955]
161 TS of same book
162 Earlier TS of same book, and correspondence with A. R. Thomson re the illustrations, 1953
163 A. R. Thomson’s draft illustrations [for An Illustrated History of Science] and related notes and correspondence, [1954-55]
164-165 Lists of illustrations for same, [1953/54]
166 Twenty-three notebooks containing notes and drafts for A History of Industrial Chemistry [posthumously published 1957]
167 Notes on chemical medicines
168 Notes on 16thC cosmetics
169 Research notes on modern industrial chemistry, 1953
170 Book list re industrial chemistry
171 TS of A History of Industrial Chemistry
172-175 Various TS pages and sections of same
176 List of illustrations for same
177 Course(s) of lectures on ‘History & Method of Science in XVII Century’, given to military cadets in wartime, [early 1940s]
178 Course of lectures on ‘Scientific Method in the XVII Century’, [early 1940s]
179-180 Course of lectures on ‘History of Science & Social History in XIX cent’ alias ‘Science & Human Affairs in XIX Century’
181 Ten notebooks and small group of loose papers containing notes and drafts for course of lectures and projected book on 13thC science
182 Record cards bearing references to passages in works by [Roger] Bacon and Al[bertus Magnus]
183-184 Outlines of projected book ‘Physical World of XIII Century Christendom’
185 TS headed ‘Induction & Verification & Falsification in Physics’, re approaches to physical evidence in the 13thC
186 Course of 24 lectures on the history of science (general), given to military cadets in wartime, and related correspondence, [early 1940s]
187 Course of 6 lectures on the history of biology, [c.1950]
188 Course of lectures on the history of astronomy
189 Drafts of Man’s Conquest of Nature, 1947
190 Notes analysing John Evelyn’s two chemical MSS, and draft of article about them [published 1952]
191 Drafts of articles on Albertus Magnus, and related papers, 1950
192 Notes and drafts for lectures ‘The Attitude of the Schoolmen to Observational Science’ and ‘The Experimental Method in the Middle Ages’, [1944]
193 Lecture to the Newcomen Society ‘Some Metallurgical Processes of the Early Sixteenth Century (1530)’, and related papers and correspondence re the book Voarchadumia by Pantheo, 1954
194 Outline, notes, and draft for ‘The Theory of Metals in the Thirteenth Century’, [c.1952]
195 Drafts of lecture (or broadcast) ‘Inventions That Have Changed Men’s Lives’
196 Speech delivered at opening of Ramsay Centenary Exhibition, Science Museum, 1952
197 Broadcast ‘The Founding of the Chemical Industry’, 1945
198 Script for the summary version of his Royal Institution Christmas Lectures performed for television, 1953
199 Broadcast ‘Scientific Developments of the Early Nineteenth Century’, [1950]
200 Papers re the unfavourable review of An Illustrated History of Science by A. and N. L. Clow, 1955-56
201 Galley proof of Chapter 13 [of A History of Technology], ‘Prescientific Industrial Chemistry’, co-written with Charles Singer, 1955
202 Photostat of book review “The Letters of Nicolaus Steno”
203 Large bundle (former boxfile) of drafts and texts of articles, lectures, broadcasts, and some other writings on history of science, also some related notes and correspondence, 1940-50
204 Large bundle (former boxfile) of notes, drafts, and texts of articles, lectures, broadcasts, and some other writings on history of science, also some related correspondence, 1945-49
205 Notes, drafts, and texts of book reviews, broadcasts, and some other writings, [c.1946-47], including radio script of debate on miracles with J. R. Baker, and MS [not in Taylor’s hand] on Leibniz
206 Large bundle of drafts and texts of lectures and articles, mainly academic lectures given while Director of the Science Museum, 1951-55
207 Bundle mostly of radio broadcasts on history of science, 1952-53, together with television script [of Royal Institution Christmas Lectures]
208 Bundle of TSS, proofs, and some drafts of articles, lectures, and other writings, mainly book reviews and speeches at gallery openings etc, with some related printed items and correspondence, 1950-55
209 Miscellaneous drafts, notes, and fragments re various history of science writings and research topics, [1940s]
210-211 Drafts for projected book on religion and its relation to science [which evolved into The Fourfold Vision, 1945, and other works], with section of biographies of saints [unpublished]
212 Drafts and proofs of Two Ways of Life [published 1947]; ‘Notes on Natural & Human Law’ from St Thomas [Aquinas] and Suarez, and other ?related material, [c.1943-44]
213 Introduction and first two chapters of projected book ‘The Place of Science and Religion’ [version of The Fourfold Vision, 1945]
214 Part draft of ‘Men & Things’, a work on scientific and religious philosophies and perceptions, including discussion of alchemy
215 Course of 6 lectures on ‘The Relations of Religion and Science’, [1953]
216 Course of lectures (3 present) on ‘Modern Science and Faith’
217 Course of 3 lectures on science and religion etc; notes and draft for lecture ‘The Substitution of Science for Religion’ [published 1950]
218 Lecture ‘The Scientists [sic] Approach to the Church’; notes for review of book by E. F. Caldin; notes for lecture at Shrewsbury on the nature and philosophy of science
219 Lecture ‘Science and the Catholic Church’
220 Lecture ‘The History of Science in Relation to Religion’, [1954]
221 Notes, outlines, and drafts for lecture(s) on ‘Nature & Limitations of Science’, with related correspondence, and for a book [parts of Concerning Science, published 1949], 1949-50
222 Notes and draft ‘The Scientific View’, with related letter, 1946
223 Lecture ‘Science & Creation’; notes for different lecture with similar title
224 Lecture or article on the nature and limitations of science
225 Outline and draft (incomplete) for lecture ‘The Scope of the Natural Sciences’
226 Notes and drafts for lecture(s) or article(s) containing headings ‘Science and Pleasures’ and ‘Trespassers on Science’
227 Two versions of article (or lecture) ‘Science, Truth & Ethics’
228 Two versions of lecture ‘Science & Belief’
229 Draft and text of broadcast ‘The Influence of Science on Religion’ (draft title), 1947
230 Lecture ‘The Catholic Scientist’
231 Lecture ‘Some Moral Problems Raised by Science’
232 TS ‘Science Materialism and Free-Will’ [not lecture]
233 Two issues of the Catholic Herald containing Taylor’s article “Catholics and Public Life …” and a response, 1949
234 Mutilated offprint of “On the Excellence of Things”, 1946
235 Boxfile of drafts and texts of articles, lectures, and broadcasts, with some proofs, printed items, notes, and correspondence, on science in general, 1937-47, including various war-related lectures and articles, TS of ‘Double Salts and Anions Derived from Halides of Certain Metals’, 1937, and examination papers for Taylor’s history of science courses, 1945
236 Bundle of drafts and texts of lectures and some other writings, with some related notes and correspondence, on science and religion, 1952-55
237 Boxfile of drafts and texts of articles, lectures, and some other writings, with some proofs, notes, and correspondence, on religion and science, 1943-50, including ‘The Eucharist Considered Apart from Substance’, proposals for a Catholic university, 1943, and lecture ‘Evolution and Religion’
238-239 Notes on the theology and philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas, [1940s]
240 Notes on the theology and philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas, 1943, together with notes on alchemists
241 Notes re Cornoldi’s views on Aquinas’s science
242 Carbon copy of letter and enclosure from Taylor to Beatrice White, re Aquinas, 1943
243 Drafts of article ‘A Hymne of Paradise’
244 Galley proofs of article “A Hymne of Paradise”
245 Photographs, and TS of poem, re same article
246 Issue of Westminster Cathedral Chronicle containing article “The Confessions of Saint Augustine”, 1945
247 Translation of part of the Soliloquies of St Augustine
248 Material for translation of The Seven Steps of the Ladder of Spiritual Love by Jan van Ruysbroeck, including correspondence, 1942-43
249 Galley proofs of translation of The Soul’s Betrothal-Gift by Hugh of St Victor, 1944
250 Unfinished translation of Book of the Spiritual Exercises of the Threefold Way … by John Michael de Coutances, with photostats, [1940s]
251 Lecture ‘Christian Responsibility’, [1950/51]
252 Two versions of article (or lecture) ‘The Catholic Layman and his Responsibilities’ [published 1948]
253 TS of ‘Love’s Philosophy’, a small book presenting a personal philosophy of secular love [unpublished]
254 Drafts of ‘Sophia’, an unfinished novel set in the 17thC, [?early 1940s]
255 Drafts of lecture ‘The University and Education’
256 Discussion document ‘Proposal for a Catholic Institute of Learning’, [1943/44]
257 Discussion document (or article) ‘A Catholic University’, [1950s]
258 Discussion document ‘Memorandum on the Teaching of the History of Science in Universities’, 1946
259 ‘Report on the State of the Old Ashmolean Building and the Work Required in Order to Fit it for Use as a Museum and Centre for the Teaching of the History of Science’, [c.1946]
260 Minutes of Museum of the History of Science committee meeting, 1948, and ‘Report on Lectures given in the History and Method of Science’ during 1947-48
261 Lecture on use of history of science in science teaching, 1948
262 Notes for lecture on Science Museum, [1950s]
263 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly re alchemy
264 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly re English alchemists
265 Mixed-subject notebook, including transcription of an Ashmole MS, and draft of letter answering criticisms of his views on science and religion
266 Mixed-subject notebook, including notes and draft for lecture on Leonardo, and notes re projected book on 20thC science
267 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly drafts of various scientific and history of science writings
268 Mixed-subject notebook, including notes re projected book [‘Scientific Thought of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’], and re the metallurgical book Voarchadumia by Pantheo
269 Mixed-subject notebook, including draft of article on Museum of the History of Science
270 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly re lectures
271 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly re Victorian geology, for broadcast
272 Mixed-subject notebook, mainly notes (for book review) from Butterfield’s Origins of Modern Science
273 Miscellaneous notes re science and history of science
274 Notes on recent developments in medicine and astronomy
275 Miscellaneous notes and fragments, mainly re science and history of science, including glossary of ‘Mediaeval Technical Words’, A-H only
276 Miscellaneous TS fragments, mainly re history of science
277 Outline of projected book on history of medicine by A. H. T. Robb-Smith, [1948 or after]
278 Papers by others on science and Catholicism, 1940-41
279 Matriculation certificate of Thomas Patrick Sherlock, 1942
280 Proofs of preliminaries and introduction to A. C. Crombie, Augustine to Galileo, 1952
281 Miscellaneous photographs re research or writing projects
282 Letters between Taylor and Douglas McKie re Ambix editorial matters, 1938 and 1949
283 Letter from V. A. Petrow, 1946
284-285 TSS of articles for Ambix by Lippmann, Duveen, and Shirley, [for 1948-49 issues]
286 Proof of complete issue of Ambix , 1950
287 Printed leaflet advertising Ambix, [1954]
288 Pamphlets by or partly by Taylor, 1945-50
289 Periodicals containing articles by Taylor, 1937-55
290-291 Offprints of articles by Taylor, 1937-56
292 Common Ground publication with “General Introduction” by Taylor, 1950
293 Three offprints of articles in Ambix prepared for the press by Taylor after their authors’ deaths, 1948
294 Pamphlets by others belonging to Taylor, 1942-51
295 Two periodicals belonging to Taylor, 1947 and 1953
296-298 Offprints of articles by friends and colleagues, 1926-54
299 Group of official publications re scientific research in industry, 1947-48
300 Group of Common Ground teaching notes and related literature, 1948-49
[Other material of Sherwood Taylor: MSS Museum 104, 300; he also figures prominently in MSS Museum Archive and MSS SHAC]
MSS thesis
Theses and other formal dissertations
Acquisition details vary, usually presented by their authors (continuing)
summary list
[Listed in alphabetical order of author]
ASAKAWA, Tasia, ‘Electricity and Electrical Instruments in Eighteenth-century England: The Making and Unmaking of a Leading Electrician, Sir William Watson Sr. (1715-1787)’, Oxford MSc 2004
ATTWOOD, Thomas Vincent, ‘Uranium Isotope Separation in the U.K. during World War II’, Liverpool PhD 2004
BAKER, Alexi, ‘’A New Visible World’: Microscopical Correspondence of the Royal Society, 1666-1705’, Oxford MSc 2004
BASAK, Polly Anna, ‘Globes and their Makers in Eighteenth Century London’, Oxford MSc 2005
BELLAMY, Edward James, ‘The Longitude Problem in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of William Whiston’, Oxford MSc 1997
BERRY, David A., ‘Collecting at Oxford: A History of the University’s Museums, Gardens, and Libraries’, Oxford DPhil 2004
BERTUCCI, Paola, ‘’Electricity render’d useful’: medical electricity in England in the later eighteenth century’, Oxford MSc 1997
BOND, Derek A., ‘On the Effects of Instrumentation upon Nineteenth Century Chemistry’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1978
BOWLES, Geoffrey, ‘The Place of Newtonian Explanation in English Popular Thought, 1687-1727’, Oxford DPhil 1977
BOXER, Alexander, ‘How Newtonian were Eighteenth Century Demonstrations of ‘Newtonian’ Mechanics?’, Oxford MSc 2002
BROOKES, Carol, ‘Experimental Chemistry in Oxford 1648-c.1700: Its Techniques, Theories and Personnel’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1985
BRUNDTLAND, Terje, ‘Technical Problems with Early Air-Pumps: Experiments and Apparatus in Pneumatics 1700-1750’, Oxford MSc 1998
BRUTON, Elizabeth Mary, ‘Marconi Wireless Telegraphy in the British Army During World War One’, Oxford MSc 2005
CALDER, I. R. F., ‘John Dee studied as an English Neoplatonist’, 2 vols, London PhD 1952 [MS Museum 301]
CAMPBELL, Heather Suzanne, ‘Art of the Astrolabe’, American University in Cairo MA 2004
CHAKRABARTI, Samidh, ‘Transacting Philosophy: A History of Peer Review in Scientific Journals’, Oxford MSc 2004
CHAPMAN, Allan, ‘Dividing the Circle: The Development of Techniques of Precision Angular Measurements in Instrument Making, and their Relationship to the Practice of Astronomy, 1500-1800’, Oxford DPhil 1978 [MS Museum 303]
CROWTHER, Barbara A., ‘A Study of the Phenomenon of the Sundial’, ?York BA, 1998
D’AUBYN, Matthew J., ‘The History of The Dyson Perrins Laboratory 1955-1978: The Era of Sir Ewart Jones’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II), 2001
DAVIES, Owain, ‘The Scientific Career of James Smithson’, Oxford MSc 1998
DAVIES, Owain, ‘The Chrysotype – An investigation into a nineteenth century photographic process’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1997
DEIMAN, Johannus Cornelis, ‘Microscope Optics and J. J. Lister’s Influence on the Development of the Achromatic Objective, 1750-1850’, London PhD 1991
DOWNING, Gillian, ‘Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis of Water Supplies Through the Nineteenth Century’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1980
EDWARDS, Charlotte Elizabeth, ‘Michael Butterfield and his Dials’, Oxford MSc 2005
FREIBURGER, Dana A., ‘18th Century Surveying Instruments of John Thompson’, Oxford MSc 1998
FREMONTIER, Camille, ‘A Catalogue of Mathematical Instruments Cases and Related Instruments from the Landau Collection in the Louvre’, Oxford MSc 1997
GERBIG, Samantha Scripps Booth van, ‘The Wonder and Romance of Science: the Popular Science Writing of Charles R. Gibson (1870-1931)’, Oxford MSc 2003
GLOBUS, Samuel, ‘The Polymerase Chain Reaction: Invention and the Birth of Biotechnology’, Oxford MSc 2004
HANSON, J. F. ‘The History of Anaesthetics’, Westminster College (near Oxford) 1960 [MS Museum 260]
HELPS, R. L., ‘Some Reflections on the Contribution of Islam to European Science’, University of Exeter Department of Education 1964 [MS Museum 302]
HERBST, Klaus-Dieter, ‘Zur Entwicklung des Meridiankreises 1700-1850 unter Berücksichtigung des Wechselverhältnisses zwischen Astronomie, Astro-Technik und Technik’, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena doctoral 1990
HIGGINS, Kathleen, ‘The Development of the Sun-Dial Between A.D. 1400 and 1800’, Oxford BSc 1953 [MS Museum 224]
HIGTON, Hester Katharine, ‘Elias Allen and the Role of Instruments in Shaping the Mathematical Culture of Seventeenth-Century England’, Cambridge PhD 1996
HORSFALL, Jane S. M., ‘The Importance of Metals in the Development of the Machine Tool Industry 1785-1830’, Oxford BA (Metallurgy Part II) 1978
HOWARD, Jennifer, ‘A Victorian Woman’s Experiments in Botanical Illustration: A Historical Bibliographical Approach to Anna Atkins’ Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions’, London MA dissertation 2011
HUMPHRIES, Ann E., ‘A History of the College Laboratories in Oxford’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1970
HUTCHINS, Roger, ‘Professor John Phillips at Oxford, 1853-74; Catalyst for the University Observatory’, Oxford BA (Modern History) & Jane Willis Kirkaldy Prize essay 1992
JENKYN-JONES, Bruce, ‘Some Chemical Aspects of the Colours and Tones of Nineteenth Century Photographs’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1988
KINSLEY, Shaw, ‘Willughby’s Fishes: A Publishing Venture of the Early Royal Society’, Oxford MSc 1999
LALANDE, Thierry, ‘The Philosophical Table of King George III: Instruments and Practices of the Diffusion of the New Mechanics’, Oxford MSc 1998
LANCASTER, Rebecca, ‘The Mechanics and the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London’, Oxford MSc 1998
LARSEN, Paul, ‘Scientific Accounts of a Vanishing Lake: Janez Valvasor, Lake Cerknica and the New Philosophy’, Oxford MSc (Economic & Social History) 2003
LEANEY, Enda, ‘The Museum of Irish Industry 1845-1867’, Oxford MSc 1998
MANASEK, Francis J., ‘Selenography in Victorian England: Amateur Astronomers Map Our Nearest Neighbor’, Oxford MSc 1999
MELICONI, Ilaria, ‘The Spectroscope and the Social Construction of Technology’, Oxford MSc 1997
MILLER, Nigel Ian, ‘Chemistry for Gentlemen: Charles Daubeny and the Role of a Chemical Education at Oxford 1800-1867’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1986
MILNE, Denys G. ‘Tiny’, ‘Sir Robert Moray FRS: First President of the Royal Society of London 1660’, Oxford MSc 1999
MORRIS, P. J. T., ‘The Education of British Chemists in the Eighteenth Century’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1978
PARSONS III, Robert Thad, ‘The Collection and Exhibition of Post-World War Two Science and Technology: the Festival of Britain, 1951’, Oxford MSc 2005
PERRIN, Lynn, ‘Henry Clifton Sorby and the Beginnings of Microscopical Metallography’, Oxford BA (Metallurgy Part II) 1976
PETROU, Georgia, ‘Philosophical and Scientific Textbooks in the Greek Speaking Regions from 1750 to 1821: The Example of Two Greek Translations’, London PhD 2003
RATCLIFF, Jessica, ‘Samuel Morland, Inventor: calculation and career in the seventeenth century’, Oxford MSc 2001
RUIZ CASTELL, Pedro, ‘Astronomy and its Audiences: Robert Ball as a popular author and lecturer’, Oxford MSc 2002
SAFER, Michelle, ‘The Scientific Iconography of Medals in the Museum of the History of Science’s Collection: Prize Medals from London Scientific Societies’, Oxford MSc 2001
SANDERSON, Jeremy Brittain, ‘A study of two diatom test-objects used to evaluate the performance of the light microscope’, City & Guilds/Royal Microscopical Society 1990
SARSON, Elizabeth A., ‘On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century’, Oxford BSc 1973
SCHEINFELDT, Tom, ‘Instrumental, Practical and Constructivist Historiography: Some Implications for Museums’, Oxford MSc 1999
SHARP, Lindsay Gerard, ‘Sir William Petty and Some Aspects of Seventeenth Century Natural Philosophy’, Oxford DPhil 1976
SHEPPARD, Eleanor, ‘Marketing Mathematics: Georg Hartmann and Albrecht Durer, a Comparison’, Oxford MSc 2003
SILLS, Jonathan, ‘Technology and Culture in Flux: The Case of the Transistor Radio’, Oxford MSc 1997
SIMON, Josep, ‘Adolphe Ganot (1804-1887) and his Textbooks of Physics’, Oxford MSc 2004
SMITH, Thomas W. M., ‘The Balliol-Trinity College Laboratories’, Oxford BA (Chemistry Part II) 1979
SNOBELEN, Stephen David, ‘Selling Experiment: Public Experimental Lecturing in London, 1705-1728’, University of Victoria Master’s 1995
TAPDRUP, Jan, ‘Textbooks in Transition: Disciplinary and Taxonomic Developments in Examples of Late 18th Century Natural Philosophy’, Oxford MSc 1998
TAYLOR, F. Sherwood, ‘Greek Alchemy’, 2 vols, London PhD 1931 [MS Museum 300]
TURNER, Jane, ‘An Examination of the Engraved Lettering on English Mathematical Instruments 1550-1800’, Reading BA 1982
VLAMINCKX, Bart, ‘Virtual Observing: The use of graphic material in the early Royal Society’, Oxford MSc 2001
WALTERS, Alice Nell, ‘Tools of Enlightenment: The material culture of science in eighteenth-century England’, University of California at Berkeley PhD 1992
[Certain other thesis-like texts, such as prize essays, will be found in MSS Museum]
MSS Underhill
Papers of Henry Michael John Underhill (1855-1920), grocer, naturalist, and illustrator, chiefly entomological and natural history notebooks, sketchbooks, and drawings, 1869-91
Presented by Miss M. Underhill in 1926 and 1935
summary list
1 Notebook containing notes and microscope and other drawings of spiders and insects, and hydra, 1869-77
2 Notebook containing notes and microscope drawings re mites, 1877-78, a series of microscope drawings or paintings of polyps, 1884, and ‘Notes on Japanese Art’, including printed lecture notices, 1890
3 Biological and microscopical sketchbook, including spiders and insects, especially eyes, also hydra and polyps, 1884-88
4 Microscope drawings and reproductions (duplicated, printed, and photographed), artwork for illustrations, and some photomicrographs, of spiders, insects, and polyps, 1887-88
5-6 Two pocket notebooks ‘Records of Captures’, mostly of insects and spiders, 1872-75 and 1875-78 (revived in 1888 and 1891)
7 Natural history diary containing meteorological, botanical, zoological, and general notes, 1871
8-10 Three biological and microscopical sketchbooks, including polyps (especially floscularia), hydra, flies, spiders, lichens, and fungus, 1885-89
11 Mounted coloured drawing of polyps (probably floscularia), 1884
[Other material from this provenance: MSS Museum 61 (part), 185; photographic and hand-painted lantern slides]
MS University College
Single volume from University College, Oxford, consisting of scientific lecture notes taken by Sir William Scott, later Baron Stowell (1745-1836), lawyer and politician
Deposited on loan by the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford, in 1933
summary list
1 Notes from lectures on chemistry, mineralogy, and geology, taken by William Scott when a student or young don at Oxford, [1760s/70s, from the lectures of either John Parsons or John Smith]
MSS University Observatory
Archives and other papers of the University Observatory, Oxford (founded 1875), 1873-1932; together with some external manuscripts collected by the Observatory, 1774-c.1900
Transferred from the Department of Astrophysics (formerly the University Observatory), Oxford, at various dates, 1920s-1990
summary list
1 Inventory of books, smaller instruments, and other items in the Observatory after the death of Charles Pritchard (1808-1893), compiled by F. A. Bellamy, 1893
2 Plans and architects’ drawings, 1873-1928, including drawings of the unbuilt first proposal, 1873, together with some engineering drawings re instruments, and earlier engravings of De la Rue’s telescope
3-4 Financial accounts, 1875-93
5 Fourteen notebooks of sunspot observations by an American astronomer, 1860-70
6 Sir William Herschel, ‘Experiments on the construction of Specula. Vol 1’, the original first volume of his daily record, 1778-90
7 Catalogue of the Savilian Library, listing books in the Bodleian Library, 1906 (MS copy of an 1821 original)
8 Annotated and expanded proof copy of Charles Pritchard, Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis, 1885, with numerous MS and other insertions, many of them letters to Pritchard, 1885-86
9 Proof copy of Charles Pritchard’s lecture on lunar theory, c.1890
10 Portfolio of spectrographs by George Higgs, as published, with additional MS notes, 1893-96
11 Two boxfiles of observations or computations, early 20thC
12 Reductions of Thomas Hornsby’s observations at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford (1774-98), reduced by Knox-Shaw, Jackson, and Robinson in 1925-32 [and published 1932]
13 Old papers extracted from the preceding, 18thC – c.1900, including sheet of solar observations, 1774, and letter from J[esse] Ramsden to Hornsby re a barometer, 1780
14 Empty photograph album for ‘cabinet’ format portraits, formerly belonging to H. H. Turner, c.1894
[Other material from this provenance: MSS Museum 39, 117, 156; MS Gunther Archive, F. A. Bellamy Documents; prints and photographs. Other material relating to H. H. Turner: MS Museum 85. Some hitherto uncatalogued items and recent additions are not yet included in the list]