Olivia Holder is a second-year DPhil candidate in History of Art at the University of Oxford.
Her doctoral project, Ceramics and Resistance: Artistic Assertions of Black Caribbean Identity from the Seventeenth Century to Now, explores Afro-Caribbeans use of Chinese and European ceramics to assert identity and self-narration across the centuries.
She has an MPhil from Oxford in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology, an MA from Peking University in China Studies: Art History, and a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in History with minors in Comparative Literature and Chinese.
Olivia came to Oxford as a Marshall Scholar, and she was supported by the Yenching Scholarship while in China. She has had experience curating in the US and China. Her recent museum project was her involvement establishing the display at the Ashmolean Museum, Counterpoint, which explored colonialism and representation.
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