COVID: Stories from a Segregated Society
Do You Feel Forgotten?

Curator's Tour

Dr Tina Eyre, curator of COVID: Stories from a Segregated Society
Is the pandemic over?
For most people, perhaps.
But many of us are still living with its after-effects.
Our pandemic experiences varied from community to community because reliable information was much harder for some of us to access.
But COVID-19 also showed the positive impact communities can have on public health and wellbeing.
From oximeters and MRI to Community Memories and doffing sheds, Stories from a Segregated Society shares how communities came together through COVID — and why researchers at Oxford University and around the world are working to understand the long-term impacts of the virus.
Join me to discover the stories of courage, ingenuity and hope behind the headlines
Ketai's Story
Ketai is one of more than half a million people in the UK still living with the impact of COVID.
COVID came for all of us, like a thief in the night, unannounced.
Do You Feel Forgotten?
Forgotten Lives UK campaigns for support and research to protect those still vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.
I had to stay at home and felt guilty because of the impact on the family.
Fighting Isolation
We know being part of a community has a positive impact on health and well-being.
Where you see a mask and restriction, I see Freedom.
Speaking Up
People with diabetes are twice as likely to suffer serious infections or die from COVID-19.
I was often struck by the ways people with diabetes have been affected by this pandemic.
In It Together
We know that volunteering, being creative and giving back to society all improve our sense of well-being.
I started to offer free charcoal portraits to NHS staff.
Gaining Trust
Community leaders can be an integral partners in improving access to care.
Engaging with faith-based organizations [is] an underutilized way to promote health education.
Pitching In
Intensive care teams used "doffing sheds" to remove personal protective equipment.
To keep everyone's spirits up, [medical students] scralled light-hearted graffiti on the walls.
Community Memories
We asked people what helped and cheered them up during the pandemic.
When either of us was ill, the humour was always there.
Interview with Mark and Katie Oakley
You join me with my daughter Katie who's been alongside me on this crazy journey to try and improve the lives of people who are immunocompromised.